The Thorn In Your Life

At the lakeside property, White Meadows. Sera and Lucifer were walking by the lake taking in the beauty of the serene lake.

The sky had turned dark and the street lamps were lit up in a distance. The gentle sunset rays covered the horizon, creating a magnificent pairing with the streetlights.

Sera was walking ahead with Lucifer following behind her, both were lost in their own thoughts. Lucifer was walking leisurely with hands in his oversized coat, one of his hand's was fiddling with the gift box he had bought for Sera on their official first date.

"Should I give it to her now? How should I approach her? She must still be embarrassed about what happened earlier...", Lucifer was in deep thought when Sera turned to look at him.

Lucifer raised his head slightly to meet Sera's bright eyes, time froze and they were lost in each other's eyes.

Sera snapped out of her daze and smiled. Her smile encouraging Lucifer, at the drop of a hot he was beside Sera. His speed astonishing Sera greatly and she stood gaping at him.

"How? He was there just now..", Sera blinked rapidly trying to process what had happened, Lucifer had swiftly reached her in a blink of an eye.

Lucifer smirked at her, Sera cleared her throat red from embarrassment and started turning to walk ahead.

Lucifer didn't waste any second and held her in place. Hugging her slender waist from behind, his strong arm caging her, Sera gasped in surprise and looked at his hand trying to struggle out of his hold.

"How can he be so strong? With just one hand he has overpowered me...", Sera was whining in her head.

"Stay still..", Lucifer bent his neck and whispered into Sera's ear, his warm breath tickling her, goose flesh can be seen on her neck and ear. Sera turned beet red from Lucifer's seductively low tone.

"Hmm..", Sera meekly answered while nodding her head.

Lucifer was amused by the sudden change his lips curled into a seductive grin, he loosened his iron grip on Sera and held her dainty waist firmly while striding towards the long bench.

"Sit..", Lucifer commanded, his voice was calm and low.

Sera was conflicted by the sudden change in his behavior, he was acting like a rogue just now before switching into a strict teacher! In her befuddled state Sera sat obediently on the wooden bench, looking dazedly at the still lake ahead.

Lucifer stood behind her, looking at the white metal box in his hand. It was a simple platinum metal box with no extravagant carvings except for a M on the centre. Lucifer ran his calloused fingers on the carved M, his gray eyes filled with melancholy while his lips were curled into a rare smile.

Lucifer opened the box revealing a masterpiece, It was a beautifully carved rose pendant. It was made from the rare tinted crystal, the petals were red tinted crystals with a small stalk, a thorn and a single leaf.

Breathing in air, Lucifer nervously clutched his chest, his heart was beating like crazy.

"You can do it Lucifer!", cheering himself Lucifer bravely held the delicate white gold chain in his fingers and coiled it around Sera's slender and fair neck.

When the cold metal came in contact with her skin, Sera snapped out of her daze. She looked down and was surprised to see the beautiful rose pendant, adorning crystals shining under the dim streetlights.

"Do you like it..?", Lucifer sat opposite Sera and stammered looking at her, his fingers caressing her exquisite collar bone where the delicate chain was resting, making Sera shiver.

"I had bought this for you before our first date, I was supposed to give you that day but.. Don't you like it?", Lucifer spoke hurriedly, stammering when he saw Sera's frozen state. He was beyond nervous as it was his first time gifting a woman apart from his sister, Mia Chung.

"I do, I love it..", Sera spoke softly, she was so overwhelmed by Lucifer's actions that she had lost her voice, choking on emotions. Lucifer sighed in relief and smiled awkwardly, feeling embarrassed.

"You know Sera, this rose here is you. Just like this you came blooming into my life unfurling fragrance and soul..", Sera was touched by his words, her heart was as though being gnawed.

Lucifer's head was slightly bowed, he who was oblivious to the effect of his words on Sera continued,

"And this thorn here is me, I'm the thorn in your life...", Lucifer's index finger was pointing towards the tiny thorn on the pendant, the crystal clear thorn was shining catching attention under the lights.

Sera's eyes were brimming with tears listening to Lucifer, she blinked her eyes and raised her head to stop the tears that were threatening to fall while clenching her fingers tightly onto the wooden bench.