That Wretched Jacket!

Adrian walked out of the bathroom looking easy on the eye, his pale complexion was as radiating as his good mood.

Adrian was dressed in a black hoodie that he had digged out of Su Yin's wardrobe.

It was a shoddy combination, a black hoodie paired with his blue suit pants!

But Adrian didn't seem to care as he leisurely strode towards the kitchen, Su Yin was flipping a fried egg expertly when Adrian opened the refrigerator.

Su Yin's mouth twitched as she saw his weird sense of style, ignoring the man she continued with the breakfast.

His gaze traveled through the bottles of water, beer, beverages and other food items, there was a plethora of baked goodies and desserts.

After much deliberation Adrian picked up a bottle of water and a small cup of strawberry flavored yogurt.

"That looks delicious..", Adrian stood beside Su Yin peering at the perfectly fried eggs.

He gently scooped some yogurt before probing her little pouty mouth open as he fed her, while she was serving the breakfast into two individual plates.

Su Yin didn't try to avoid his little antics, she opened her mouth gracefully while the man grinned at her shamelessly.

"Good girl!", he praised with a sly smile, to his surprise Su Yin didn't lash out at him and even briskly served everything on the dining table herself.

It was a simple meal of fried seasoned eggs, bread toasts, a glass of milk with a bowl of cereal and fruits.

Adrian thoroughly relished this warm feeling as he enjoyed the meal, eating the breakfast prepared by his beloved Adrian was in true bliss as he savored each bite.

All throughout Su Yin didn't lose her calm nor tried to shun the man away when he behaved like a rogue, she remained tight lipped as if in deep thought.

True enough Su Yin was feeling conflicted, the set of circumstances before her had rendered her emotions haywire as she sat glancing at the unperturbed Adrian.

"Yinyin? Are you okay?", Adrian chomped on his bread eagerly, his blue eyes flickering with a discernible light.

"Aren't you affected by anything that's happened between us so far?", She wanted to ask him but decided against it and took a bite before answering.

"I'm fine", Su Yin nodded her head, Adrian couldn't believe his eyes that she was normal, blinking rapidly at her reply as it was unusual for her to not lash out at him.

Adrian jumped out of his seat and touched Su Yin's forehead, his expression turning weirder by the second.

"Huh! Your temperature seems normal, then..", he scratched his head in confusion as he tried to think hard. Su Yin shot him awry gaze as she sipped her glass of milk.

"Come on, let's go get you checked!", Adrian pulled her other hand frantically as though it was an emergency.

"Shut up and eat!", Su Yin's voice was deathly calm, a soft sigh was heard making Su Yin scrunch her eyebrows in annoyance.

After their hearty breakfast Su Yin cleaned the table while the man insisted on washing the dishes, Su Yin let him be and walked out to take a breather.

"Why are you still here?", Su Yin enquired when she saw him lazily plopped on her couch, watching a movie intently.

"I don't have any work today!", Su Yin shook her head cursing at Adrian's words, she knew that he'll definitely pester her all day.

"You don't even spend time with me! Nor make any efforts to go out..", his words were cut short as Su Yin turned off the television by pulling the plug.

"How dare he!! Sitting inside my house and complaining..", she was getting irritated by his nagging.

"What? You didn't even get me a new jacket! Remember?", Adrian asked her with a serious expression.

"That wretched jacket!!", Su Yin remembered that jacket clearly, muttering curses with a clenched fist she turned around to walk inside the bathroom.

- - - - -

"Boss..", Xinglei stood straight, his eyes were fixed on the man who had left him speechless moments before.

"Didn't you understand my instructions?", Lucifer's voice rang in his ears as he came back to earth.

Lucifer still had his gaze locked onto the monitor screen as his fingers moved like magic.

"Yes.. Boss! Right on it..", Xinglei thought about his boss's instructions once again, stammering he scurried like a lost lamb out of the door.

Lucifer lazily glanced at his metallic black Patek Philippe, more than five hours to go. All the necessary arrangements could be made done in time.

- - - - -

Sera was in a bind as she delved into her huge walkin closet, after looking through a number of outfits and styles she was back to square one.

"If only Su Yin was here..", Sera held her head in her hands as she sat down with a soft thud on her bed.

She picked up her cellphone to call Su Yin, one ring, two rings, three rings, she didn't pick her call, frustrated Sera stormed out of the room.

Jinan saw her grim face and went over, she was sitting staring at the tranquil man-made lake with a hazy look on her eyes.

"What's wrong?", Jinan sat beside her on the bench.

"I don't have anything to wear!", she blurted, Jinan looked at her like she was a lunatic.

"Of course you don't!", he chuckled at her, she turned away with a hmmph.

"Silly girl, your closet is as big as my bedroom..", he knocked on her small forehead.

"Hmm..", she hummed in acknowledgement, it was true.

"Don't worry, you'll find something nice", he didn't loiter around and left her alone to do some thinking.

Indeed she was overreacting and behaving like a crazy person, after some self reflection Sera felt extremely stupid and laughed wryly.

She swept a glance at the blooming roses in the distance, their pleasant fragrance wafted in the air making her feel relaxed.

The sky was turning gloomy by the second as the sun was gradually setting down, it looked beautiful and Sera smiled looking at the scenic beauty.

Sera was suddenly hit by something as she cried loudly,

"Eureka!", then without sparing a second she ran back into the house, inside the bedroom to her closet and came back carrying a bunch of different outfits in her hands.