Pail Of Poison

There was dead silence after the loud gunshot, everything was still and motionless without a squeak of a sound.

Adrian stood like a dead tree staring at the figure in front of him, his hand was held high in the air and there was smoke coming out of the gun's muzzle.



The loud tandem cries of two grown men, Damien Gold and Adrian was heard loud and clear snapping everyone out of their daze, especially the scared Dai Yu.

Lucifer was standing at the left side of Adrian with his usual king like presence, unperturbed albeit the tense atmosphere he stood languidly, maintaining his usual with one hand leisurely inside his pant's pocket.

Lillian was holding Adrian's hand midair in her struggle to stop him from killing his own father, the duo, Lucifer and Lillian had appeared in the nick of time to prevent the dreaded tragedy.

When Adrian was in the midst of confronting Dai Yu and Damien Gold which eventually escalated into an adverse situation, Lucifer was escorting Lillian to prevent the same.

However before they could have arrived and cleared the air between the father-son things had already turned ugly.

Lillian almost had an heart attack witnessing the scene where Adrian had pointed a gun at an unfazed Damien, she rushed towards the duo breaking out of Lucifer's arms just in time before Adrian pulled the trigger.

She exerted a lot of strength, with all her might she averted the direction of the muzzle from the iron grip of her son, Adrian.

She was covered in cold sweat, her eyes cloudy with tears as she stared at the dumbfounded faces of Adrian and Damien.

"Godfather..", Dai Yu hugged the frozen man who was staring intently at the figure of a woman with dainty yet somewhat influential presence.

"I'm fine..", he stroked the young fellow's back with patience and smiled.

The stifling atmosphere was unbearable for Adrian who was held in a stern and intense gaze of Lillian, he closed his eyes to avoid her emotions before parting his already trembling lips to speak.

"Mom.. Why?", he asked in a broken voice, filled with hurt and pain.

"I don't want blood on your hands, especially your own father's blood..", her determined tone was like a hard hammer hitting on Adrian's already aching heart.

It wasn't just a statement but the final sentence of his fate, a seal of promise stating that he, Adrian was the legalz rightful and biological son of Damien Gold.

"Lillian..", a tender calling brought their attention back to the man with glistening blue eyes looking at the mother-son with nothing warmth and love pooling in them.

"Damien..", she returned his stare with a tender and sweet smile that was the most sincere one he had ever witnessed, shocking Adrian.

He had never seen such a smile linger on his mother's face until now.

Drinking the pail of poison that reminded him of Damien's involvement with Yang Deming and Dai Yu's betrayal he sighed heavily, his eyes looking at the man who was his father before turning to Lillian's face.

"He is your father, Adrian..", a magnetic vibrato resounded making known of it's presence, everyone turned their attention to the man with a unremarkable personality, Lucifer.

"You.. you knew?", a stuttering mess, Adrian widened his eyes at his statement and asked with uncertainty.

"Yes, that's exactly why I stopped you from killing him back then.."

His simple statement robbed everyone of their senses however he remained unperturbed and strolled towards Dai Yu whose faltering face was evident that he was scared out of his wits facing Lucifer.

"Dai Yu? We have somethings to discuss.. Can you go back to your dorm?", he was surprisingly patient unlike everyone's expectations.

"But.. Godfather?", his feeble voice was heard, he looked away afraid to meet the devil's gaze.

"I promise that you'll meet him soon after our discussion is over.. Now get back!", the last words were firm like an order, straightening himself Dai Yu scrambled out of the park leaving the adults to do the talking.

"Now.. Can I know what's going on?", Adrian asked impatiently, he never thought that Lucifer would hide something so big from him.

"Adrian, he's your father.. When you were yet to be born.. We, we lost him and thought that he was dead..", Lillian was choking thinking back to the past events, it terribly ached her fragile heart.

"Lillian.. Don't cry", Damien Gold hurriedly got to her side and held her shoulders, she leaned on his broad shoulders and sobbed softly.

Adrian stood in a trance, he was quick on his feet and reached by his mother's side, however at the last minute Damien comforted Lillian leaving an awkward Adrian alone.

Lucifer stood still watching the drama unfolding in front of him, his eyes were flickering with a faint light and lips pursed tightly.

"I'm fine..", she looked at him with a smile that reached her aged eyes, nodding her head as he patted her back.

Lillian held his hand along with Adrian's hand together in her own cold hands, sniffing she smiled sweetly seeing her family together after nearly twenty eight years.

"Adrian.. Your father, he's a good man", Lillian explained still choking when the past flashed in front of her eyes.

"Alright, I'll acknowledge him as my father. Nothing more, so don't force me..", Adrian finally spoke something positive after seeing his mother's happiness, he was aware of the hole in her heart, his father, Damien Gold.

"Thank you.. thank you my son..", the long lost couple spoke in unison and hugged each other with Adrian in between them like an ideal loving family.

Lucifer's eyes stinged with tears and turned misty when he recalled the sweet family time with Mia Chung, Alex Chung and Li Jing.

"Are you Lucifer? Sandra's son..?", Damien's sudden question broke his reverie and he looked at him, inconspicuously trying to wipe the trickling tear on his left cheek.

"Yes..", he replied in his usual calm voice laced with a pride, he was happy to be born as Sandra's son.