Taio meets his mother and refuses...

Chen Lihua was touched by his words and almost shed tears. She looked into his eyes as she caressed his face and said, "I'm not going anywhere again."

Liu Longwei still found it difficult that Chen Lihua was back, and was sitting next to him. Chen Lihua saw his lonely gaze and felt sad inside.

She has never seen her husband that way before. She let go of his face and placed his hand on her face.

"You can touch me and see for yourself that I'm real." Chen Lihua said softly.

Liu Longwei left his hand on her face and gazed into her eyes, then slowly, his gaze moved to her brows, nose, lips, and jaw.

Before he could look further, He felt Chen Lihua's hands on his face, and before he could reason properly, her lips covered his in a warm kiss.

Chen Lihua kissed him gently for a few seconds before releasing his lips.

"Do you believe me now?." She asked as she stared at him with a misty gaze.