
Su Yin had by now lost her consciousness completely and was asleep in Adrian's arms. He placed her inside his car and drove away.

After reaching their hotel Adrian carried Su Yin to her room and placed her on the bed. He sat near the edge of the bed and peered at the sleeping beauty.

Adrian noticed that her face was flushed red in the brightly lit room. He extended his hand to touch her forehead which was burning hot, flustered Adrian called the hotel reception and asked for medical assistance and doctor.

Soon a man dressed in white coat with a small briefcase entered the room. After checking Su Yin he made his diagnosis and prescribed some medications and IV drip.

"Doctor what's wrong with her?", Adrian asked in almost a whisper.

"Mr Adrian, She's suffering from drug induced fever. She was most likely drugged but it was not a very dangerous one. I have already injected the medication in the IV drip, she'll be fine by tomorrow morning"

Adrian was shocked by the doctor's revelation, he simply nodded his head mechanically and closed the door.

After processing the doctor's words Adrian gritted his teeth in anger, his nails dugging his palms fiercely. He took out his cellphone and called someone.

"Yinyin, I'm sorry...", he trailed off with sadness in his blue eyes. Adrian bent slightly and kissed Su Yin on her forehead.

Adrian spent the night watching over Su Yin in her room. He sat in the small cramped stool like chair in the room, looking after Su Yin, holding her hand all night long.

His eyes were drooping, he was actually sleep deprived, working diligently to find An Shiming and his despicable men.

Adrian was working hard from past 3 days pulling all nighters. He had only managed to sleep the day he saw Su Yin at the airport, for some 3 hours before his men found An Shiming's whereabouts.

Adrian got up from the chair, his legs were numb sitting in the cramped space. He went inside the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face and wiped his face dry.

Adrian came out and touched Su Yin's forehead to check her temperature. It had got down and her complexion was also better now.

He looked deeply at her small face and sighed. Then stroked her cheeks softly. After the IV drip was finished he called the nurse.

The nurse was a middle aged woman who had a amicable personality and was very experienced. She carefully removed the needle from Su Yin's hand, while doing so she saw Adrian flinch and smiled.

The nurse asked Adrian to wait outside so that she can wipe her body and change her clothes which were soaking with sweat. Adrian nodded his head and walked out.

After nearly 15 minutes the nurse knocked on the door and Adrian entered, he looked tired and sleep deprived with evident eye bags.

The nurse smiled looking at his disheveled appearance, the day had yet to break and the man was looking so haggard despite his handsome appearance.

It was currently 4AM in the morning, the nurse looked at Su Yin then at Adrian and spoke gently,

"She's fine now. You look very tired, If you don't sleep how will you take care of her? You'll fall sick like this", after speaking the nurse went out.

Adrian looked at his face in the mirror on the dressing table and smiled awkwardly. He was looking nothing like his handsome suave self. Instead he looked extremely tired, his hair were messed up, shirt full of creases making him look disheveled.

Adrian shot a glance at Su Yin and smiled, then walked out to his own room.

Adrian took a soothing bath and plopped on his bed. His thoughts wandering to Su Yin and doctor's words.

"She was drugged? Who dared to touch her?", Adrian was gritting his teeth when his phone buzzed.

He cast a look at his phone before answering, his whole demeanor changing.


"Hmm.. Okay"

"You know what to do", After speaking Adrian threw his phone on the bed and dozed off.

Su Yin woke up feeling tired, her head dizzy and throat dry. She opened her eyes slowly and was in a hazy state of mind.

She sat up on her bed slowly and looked around, Adrian had poured her a glass of water and kept on her bedside.

Su Yin drank the glass of water and slowly got out of the bed.Her hand was stinging lightly, she looked at her hand and saw light red mark, probably a needle prick.

Slowly all the memorie came flooding to her, Su Yin shuddered at the thought of last night's events.