I hope you like mine!

That same day, Chen Lihua was transferred back to the house belonging to her and Liu Longwei. She was in the same bedroom she stayed to give birth to Taio.

The next time Chen Lihua woke up, she didn't cry, she only kept muttering for her child while staring into space. 

Seeing his beloved wife in that condition, brought tears to Liu Longwei's eyes for the first time. He didn't even know he was crying until his mother came to his side and patted his shoulder in tears too.

Just like the doctor said, Chen Lihua had slipped into depression. She couldn't come to terms with the fact that her child was gone.

Liu Longwei kept blaming himself and arranged a psychologist to see Chen Lihua. The members of the Chen and the Liu families came to see Chen Lihua at home.

Chen Lihua's grandparents heard the news and were deeply pained. They wanted to visit, but Chen Lihua's father stopped them from visiting, because of her current state.