Chen Lihua gets a puppy for Chynna to help ease her loneliness

As the two women busied themselves in the kitchen, they chatted about fun things.

Not long, the food was ready. Chen Lihua dished the food and Chynna served it with some a table of water per Chen Lihua's instruction.

"Mmmm... so yummy!." Chynna said after taking the first bite from the food.

"Of course it's yummy, I cooked it." Chen Lihua retorted with a smile.

"I like this. You really have to come to my house more often to cook for me." Chynna said as she sent another spoonful of food into her mouth.

"Do I look like a chef to you? You should ask me how many times I cook in my house. You should be lucky I came to make your lunch." Chen Lihua said as she put some food in her mouth.

"I know you love me the most, so you will cook delicious food for me," Chynna said with a smile.

"I like your confidence. Now, please eat your food obediently and stop talking." Chen Lihua said to her.