Liu Longwei phones Zie Yu

"According to the transaction details, your ex-girlfriend Zie Yu, paid a huge sum of money to have your wife kidnapped." Mr. X revealed.

Liu Longwei was very surprised with his news because Zie Yu was the last person on his mind.

"It looks like you are still shocked by this revelation. Check your mail, I have sent the video clip, and the transaction details to you." Mr. X said.

At last, Liu Longwei found his voice.

"I want you to bring down the organization that dared to get involved with my affairs. Do it in a maximum of an hour." Liu Longwei instructed before ending the call and phoning the police after sending the evidence of the culprit to them.

After that, Liu Longwei called Mr. Zie on phone.

"Mr. Zie, your daughter had the guts to adopt my wife a few hours ago, and I just want to tell you to get ready to lose everything you labored for."