Tending his wounds

Two years ago, A Country.

Sera was at her friend's birthday party, after wishing her friend and partying for a while.

Sera started missing her family, her birthday was the next day. She missed her grandmother's homemade cookies, her mother's hand pulled noodles, her father's hugs and her brother's teasing.

After sitting in a daze reminiscing sweet memories of her childhood Sera decided to bid her friend farewell and went to the children's park in the neighborhood.

Sera was sitting on the swing, lost in her thoughts when she heard a loud bang. She looked around searching the source of the sound.

Shortly a group of men dressed in all black ran in one direction with guns in their hands. Shocked by the sight Sera became pale and her eyes widened.

Thinking back to the sound she heard it was loud and sounded like a gun shot.

Scared Sera found no strength in her legs as her knees became weak. Mustering courage Sera got up from the swing and slowly walked towards the exit. Just as she was about to step out a large hand came from the back of the tree near the exit of the park.

Startled Sera was about to shout when the hand covered her mouth to stop her. Wide eyed Sera stared at the man in front of her.

The man was dressed in black, an oversized black coat and a scarf covering half of his face. His forehead and sides were covered by his long locks of hair.

Sera stared at the man's light brown eyes. The man's eyebrows were scrunched together, forming a slight frown on his face. It looked like he was in pain.

Sera stood routed on the ground.

Dressed in a large wind breaker, warm clothes and boots Sera felt cold sweat on her back and forehead. She cursed herself inwardly for walking out of the fun party and landing herself in such a grave situation.

While Sera was looking lost the man glanced at her, seeing that she possessed no weapons and was scared stiff he decided to let her go.

The man slowly pulled his hand away from Sera's mouth and turned around.

After the man let her go, Sera couldn't find the strength to walk so she crouched down near the tree on the other side and sat simply in silence.

Sensing a presence the man slightly peeked out only to see Sera whose face was hidden.

While Sera was gathering strength to escape safely she heard the man moan in pain. Shaken by the sudden groans of pain Sera turned and saw the man's shoulder was covered in blood and there was deep wound from where blood was flowing.

The man had taken off his coat and was in a black collared shirt whose sleeves were drenched in blood.

Shocked by the turn of events Sera decided to help the man irrespective of his status and work, Sera was aware that he was not a simple man.

Mustering courage Sera took off her Scarf around her neck and inched closer to the man whose eyes were closed.

Taking his hand in her hands Sera tried to tear the sleeve of his shirt. Stunned by the sudden intrusion the man opened his eyes but couldn't find any words to say as he was in immense pain. Also the girl looked harmless to him, so he decided to lay still.

Sera tore off her scarf in half and tied it to the man's wound to stop bleeding.

After checking up on his wound, Sera ran as fast as she can to the nearest pharmacy and brought meds and disinfectants to clean and apply on his wounds.

Though there was a lot of blood loss the wound was not so deep. The cause of the bleeding was due to harsh movements of the arm.

Sera hurriedly came back and went to his side. The whole time Sera was tending to his wounds the man was motionless less his eyes were closed but occasionally he would grunt in pain.

Sera carefully cleaned his wound and tied bandages. After everything was done Sera took the man's palm in her hand and placed a painkiller in his hands.

The man opened his eyes and stared at his hand. Sera was looking at the man's hand, his wrist had a beautifully carved fallen angel tattoo with L in caps.

Awestruck by the tattoo Sera stared at it, trying to memorize it. After snapping out of her daze Sera closed his palm grabbed the bag of meds and placed it near his laps, took a water bottle from inside it and placed it near his hand and ran away.

The man looked at petite figure running like a scared bunny with mirth in his eyes. He took the opened water bottle, took a sip and swallowed the painkiller.

Sera was lost in her thoughts when a white Cadillac stopped in front of her.