Godfather, I Missed You!

Sera sat back obediently on the chair beside Lucifer's bed, gazing at the man who was looking at her with his glistening gray irises, shining like diamonds in the dark.

It was only then Lucifer realized how red and puffy Sera's eyes were. She must have cried an awful lot for her to look like that.

"Stop crying, ain't I alright now?", he attempted to extend his arm and stroke her cheeks to wipe the tears, but she held his hand tightly afraid to let go.

"Sera.. look at me!", Lucifer's voice was still a bit hoarse, Sera looked at him like a fool before lifting the glass of warm water with a straw tucked in it close to Lucifer's parched lips.

Lucifer sipped slowly, all the while gazing at her tiny frightened frame, it pained him more than the bullet wound.

"Are you afraid? Do you think I'm a monster? A devil?"

"Are you regretting? Are you feeling conflicted.. about me? About us?"

"You can leave if you're feeling burdened.. I'll not make things difficult for you"

There were a million questions in Lucifer's head that he wanted to ask, so many things he wanted to say but all he could do was look at Sera in complete silence.

Lucifer watched Sera as she strove to speak, but if her lips stirred they made no sound.

As though a million needles were being mercilessly stabbed in his throat, Lucifer couldn't utter a word feeling upset as he looked at Sera's vulnerable self.

The man couldn't help but struggled to sit up, Sera jumped in shock and pushed him gently back into the bed.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry Lucifer", Sera hugged his shoulder, burying her face in his pillow hiding her tears from him.

Lucifer looked at the apologetic little girl in his arms, Sera was speaking incoherently even so he could hear her perfectly in the dead silence of the night.

"I should have known how important you're to me.. I like you Lucifer, I like you very much.. so much that it pains my heart!", Lucifer was stunned by the sudden declaration.

The confession swelled Lucifer's heart with sweet familiar feelings of love so much that his hand instinctively went to Sera's little head propped on top of his shoulder, rubbing it gently as a rare smile crept up his lips.

"Silly girl..", Lucifer spoke in a gentle voice, it tickled Sera's maiden heart making her feel safe in his arms.

- - - - -

Next morning it was a bright day for everyone, Lucifer had woken up and the doctors checked his condition performing various tests.

Everything was normal, Lucifer fortunately had a very healthy body. As per the doctors if his recovery is smooth the man can be discharged in two weeks.

On the other side of the city, Dai Yu woke up before dawn looking very excited about something.

He was dressed in a white tshirt with a large cartoon print of 'spongebob square pants' paired with his signature ripped blue jeans, the hot pink haired teenager looked happy as a clam walking towards an abandoned park.

Dai Yu was constantly looking around, he was very cautious about his surroundings. Slowly strolling towards a tree with large shade he stood impatiently looking at his digital watch.

Soon after the sound of heavy footsteps could be heard, a brilliant flashy smile adorned Dai Yu's innocent face as his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Godfather!", the boy rushed towards a towering figure walking leisurely, he was in his late forties but looked like thirty something and had a powerful presence.

"Dai Yu, you brat! Last time it was blue and now it's pink, I'll shave your head next time I see you like this..", the man pulled Dai Yu's hair while playfully scolding him.

"Godfather, I missed you!", Dai Yu jumped into the man's arms, hugging him tightly, his eyes stinging red from tears.

"It's been more than a year.. Why didn't you contact me!", Dai Yu was blabbering against his chest in an aggrieved manner.

"Alright, stop crying like a baby!", the man patted his head, ruffling his pink hair with a gentle expression in his eyes.

"Hehe! I was just..", Dai Yu awkwardly pulled back from the man clad in white clothes, he looked at Dai Yu and chuckled softly.

"Alright! Did you behave? Don't trouble your brothers.. Help them and be a good boy!", Dai Yu listened attentively, nodding his head like a happy child.

Dai Yu touched the man's hand on his head, holding it firmly in his hand. Exposing the long scar traveling from the palm to the back of the man's hand.

"Godfather, don't you trust me? I'm very good, I never trouble boss.. I mean brother", he was shy unlike his usual self.

"I'm proud of you.. Dai Yu!", Damien Gold had a prideful grin as he walked ahead to the wooden bench.

"Godfather, I brought steamed buns for you!", Dai Yu took out a packet from his backpack and passed it to Damien Gold.

After they had their simple breakfast consisting of steam buns and soy milk the pair conversed idly about Lucifer, Adrian and other trivial things.

*ring* *ring*

Dai Yu was ignoring the ringing cellphone, Damien looked at him in a stern manner, sighing Dai Yu picked up the phone from his pocket.

Looking at the caller id Dai Yu felt blood drain from his face, he looked at Damien then at his brightly lit phone screen.

"Boss.. boss is calling!", Dai Yu answered in a shaky voice, Damien didn't flinch nor his expression changed. He was calm as usual.

"Hello..", Dai Yu's voice was visibly shaky and Adrian felt a headache coming.

"Why didn't you pick up? I've been calling you since yesterday, why was your phone switched off?", Adrian reprimanded the young boy as usual, Dai Yu kept the phone away from his ears lest he'll become deaf.

"Boss, I had no assignment so.. I slept!", Dai Yu tried to explain somewhat irked by Adrian's words.

"Huff! Boss was shot yesterday, he was injured.. he's currently in the hospital", Damien and Dai Yu stood up with a start as they heard Adrian's words.

"Boss! How..", Dai Yu looked at Damien Gold with a puzzled expression, he was trying to gauge his reaction and Damien looked just as shocked as Dai Yu.

"Headquarters? I'll be there soon..", Dai Yu hurriedly ended the call before looking at Damien who was plopped on the bench with a pale face.

"Godfather!", Dai Yu cried at the dumbfounded man.