Is It Still Valid?

The sleeping beauty lying in the arms of her prince charming stirred still drowsy when the gentle rays of sun cascaded her fine face.

Fluttering her eyes open Su Yin was greeted by the most beautiful sight. Adrian's sleepy face was inches apart from Su Yin compelling her to touch his chiseled features as she stared at the man in disbelief.

"So beautiful.. charming", Su Yin poked his cheeks, giggling.

Acting on a whim she cupped his face gently with her small hands, her fingers entangling in his luscious hair.

Memories of what happened the previous night flooded her head as she caressed him lovingly, softly tugging onto his hair an unfathomable glint in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Adrian..", she thought inside her head gazing deeply at his sleeping figure.

Adrian shifted slightly, his eyebrows scrunched together as he continued to sleep. Su Yin looked at him stirring in the bed, a smile finding its way on her rosy lips as she inched closer to him.

Su Yin planted a kiss on his frowning forehead easing his tense eyebrows, she continued her assault as she rained kisses on his chiseled face tickling the sleeping man.

Adrian could feel a soft tingling sensation when her soft lips pressed against his skin, he reveled in her tender, ardent kisses.

"Good morning Yinyin..", drowsy Adrian opened his eyes to see Su Yin's magnified face, puckered lips and hazy eyes.

Adrian went ahead and captured her lips in a passionate morning kiss which was valiantly accepted by Su Yin, he pulled her creamy and supple body on top of his taut muscled body.

"Yinyin, do you remember the first words you said to me when we met?", Adrian whispered against her lips gazing into her eyes.

"Uh-huh.. I remember", she pulled him closer and kissed him, it was urgent and demanding unlike his gentle, passionate kisses.

"Is it still valid? You know we had one more month...", Su Yin cut his words as she shoved her tongue into his mouth.

The man felt everything was a dream and tried to escape into this dream as he molded their bodies together while invading her sweet little mouth, his tongue wriggling in and out of her sweetness.

Su Yin's fingers that were tugging his hair violently woke Adrian from this dreamlike reality, it finally dawned on him that today was Friday and Su Yin had to go to work.

Whereas he was still busy with Lucifer's matters and had yet to go see him after the man regained consciousness. If he continued to engage in their tryst they wouldn't probably get out of the bed today.

Panting, Adrian pulled back but Su Yin wasn't willing to let things end as it is, she started kissing him again, unable to withstand he gave in to temptation and returned her kisses with much passion.

Suddenly he felt Su Yin's slender hands crawling to his shirt's buttons, she was trying to unbutton his shirt nibbling onto his lower lip urgently.

"Yinyin..", alarmed he held her hand trying to stop her, Su Yin pulled back from him but her hands didn't stop.

This was not the usual Su Yin, his Yinyin would never act recklessly like this no matter how shamelessly she behaved with him in the past.

"Yinyin, stop.. stop!", Adrian harshly jerked her hand away from his chest.

She raised her head to look into his eyes, her gaze was calm unlike his complicated blue eyes staring at her with incredulity, trying to see through her.

Su Yin's hair were a mess, her eyes hazy with tears and swollen lips, panting she looked at him with a questioning gaze.

"Didn't you sought me out for comfort? I'm comforting you..", saying that she resumed her actions but the man threw her off him.

Su Yin's words cold and apathetic stabbed his heart, a stifling pain rose in his chest however Adrian chose to ignore her words and closed his eyes to calm his nerves, clenching the light yellow bedsheets.

Su Yin looked at the man sitting on the bed, he looked like he was in immense pain with his eyes closed as he leaned against the headboard.

A single tear rolled down her cheeks, her eyes were red with anger, frustration and pain as she stared at his agonized expression.

After what seemed like eternity Su Yin stormed into the bathroom without a word and slammed the door shut, the loud noise brought Adrian back to earth, he opened his eyes and looked at the closed door.

His eyes then darted to the wet spot on the bed where Su Yin was sitting. It was a stain from her tears earlier.

Frustrated, he ran his fingers through the luscious locks, retracting his hand he cast a glance at the closed door.

"I know this is your way of punishing me.. but you're unintentionally hurting yourself Yinyin!", he muttered under his breathe before walking out of the silent room.

- - - - -

Meanwhile inside the bathroom, Su Yin stood before the mirror staring at her own reflection. Amidst the tender glow on her face there was also a streak of unhappiness.

The red and glaring marks on her neck were the signs of Adrian's desire for her, it was something she had wished for in the past and had successfully attained it. Alas, it's too late now or so she thought.

"I'm sorry Adrian, I don't have such a magnanimous heart to accept you. I can't have someone in my life who doesn't love me..", a pained smile on her lips.

Touching the hickeys left by the man she loved the most in this world Su Yin had a brilliant smile that was contradictory to her teary red eyes, she broke down wailing and cried her heart out.

- - - - -

T hospital

Assistant Le had a throbbing in his head as he stood looking at the man with a smile akin to a devil's grin leaning lazily on the bed.

He looked elegant albeit the messy hair and simple hospital gown that he was wearing.

Lucifer called Le Xinglei first thing in the morning after he couldn't reach Adrian the whole night, the stubborn man hadn't visited him since he regained consciousness.

It was no big deal but Lucifer understood Adrian very well, well enough to see through his emotions and thoughts.

He must have been troubled by Lucifer's injury and the sudden attack, might even be blaming himself, ridden with guilt and finally resorted to avoiding him.

"Assistant Le, do you have any idea where Adrian is?", Lucifer repeated the question he had asked moments before.

Listening to this absurd question a vein popped on Le Xinglei's forehead, twitching.

"I'm not his assistant, I'm your assistant Mr Lucifer..", was what he wanted to say, alas he wasn't qualified enough to speak against the king like man before him.

"I don't know where Mr Adrian is.. however I'll try to contact him and inform you at once.. Boss!", plastering a fake smile Xinglei looked at the man with hostility, Lucifer merely nodded at his words.

"Alright, you can go now!", Lucifer didn't give any other instruction and dismissed the fuming Xinglei waving his hand lazily.

Assistant Le was stupefied, this cruel man here had called him early morning to ask about his assistant's whereabouts?!