Do you feel proud of yourself?

When their drink order came, someone noticed that when Lihua only ordered a bottle of water, so she rendered that she was pregnant and mentioned it.

"Ah! Lihua, seeing you drink only a bottle of water, I remembered you were pregnant, congratulations!!!." 

And with that, the good-hearted ones started sending out their congratulatory messages.

Chen Lihua thanked them and resumed drinking her water until one of them asked, 

"Lihua, why don't you let us see your son, I'm sure he is as good-looking as you and Mr. Liu." 

"Sorry, but I don't have plans to reveal his face any time soon. I would prefer to keep it that way." Chen Lihua replied.

"Oh, what a pity!." One of them exclaimed. The others sighed disappointedly.

But one of the young men in the room was good enough to ask Chen Lihua to at least show them the picture of her son, and she agreed.