Retail Therapy

While Sera was in the washroom Ethan was feeling conflicted about his actions, He was behaving quite differently today from his usual self.

Lucifer would probably tease him if he knew about this, feeling a stifling feeling in his chest he drank some wine to calm himself.

Thinking about Lucifer his thoughts went back to Mia, he stared at table at the left side corner of the restaurant, near the glass window sat three friends laughing and eating hotpot, teasing and bickering.

Ethan was reminiscing about his past when his phone started ringing spoiling the moment, glancing at the caller id Ethan smile on his lips faded and he answered the phone.

"Hello, Yes grandmother. I'm at the restaurant, Yes she's here, Okay, Okay I understand. See you", Ethan retracted his gaze from the phone screen and looked in the direction where Sera had gone.

Sera came back to her seat, Ethan looked at her and retracted his gaze away from her face.

He did see her at the banquet but it was just a fleeting glance, Today was the first time he was looking at her face properly.

When she walked from the corridor, he couldn't take his eyes off her. Dressed in a modest emerald green dress she looked so calm and serene. Elegance was oozing from her face and her posture, She looked like a princess.

As it was getting late Sera decided to get back and they both exchanged numbers, promising to work hard and keep in touch.

When Sera went ahead to hail a cab Ethan was looking at her back with a stunned expression, later he called her number.

Sera was trying to get a cab when her phone rang, without glancing at the screen she answered the call when a deep voice rang in her ears

"Miss.Lu let me send you back it's quite late", without waiting for her Ethan hung up. Perplexed Sera looked at Ethan's car approaching her and smiled, she walked to his car pulled the car door and sat inside.

Ethan dropped Sera and went back home, he was tired and feeling sleepy after drinking some wine.

When he was just about to sleep, Sophia Lee walked in. Seeing his grandmother Ethan sat up straight and waited for her to speak.

"Darling, I know you're hurt. But that doesn't mean you don't have the right to live your life happily", Ethan knew where this talk was going so he got up from the bed.

"Grandmother, this grandson understands. Please give me some time. I promise I won't disappoint you", sighing Sophia could only nod her head and walked out.

After Sophia left the room Ethan went towards the balcony and stared at the moon shining brightly through the clouds. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply and said in an almost whisper, "Mia, I'm sorry.."

Next morning Sera woke up early and had breakfast, while walking around the garden she received a call from Ethan. The two didn't spoke from yesterday's dinner date and Sera was puzzled to see him calling her.


"Hello, Miss.Lu Ethan here"

"Ah! Yes Mr.Lee Is something the matter?", she asked slowly.

"Nothing in particular. I wanted to invite you to the upcoming charity gala and wanted to discuss somethings over lunch", listening to the reluctance in her voice Ethan chuckled feeling amused.

"Oh! Okay, please let me know I'll be there"

"Uh it's no problem I'll pick you up. Tomorrow at noon, See you Miss Lu", he hung up on Sera.

Looking at her phone Sera had an odd expression, "Why does he hang up on me every time?"

While Sera was bewildered by Ethan's behavior Su Yin saw her staring at her phone with an odd look.

Worried about her friend Su Yin decided to cheer her up, thinking that she might be having a hard time adjusting here.

"Hey, What's up with you? Are you trying to bore a hole through your phone?", laughed Su Yin.

"Uh! No, Why are you here again? I don't have any dinner date today!", Sera humored her friend.

"Huh! How mean, You don't like me here? Fine I'll just go from here", saying that Su Yin turned around when Sera grabbed her hand and started tickling her sides. Laughing hard Su Yin apologized for her jokes and told about her plans for the day.

Su Yin decided that retail therapy worked best when it comes to stress relief.

Su Yin took Sera out for shopping using the upcoming charity gala as an excuse.

Su Yin told Sera that she wanted to look dazzling in the upcoming charity gala.

Actually Su Yin was genuinely excited for the gala as it will be her first gala with Sera.

Sera has been here for only few months and she wasn't aware about all these things, Su Yin felt it was her responsibility to teach Sera.