Delicate Nose!

Sera and Ethan went to a nearby restaurant to have lunch, after which they'll be heading to see a location for the art gallery.

"This location is not in the heart of the city, It's near an old abandoned factory. I don't think it'll be suitable but let's just have a look", Ethan spoke slicing his steak.

"Okay, I don't mind. Anyway I was thinking to see a couple of different locations to choose from", Sera replied.

"Hmm, I have a meeting in 5. I'll take you there after my meeting, If you're not busy can you wait for me?", Ethan wanted to spend time with Sera to discern his feelings, but he had an urgent meeting that he forgot about.

"Sure, I'll wait for you", Sera had no problem anyway she was free at home and could stay here working on her laptop.

Su Yin was feeling distracted after thinking about last night's events, She braced herself and breathed deeply pushing back all the anxiousness and smiled brightly. She will never go back to her wretched self again!

Lucifer's mood was uplifted after talking to Sera and he missed her badly. So Lucifer decided to get back to Sera, and be by her side.

Lucifer called Adrian to inform him that he was leaving for B City tonight. And he wouldn't be able to attend the banquet. Adrian was astonished, he really couldn't understand what his boss was thinking!

Adrian wanted to join Lucifer but the latter told him to stay put so as to not arouse any suspicion. Lucifer surreptitiously left for B City leaving Adrian behind to gauge the situation and keep an eye on their nemesis.

After their lunch Ethan and Sera came back to his office, Ethan had an important meeting so Sera had to wait for him in his cabin. Ethan assured her that she can sit inside his cabin without any distractions and work.

Like any small business start-up, you'll need a business plan, Sera was busy setting up her business plan and other possible goals.

To open an art gallery you will need certain things at the beginning:

1 Potential art collectors if it is a commercial gallery

2 A stable of artists

3 Passion for both art and business

4 A consistent vision of your brand

5 A gallery site in a prime location

6 Enough capital to cover a few months operating costs

Sera had her initial capital ready, Maya and Xav could get her unique and exquisite artifacts, Ethan will introduce her to perfect location and she can even showcase her own paintings. Sera was ecstatic looking at the progress of her dream art gallery.

Ethan had assured Sera that he will introduce her to art collectors who are his good friends as well as artists, and help build her network.

After the location is decided and the place is renovated accordingly, Sera then has to recruit the staff for the gallery. Sera was feeling excited thinking about all these, a beautiful smile crept up her plump lips making them look tempting.

Ethan who had entered the cabin stood rooted to the ground upon seeing Sera look so enchanting, sitting in his office completely defenseless and looking so tempting.

While Ethan stood near the door in a daze assistant Chen dashed inside and bumped into Ethan startling both Ethan and Sera.

"Bo..Boss", Assistant Chen almost cried without tears.

Assistant Chen stood rubbing his red nose which was close to bleeding, Ethan's taut muscles had hit Chen's delicate nose making him wince in pain.

Ethan glared at Chen for interrupting him and ruining his moment, nevertheless he still had to visit the location for art gallery with Sera.

So Ethan strode in ignoring assistant Chen and grabbed his car keys from the table and left with Sera.

Assistant Chen could only curse Ethan in his head and wrap up his work to leave for the day.

While assistant Chen was crying without tears and cursing Ethan, Adrian on the other hand was enjoying his time in Z City.

Adrian's boss, Lucifer left him alone and went back to B City. Adrian had all the time in the world to enjoy himself, Yang Deming also didn't create any troubles for them so Adrian was a lot more relaxed.

Adrian arrived at the banquet hall dressed in a calming dark blue suit jacket in contrast to his blue eyes, making him look magical like a painting had come to life.

Everyone present at the banquet were awestruck by his drop dead gorgeousness.

The girls who were all dressed impeccably at the banquet, all the rich missy's were swooning over him. Adrian smirked seeing them ogling shamelessly at him.

Su Yin who was also present at the banquet was watching all this sitting at the bar, drinking her wine. Her eyes held a flash of annoyance and she glared daggers at the women who were drooling looking at Adrian.

Adrian sensed someone gazing at him and turned his head to the side, swaying lightly to the music and saw Su Yin. For a split second their eyes met before Su Yin averted her gaze and downed her drink.