Restless Hearts

It's been four days since Sera last met Lucifer, there was not a single call or message from the man since the night of their official first date.

Where as Ethan has been messaging and calling Sera from the time of his return. Sera on the other hand is avoiding the man like plague.

Sera cannot face Ethan, not now after knowing that he's the suitor for her alleged arranged marriage.

Sera's heart has been restless ever since she's known that Ethan might become her husband anytime soon.

She might be forced to see the end of the tunnel, living a comfortable life feigning happiness while her heart might be bleeding.

The thought of it scares Sera so much that she refuses to acknowledge the truth, avoiding every possible way of contact betweenthem.

Sera is well aware of her desires and longing for Lucifer. Her heart yearns for the man like never before, It makes her go crazy thinking about the effects he has on her.

Even her heart has a perfect connection with him, it goes berserk with him around, beating crazily making her feel like she's dreaming instead of living, rather flying freely in his embrace.

Sera isn't ignorant, she knows the consequences of listening to her heart. The heart which can make her life turn upside down, the heart which will probably make her life in danger.

The same heart which is currently scaring her, avoiding to acknowledge Ethan's existence in her life.

Lucifer is a dangerous man, he is someone Sera can never dream of touching. Sera never believed in fairytales but with Lucifer around everything seems so magical, she now wants to live her life like a fairytale.

Sera knows that she cannot test Lucifer's patience, he is a man with a story, a story which is deep embedded in his bones making him today who he is.

A dangerous man like him cannot be played with, his life is already in danger with many bad wolves trying to tear him apart with any chance they could get.

While Sera was pondering hard and long about her life her phone buzzed,


A puzzled Sera clicked open the text message on her phone,

"I'm busy, cannot meet you or see you. Let's have our next date very soon - PRIVATE NUMBER"

Sera jolted awake from her daydreaming after seeing the message, She smiled sweetly but her heart was in a mess.

"He is busy? Can't meet me? Is he in danger?"

Lu Jinan, the young master of Lu household, albeit trained from a very young age to tackle all kinds of dangerous situations couldn't forget that one fateful night embedded in his brain, like a broken disc.

The vivid image of the lady in black dressed sexily with a charming face shooting bullets and killing men with great accuracy had baffled Jinan, making him worship the goddess.

He was so impressed that it scared the wits out of him. The girl is not to trifled with, she can kill anyone without battling an eyelid.

Jinan has continuously been haunted by the beauty from the night before, his thoughts a complete mess.

Every time Jinan closes his eyes he could only see the daredevil beauty holding a glossy gun, pointing towards his forehead with a fierce expression on her charming face.

The same image every day makes his hair stand on his nearly hairless toned body.

While Jinan is fighting himself from thinking about Maya, Ethan is also distressed thinking about Sera.

The girl has been avoiding him lately, he had sensed something amiss but didn't pursue the matter.

But his heart has been restless since then, She had continuously rejected his goodwill to have lunch or eat dinner with her.

Lucifer was on a flight to Z City with Adrian and his trusted men.

Lucifer's eyes were flickering with murderous intent, his lips pressed together in a thin line.

Adrian was sitting near him, he could sense the murderous aura emitted by the devil, he understands the devil, his concerns and life decisions.

"Yang Deming", the only name on Lucifer's mind right now.

The man has destroyed everything, today, 5 years ago and even before Lucifer was born. This monster has always hurt the people in Lucifer's life, his loved ones.

The hate Lucifer has borne for this monster is something which can never be extinguished. It can only grow with time, until the man dies a horrible death in Lucifer's hands.