Something Explosive

A Country, Jinan woke up with a start as his phone buzzed, the alarm went off that he had set the night before.

A groggy Jinan walked into the bathroom, after a quick shower he walked out looking like a male god, clad in a white bathrobe with his hair dripping wet.

Jinan quickly dressed up, and looked stunning in a royal blue Armani, grabbing his briefcase he was about to walkout when his gaze landed on the gifts that he had placed on the desk.

Contemplating for a moment Jinan picked up the boxes and walked out to the car assigned to him, while calling Sera on her cellphone. It was unreachable, feeling frustrated Jinan pinched his brows, and the car drove away to his destination, Sky Towers.

After his meeting Jinan was preparing to go for lunch when his phone buzzed, it was an important email. He was busy checking emails when he remembered Sera had sent him her friend's address. Feeling stupid Jinan rubbed his temple in frustration before checking the message.

Golden Globe estate, the lane connecting main road behind Sky Towers? Jinan looked around and saw a narrow lane with apartments on either side. It was connected to the main road and Sky Towers was the only skyscraper in the locality serving as a landmark.

Shrugging his shoulders Jinan entered to find the apartment building, Golden Globe was a high maintenance building, it had high security as well, making it impossible for Jinan to enter without prior permission.

Cursing his fate Jinan was ready to turn around and walk away when his eyes caught a familiar figure. Furrowing his eyebrows Jinan stared ahead, thinking that it was a illusion he called Sera, it was still unreachable.

Indeed it wasn't an illusion, Maya was walking back to her apartment after shopping for groceries at the local market. But Jinan is not aware of that and thinks that he is delusional!

Filled with frustration and hunger Jinan was about to lose his mind, he decided to fill his stomach first and then think about other things. He walked into a local bistro and ordered some local delicacies.

While he was eating Jinan heard someone mention Xavier and he recalled how Sera called his friend Xav, so he decided to ask around since he's already here. It will also save him from any hassles.

Jinan went back to the apartment building, on the way a young gentleman stopped Jinan, a startled Jinan was about to question him when the man spoke,

"You're Sera's brother, right? You're resemblance gave you out! I'm Xav", an excited Xav spoke.

"Yes! In fact I was looking for you", Jinan sighed inwardly.

"Oh! C'mon man, let's get in and talk", Xav dragged a reluctant Jinan inside his apartment, which was on the 7th floor.

Sadly, Xav and Maya don't live together, they have different apartments on different floors, to avoid unnecessary attention from their debtors and enemies, Xav thought of this plan and Maya had no objections.

The apartment was clean, a regular housekeeper is in charge of cleaning and stuff, while Maya cooks for them both. Xav's kitchen is basically a show piece in a museum, he never cooks anything, not even boiled water for ramen! Such a lazy bum..

Xav being Xav, he offered Jinan wine instead of tea! Jinan was quite taken aback but complied to him and drank the wine, because Xav had a good collection.

After a brief chat Jinan handed the precious gifts given by his sister, Sera and bid good bye to Xav promising to visit again, of course Jinan was just joking. But who knows what's in store for these three in the future!

Maya was snoozing at her apartment which was just above Xav's, she heard footsteps and her brother's voice from his apartment, glancing at the time she felt odd that Xav was at home at this hour. Shrugging, Maya went to freshen up herself then went to look for Xav.

Xav was drinking, slumped on his armchair in the study, looking at the gifts sent by Sera. A rare smile on his face, displaying the dimple on his left cheek.

Maya walked in on this scene and was surprised to see Xav smiling like a fool, she glanced at the boxes and spoke in a serious tone,

"Xav! We are still in the hiding, Why are you bringing stuff at home?", Maya reprimanded Xav.

"Stop overreacting! Sera sent these, it's from the auction at H City", Xav was still looking at the men's watch studded with blue sapphires. His eyes twinkling.

"Oh! Sorry bro", Maya hurriedly apologized before pouncing on her gift.

"Wow! I just glanced twice at these beauties and my darling Sera gifted them to me! Next time I should get her something explosive..", Maya excitedly stood before the mirror checking herself with the earrings on.

"Yeah, you're right!", Xav walked to her and spoke looking at the earrings on Maya.