It's all my fault

Liu Longwei sent Chen Lihua to a private hospital. And immediately they arrived, She was sent to the theater.

Liu Longwei stood outside the theater with a worried look on his face.

After a few minutes, Chen Lihua's doctor came out of the theater to talk to Liu Longwei.

"Doctor, how is my wife?." Liu Longwei asked as he quickly approached the doctor with Anne.

"Your wife is in a critical condition, and I need your permission to perform an abortion." The doctor said in a regretful tone.

Liu Longwei felt his world came crashing down at a lightning speed. He still couldn't believe the child he was expecting with all the happiness he had, wasn't going to step foot into the world.

"Mr. Lu?." The doctor called out.

"Doctor, is there no way for the child to be saved?." Liu Longwei asked after he found his voice.