First Official Date!

Lucifer led Sera inside his house, they ascended the stairs leading to the rooftop.

Sera's eyes lit up after seeing the view ahead, the rooftop was brightly lit with tiny fairy lights resembling the stars twinkling in the dark night sky.

Sera gasped, her hand left Lucifer's grasp and she covered her mouth. Lucifer satisfied with her reaction looked at her shocked expressions.

The rooftop was a large garden filled with beautifully bloomed flowers, there was a comfortable swing in the centre with a coffee table with candles lit on it.

The path leading the swing was lit with candles of different shapes and sizes, It looked beautiful, almost magical.

Lucifer went ahead and embraced her from behind, whispering into her ears,

"Did you like it?", his voice was low sending shivers to her spine, she took a deep breath and prepared herself.

Sera turned around to face him and kissed his cheeks. She was obviously elated seeing his surprise.

"I love it", she beamed at him and hugging his shoulders.

"Let's go, I don't want to starve you on our first official date", Lucifer smirked.

"But where?", Sera asked confusedly.

"Do you want to eat here? The coffee table is quite small and the swing is unstable to sit and eat...", he trailed of thinking about his words.

"Shit!!", he exclaimed loudly making Sera laugh at his expression.

"How did I not think about this!", he screamed in his head.

"It's okay, Let's go downstairs we'll spend our time later here. It's too beautiful to ignore your efforts ", She tugged at his arm, Lucifer helplessly followed her.

"It's such a disaster, our first date", Lucifer muttered under his breath.

The dining table was also beautifully decorated with candles lights, champagne roses adorned the tube vase in the center of the table.

The food was all cooked by Lucifer himself it wasn't grand but enough for them, for the occasion.

Pan seared scallops, Lemon Garlic Pasta with white wine and Chocolate mousse for dessert.

Sera stared wide eyed at the table and then at the man, It looked fancy but she was sure it was cooked by the man himself, with his own hands.

"Wow, It looks delicious", Sera beamed feigning surprise.

"Which restaurant did you order this from?", Sera spoke without letting Lucifer speak anything.

"Let's order the food from this restaurant next time as well", Lucifer crinkled his nose listening to her.

"Hmm.. Let's go there to have lunch tomorrow?", Sera stifled her laughter seeing his angry face.

"Why not invite the chef over? I bet he'd love to cook for you...", Lucifer paused before speaking again, "..For the rest of your life!", he raised his eyebrows smirking devilishly.

Sera choked listening to his words, he hurriedly handed her a glass of water. She looked at him confused, soon realizing she had been tricked by him successfully.

Sera scowled at Lucifer, seeing him eat nonchalantly without even glancing at her.

She poked her fork hard at the pasta in her plate making a clang.

"Is the taste not to your liking?", he asked softly.

"No, I.. nothing", she sighed defeatedly.

"You know you're too easy to fool", he smirked.

"I.. I don't understand anything", she wished to bury herself in a hole, looking at his smug expression.

The pair ate in silence with Sera looking embarrassedly at Lucifer, while Lucifer was enjoying her attention.

After the dinner Lucifer and Sera went back to the rooftop, they sat on the swing snuggling close.

Gazing at the stars blinking in the dark sky with a crescendo shining brightly, It was magical.

Sera could swear that this was the best day of her life, she thoroughly enjoyed Lucifer's attention, his care and efforts to make this date memorable for her, for them.

"Tell me something, did you really do all this yourself?", Sera raised her brows and analysed him.

"Ah.. That! I cooked for you, but all these was done by Adrian...", he trailed off seeing her expression but soon found his voice.

"ON MY INSTRUCTIONS", he firmly enunciated each word for her to hear.

Sera giggled at his scared expression and pinched his cheeks playfully,

"How cute! Thank you for doing this for me", Sera spoke.

"For us", he continued after her and hugged her tightening his hold on her waist.