Seems To Be Special

Sitting in front of the dresser, Sera picked up the diamond and turquoise danglers placed inside a red velvet box, the earrings were gifted by Xav on her last birthday. It was the perfect match with the gown Ethan gave her yesterday.

"Wow, Xav is definitely the best in his field..", Sera mumbled, her eyes glittering with the shine the earrings were emitting.

Putting on the earrings she cast a sweeping glance towards the mirror, the light pink lipstick in contrast with the turquoise blue gown was a comely combination along with the soft curls tumbling down her bare shoulders.

Inside the walkin closet, she looked at the large shelf displaying a splendid collection of shoes. A shiny pair of silver stilettos caught her eyes, she grabbed them, sauntered out of the closet and slipped into the stilettos.

"Perfect!", standing before the life-size mirror Sera gave herself a final once-over, satisfied she smiled and picked up her clutch from the bed and went downstairs where Ethan was waiting patiently.

Ethan who was sitting on the couch with a tensed smile stood up hastily when the sound of clicking heels resounded in the hushed living room.

A mesmerized Ethan fixed his unwavering gaze on the silhouette of the goddess descending the staircase with a graceful gait.

"So pretty..", Ethan whispered entranced by the sightly spectacle akin to a fairy descending from the skies.

Sera looked at him, he seemed lost in thoughts. Hesitating, she called his name and he jerked slightly, an awkward smile resting on his lips.

"I'm all done.. Let's go", she said standing across the stunned man.

"Yes, let's go..", he said while extending his hand for her to hold.

Sera gently held onto his arm and walked out of the mansion, Ethan's car was parked in the driveway and a driver was waiting for them unlike other times when he used to drive himself.

"You look gorgeous..", he whispered, opening the car door for her, Sera looked at him and smiled which took his breath away.

"Are you familiar with Miss Xia?", her question startled him, he looked at her with a smile and nodded.

"Yes, we were classmates in high school..", he answered with a faint smile.

Sera was a bit disappointed, she was actually trying to find a link between Lucifer and Xia Ruo Lan.

Ashamed by her own thoughts, Sera turned to look out the window and remained silent the whole journey.

Her reaction left Ethan dumbfounded, he had no experience with women except Mia who was like an open book, extremely transparent and expressive thus he couldn't interpret Sera's actions.

The couple arrived at the venue where the birthday party was held, it was a very high-profile hotel Silver Dragonfly.

Sera was impressed by the architecture of the hotel which was a combination of classic oriental and modern art, even the decor was very sophisticated.

She was bewildered by the information that Ethan had shared with her, according to the facts the architecture and decor of the hotel was done by none other than Xia Ruo Lan.

They entered the banquet hall which was filled with clamor and festivity, there was a brief silence as the pair made their way to the center stage where the birthday girl was thanking the guests.

Attired in a tailored black suit complemented by a stiff white collared shirt and a turquoise pocket square matching with Sera's dress, Ethan walked with a dignified and noble gait holding Sera by her waist with a smile.

Ethan looked like a prince walking down the aisle with his princess.

The pair seemed to be wrapped in a radiant shimmer, attracting the attention of everyone present from the moment they walked into the banquet hall.

Xia Ruo Lan who was standing on the stage holding a microphone looked at Ethan who was smiling at Sera.

Looking at the seemingly harmonious sight her smile faltered, averting her gaze she composed herself before shooting a blinding smile towards them and stepped down the stage.

"A qipao?", Sera muttered under her breath, her eyes were flickering with an unfathomable light as she gazed at the beauty on stage.

Lucifer's words rang in Sera's ears as she looked at Xia Ruo Lan who was slowly approaching them.

"Ethan, I'm glad that you could come", the mellifluous voice attracted the guests present there.

Sera was also in awe looking at Xia Ruo Lan, she was a true beauty. She was slender, fair and had an attractive face with big black eyes, full lips and straight midnight black hair styled in a bun with a fancy red jadeite hairpin.

She looked alluring yet noble dressed in a bright red qipao with exotic golden thread embroidery.

With her poised appearance and sweet voice Xia Ruo Lan was on par with Sera in terms of beauty and talent except that she wasn't as tall as Sera.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss your birthday party! After all we are good friends..", Ethan spoke in his deep, magnetic voice.

"I know, I was just kidding! And who might this be?", she asked turning towards Sera.

"Oh! I'm Seraphina Lu.. Happy birthday Miss Xia..", she extended her as she spoke.

"Pleased to meet you Miss Lu, I'm Xia Ruo Lan.. Ethan's good friend..", she shook her hand and smiled.

"Sera, Xia Ruo Lan is the one who will be responsible for your art gallery..", Ethan looked at her, Xia Ruo Lan had a complicated look in her eyes.

"Yes, I'm really glad that Miss Xia is going to work on the gallery, I hope it will be a fruitful union..", saying that she slightly raised her flute glass filled with rose champagne.

Xia Ruo Lan smiled at her, then she looked at Ethan who was also smiling, with a nod she accepted the glass in Ethan's hands, the trio clinked glasses as they sipped.

"I'll be back in a moment...", Sera whispered into Ethan's ears, although she was at a distance it looked intimate to other people who were watching.

With a few words of caution from Ethan, she went out of the banquet hall. Xia Ruo Lan who was watching everything involuntarily tightened her grip on the flute glass.

Ethan and Xia Ruo Lan were both walking towards the bar, each occupied a seat and started conversing about various topics.

"She seems to be special..", she spoke out of context surprising Ethan, he looked at her with a questioning gaze which made her smile at his naivety.

"Miss Lu, I can see the way you look at her with these deep, black orbs..", her finger with a red painted fingernail pointing at a stunned Ethan's eyes.

"It's the same way you used to look at Mia however I can see that this time, with her, your gaze is gentle.. the gentlest I've ever seen", Ethan was surprised by her words, he wasn't able to refute nor accept her interpretations.

After some time Ethan moved his eyes, he looked at her face which was bright and beautiful with a soft glow under the golden chandeliers.

"Don't, don't bring Mia into this!", Ethan coughed awkwardly, he composed himself before speaking.

After finishing his piece Ethan didn't linger around even for a second as he stood up and walked out of the party.

Xia Ruo Lan looked at his fading back and clenched her fists in anger, she gulped down the drink and turned away.