Leila's End

"Okay, Ma'am."  The flight attendant said as she took the note and walked away. Then she returned with a tray and served the wine to Leila, while discreetly passing the kitchen knife she wanted, over to her.

Leila took the glass of wine and the knife. But she was more interested in the sharp Kitchen knife, so she kept the wine glass aside and held the knife in her hand.

The flight attendant left her side immediately. She didn't know why Leila needed a knife, but she knew things would be ugly soon, so she hurried away.

Leila let out a dangerous smile as she caressed the knife 🔪. Glancing towards the scar-faced man, she said to herself, 'Just sleep, because you wouldn't even know how you died.'

With that, she stood up and walked towards the scar-faced man in fluid steps. Before the man could open his eyes to take a look at the light that passed through his sight, he felt a stabbing pain in his chest area, so he held that area and Browned in pain.