The Vermillion Ground

Few hours ago

A black Porsche Cayenne exits the premises of Chang Holdings, with two more heavily guarded black cars following behind.

A white low-key Mercedes stationed across the street obscurely, it was patiently waiting for Lucifer to make a move.

The man inside had a sinister look in his eyes as he stared at the moving vehicles ahead, after a moment he dials a number and waits for the other side to respond.

"The devil's out of his den!", his gruff voice is heard, soon after he ends the call and drives away in the opposite direction turning his radio on full volume.

As the black Porsche Cayenne approached the tunnel two more black sedans joined the trail behind Lucifer's car, the ride was smooth without any hiccups.

On the intersection ahead, where three roads connect into one highway, four silver SUV's entered the chase as they followed the black cars ahead of them relentlessly.

A shining silver SUV hits the car following Lucifer's violently, with a jerk the car thrashed against the pavement turbulently.

A bullet fired out of nowhere, aiming straight to the fuel tank following which a massive explosion occured with a boom!

The unforeseen and loud explosion caught Lucifer, Adrian and his men off guard. In a flash the road to the airport reversed into the road to death.

They group of men clad in black turned around to witness the burning car with a storm in their hearts, fury burning inside them.

Thankfully it was one of the ghost cars arranged by Adrian that saved Lucifer, he had prepared cars with same number plates ending with 88 to deluded the assailants.

However they lost the lives of their most loyal men which greatly affected Adrian, he had personally trained and looked after each one of them.

"What's the situation?", Lucifer low growled, his gray eyes stormy and fierce, a dark menacing aura shrouded his entire being.

"There are four cars trailing behind us right now! They seem to be professionals as the aim was very accurate!"

Adrian furrowed his eyebrows in displeasure, his blue eyes were frosty as he answered, indicating their current adverse state.

"Kill them all!", Lucifer spoke without batting an eyelid, he was never known to be merciful.

"Yes! Boss..", Adrian acceded to Lucifer's orders monotonously as he glared with murderous intent at the troop of assailants.

Lucifer's men were agile and sharp however the opposing party was prepared to fight till their live's end.

In the middle of the gunfight, the other neighboring cars also joined in with guns, weapons, soon the glass windows started cracking at their attacks.

Adrian realized that they have been set up, it was a deliberate and meticulously planned attack on Lucifer.

Even their bulletproof cars seem to be tampered with, he furrowed his eyebrows, a distressed expression on his face as he glanced at Lucifer.

Tenacious, Adrian pushed Lucifer back into the car's back seat snugly, his voice determined and had a hint of warning as well as a pleading note to it.

"Sit still, Lucifer! IT'S MY DUTY TO PROTECT YOU!!", Adrian emphasized when Lucifer pushed his hand away and retrieved his S&W-629 .44 Magnum gun.

Lucifer couldn't keep his hands to himself. Sensing the danger of the situation Adrian provided cover for Lucifer.

The enemy was overpowering his men thus Lucifer unleashed the devil in him as he entered the battlefield with a murderous glint in his gray eyes.

With frosty cold eyes, sharp as a preying beast Lucifer killed his opponents ruthlessly, his actions were butter smooth and breathing calm in the blood bathed battle of doom.

For someone who is being trained intensely in combat training it was a piece of cake for Lucifer to take them down, they were like ants, easy to be crushed into a mulch.

Shooting with his Glock 41- .45 ACP, Adrian's couple of shots and dead bodies plopped on the bloody ground.

The direct and crossfire of Lucifer's gun were so coordinated that many guns couldn't play upon a dangerous enemy approach.

Amidst the chaos a blazing red Ferrari entered through the tunnel, crashing into the other lined up cars unceasingly.

The window of the Ferrari was wounded down revealing a hand holding the rumored 'Sillver Phoenix' revolver.

"Who.. that.. Silver Phoenix?", there were hush remarks amidst the ferocious aggressiveness filled with curiosity and shock.

Adrian's men were also distracted by the commotion, they had their eyes fixed on the man pointing a gun in their direction.

However the man didn't shoot them instead he was targeting their opponents with his adept skills and unexpectedly helping Lucifer and Adrian.

After an intense round of gunshots, several had been wounded in the crossfire of the two opposing forces, as the numerous cold bodies were still on the vermillion ground.

Adrian looked at the suspicious man with a disparaging smile and dubious eyes. An ugly scar on his fair hand was the only thing in sight faltering Adrian.

Immediately retracting his arm from Adrian's sharp gaze, he hid the ugly scar as he sat staring at the pair standing tall and proud amongst the cold dead bodies.

After a brief moment of silence Adrian aimed the gun, his eyes razor-sharp fixed on the red Ferrari. Reading his intentions Lucifer pushed him to the ground harshly shouting out Adrian's name in alarm.

"Adi.. No!..", the out of the blue attack made Adrian pull the trigger accidentally as he lost his balance and fell on the ground.

Lucifer stopped Adrian because the suspicious man meant no harm to them. In fact he had fought with them as allies which was enough to prove the man's objective.

Although Lucifer was still sceptical of his identity, he decided to take things slow and cautiously lest they jeopardize their plan and attract other perils.

However Adrian's bullet was faster than Lucifer's words, it hit the car's windshield. The man dodged in time but there was a huge crack in the glass revealing a part of his face and eyes.

Lucifer looked in astonishment, while Adrian was shocked by the abrupt push. He was sprawled on the ground still holding onto the gun as he looked at Lucifer's pale face.

"Lu.. Lucifer!", Adrian called him out, the Ferrari drove away without stopping while the men gawked in astonishment.

There was a taxi at the far left, the muzzle was aiming at the befuddled Lucifer and the trigger was pulled in a swift motion.

Before Adrian could stand up to shake the man off his stupor, the bullet hit Lucifer's left side and Adrian's loud scream was resonated breaking the tense silence in the air.

"Lucifer!", The man fell with a loud thud in Adrian's arms, there was blood all over him as he looked at Lucifer's pale face.