I Was Tying Laces

Baffled by Lucifer's appearance Ethan looked like he has seen a ghost. Lucifer chuckled softly seeing his reaction making Sera blink at Lucifer's carefree demeanor, Lucifer didn't mind her gaze and hugged Ethan sideways.

"Hey.. Are you sober yet!", Lucifer poked his forehead earning a pat at his back, feigning hurt Lucifer sat beside Sera's chair with an exaggerated expression.

"That really hurt.. Ethan are you trying to kill me? Making it easier for those bas..", Lucifer asked with a pained voice making Sera puke blood at his actions.

"Just shut up!", Ethan bellowed his signature dialogue interrupting Lucifer's words.

"I know, I'm not supposed to be here!", Lucifer understood his friend's questioning gaze and answered his unasked question, Ethan merely nodded his head asking him to go on and explain his reasons.

"I was afraid you'd bully Miss Lu here!", Lucifer smiled at Sera and the latter burst into a coughing fit, she couldn't comprehend the meaning behind his words.

"There, there..", Lucifer unhurriedly patted her back earning a glare from Sera, Lucifer merely shrugged his shoulders.

Ethan who was witnessing the scene unfolding felt amused by his friend's words as well as Sera's reaction.

"Something's not right..", his head was screaming but he chose to ignore the nagging feeling and loudly cleared his throat demanding the duo's attention.

"Have some water, Why're you glaring at me!", Lucifer ignorantly spat these words at Ethan with a sly smile.

"Fine, let's continue the meeting!", Ethan spat a harsh 'fine' at Lucifer before turning to face Sera, asking her to commence the meeting.

"Yes..", Sera awkwardly smiled at Ethan and continued her speech.

"About the renovations, I'd like to start earlier..", Lucifer interrupted Sera, she glanced at Ethan who had a blank expression on his face.

"So we have to visit the site first, then decide on the designers and explain the concept..", Lucifer's words stunned her, she looked at Ethan before looking back at Lucifer.

"How? How do you know?", Sera asked hesitantly, while Lucifer merely smiled his blinding smile.

"Because he's done it before..", Ethan lazily spoke, Sera raised her eyebrows an amused look in her eyes. Sera was aware of his capabilities and now she was seeing Lucifer in a completely new light.

Ethan looked at Sera, the starry look in her eyes coupled with the revered expression made him feel queasy in his stomach.

"So?", Ethan broke the silence, interrupting their moment much to Lucifer and Sera's dismay. Lucifer turned back his attention to Ethan and his magnetic voice charmed Sera.

"So I propose that we should visit the site together..", Lucifer dropped the bomb with an equally explosive grin plastered on his lips.

"We?", Ethan understood Lucifer's words, but hoping against hope that it's not what he's thinking.

"Of course, you, Miss Lu...", Lucifer turned to Sera, Ethan felt relief wash over him while Lucifer ignored him and continued.

"And me!", Sera looked at him wide eyed, Ethan had an equally strong reaction to his words.

"Come on now, I'm too busy", Lucifer stood up and walked out of the room leaving everyone stupefied.

"If you're so busy why bother coming with us..", Ethan gritted his teeth following the man, Sera laughed looking at the bickering couple and followed them out.

- - - - - - -

Ethan was looking around, his eyes were gloomily darting around the familiar place, searching for a certain figure.

Sera was walking timidly with Lucifer following her, his gaze boring a hole into Sera's back, her ear's turning red.

While Ethan was lost in his own world, Lucifer stealthily stopped behind Sera and grabbed her small hand into his, tightly intertwining together. Sera's eyes shot wide open, she desperately tried to struggle out of his grasp.

"What are you doing..", Sera whispered softly with her shaky voice.

Lucifer didn't answer her question, he pulled her closer to him and whispered into her already red ears,

"You look stunning..", Sera shivered at his words and looked down at her shoes. Lucifer softly pulled her hand and disappeared from there.

Lucifer took Sera sneakily along with him to the backdoor of the building, pinning her to the wall he pecked her pink lips. Sera giggled softly seeing his lips stained with her fuchsia pink lipstick, she brought her thumb close to his lips wiping them.

Lucifer held back Sera's hand, planting gentle kisses on each slender finger of hers making Sera gasp.

"I've never seen you like this Sera, you look so different, so beautiful..", Lucifer peppered soft kisses on her face, his subwoofer tone tingling her heart.

"You don't know..", he kissed her lips, then her chin moving upwards to her pink tinted ears.

"How much self control..", nibbling on her blue sapphire studded ears he whispered in a light tone, Sera's breathing hitched.

"I had to resist the urge to embrace you..", he continued his torment making Sera breathless as he licked her earlobe.

"When I saw you at Ethan's office.. today", Sera's hands were still pinned to the wall, Sera was restrained from running her fingers in his hair, ruffling them softly. Frustrated, Sera bit her lips in response to his assault.

Although Lucifer wasn't satiated he reluctantly had to stop his actions, looking at Sera's flushed face he couldn't help but melt her in his arms, tightly embracing her tiny figure.

Sera's mood was touching new heights as she listened to Lucifer's beating heart, the sound calming her senses, a blooming smile resting on her pink lips.

"Let's go now.. Hmm?", Lucifer spoke softly, lifting her chin and looking into her eyes. Sera was lost in his gray orbs.

The pair were walking towards the entrance when Ethan's heavy footsteps invaded the tranquil silence. Sera hurriedly pushed Lucifer and crouched down near a potted plant, Lucifer laughed out loud earning a glare from Sera and zipped his lips tightly.

Ethan was trying to find the pair who had vanished in thin air, his quest brought him towards the backyard. Reaching the corridor he stopped, his gaze landing on the laughing figure of Lucifer.

Raising his eyebrows in confusion Ethan strode to his side,

"Why are you here?", Ethan asked, his eyes darting around suspiciously.

"I.. I was on a call", Lucifer blurted looking at the phone in Ethan's hands.

"It was important..", he added after seeing Ethan's dubious look and smiled awkwardly.

"What about..", Ethan's eyes darted all around the place and landed on a crouching silhouette.

"Miss Lu?", he blurted almost yelling making Sera jump out of her skin.

"Miss Lu? What are you doing there?", Ethan's voice was quite loud Sera shook her head in embarrassment and buried herself in her knees.

"I.. I was tying laces on my sneakers", Sera blurted out loud looking at her high heels and smacked her forehead biting her tongue.

Ethan looked at her with a confounded look while Lucifer couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing.

"Hahaa..", only Lucifer's loud peal of laughter was heard in the quiet corridor.