Recovery party with friends

Chen Lihua's looks changed, and she was looking more like a boss lady now. And because she exercised a lot and followed her diet plans, her body had returned to a normal state.

She could still pass for an unmarried teenage girl. Her skin was fairer and softer. She looked more beautiful than ever, and you can say that she was well taken care of.

Before Chen Lihua left for China, Chynna organized a farewell party for her, and her friends in the foreign countries were invited.

Jennifer, Caro, Kendall, GiGi, and Angel traveled to the party. Krishi Singh couldn't make it because she was heavily pregnant and wasn't allowed to embark on a long-distance journey, but she joined in the celebration, visually.

With the doctors gone, the house was fully decorated for the recovery party Chynna threw for Chen Lihua.

Currently, a song by Beyonce 'Halo' was playing, while the girls sat and laughed over a drink.