The Han's Auction - 3

Inside the private room, Maya stood unfazed amidst the men with burning gazes directed at her.

"Boss had already instructed to kill you and your brother!", the bald man standing in front of the group of men said with a creepy smile on his face.

"All because of Xav! Stupid brother..", she cursed looking at the room full of more than twenty men ogling at her.

"I'm warning you guys to back out before it's too late!", she warned them in a calm voice devoid of any nervousness and distress given the grave situation she had landed herself in.

The men chuckled, some laughed hysterically at her words unable to believe that she could harm them.

Though their mate was hurt pretty badly, they refused to believe that Maya was the reason behind it.

Shrugging her shoulders she met their gaze, smiling sweetly she treaded forward at a slow pace.

"Glad that you understood your position! Come to daddy, baby..", the bald man standing proudly in front of the group of men said loudly, a roar of laughter followed after his statement.

Maya's gaze turned cold by his provocative words, he was bound to suffer from her hands. Too bad she didn't carry her favorite new toy, EAA Witness Pavona semi-automatic and in glittering purple.

"Freaking bald head!", she cursed under her breath before lunging forward to kick his sorry arse.

Just when there was supposed to be action and blood bath a handsome deity sauntered their way to the private room.

Attired in a tailored black suit complemented by a stiff white collared shirt, the man's exquisite collarbones could be seen from his two opened buttons unlike his earlier prim and proper look with a tie.

Lu Jinan's keen eyes surveyed the private room like a hawk observing its prey in the darkness before landing on the unbothered Maya, he smiled inwardly.

"Threatening and cornering my woman? Dream on!", he thought inwardly, his gaze turning frostier.

Jinan's outstanding presence seemed especially cold, domineering and grand, the aura he was exuded now was exceptionally arrogant unlike his usual calm, laid back demeanor which Maya had witnessed.

Maya remained standing poised and graceful amidst the glaring men baring their fangs, she seemed unperturbed to them much to their disappointment and it only made them burn with fury.

Although she was surprised and in disbelief seeing Jinan as well, her appearance was still calm in comparison to the chaotic reactions reverberating across the private room.

She seemed to sense Lu Jinan looking at her as she returned his gaze evenly, he turned away and kicked the bald man on his head.

Falling face down, with a loud thud the man passed out and blood pooled under his face turning the floor in deep red.

Maya's heart throbbed, impressed by the squeaky clean execution by Jinan.

"Is anyone up to volunteer?", he jutted his chin to the half-dead man and sweeped a glance around the room of men, his deep magnetic voice resonated in the silence rendering Maya speechless.

The men in identical white shirts swallowed in fear, it felt like a sharp sword was millimeters from cutting their throats when Lu Jinan's cold gaze landed on them making them hold their breath.

They did not know who Lu Jinan was exactly.

However, they knew that he was someone not to be trifled with since he could beat their boss into a pulp and on the brink of death within mere minutes.

"Let's get out of here..", she pulled the man scared of ensuing unnecessary chaos and also embroiling him in them.

Maya's slender and fair fingertips touched his palm accidentally when she tugged his sleeve.

A slight numbness and Jinan held her relatively small hands domineeringly before she could retract her hand.

In comparison to her small one, his hand was large and strong. One by one, he curled his fingers around her dainty hand.

"Stay put!", still into the role of a cold and overbearing man, Jinan hissed at her.

May's heart thumped. She tried to take back her hand. However, he was not willing to release his grip and resisted her in an unusual domineering way.

Maya was pulled forward, tugged along by Jinan's forceful hands angered by her resistance, he was enraged thinking about the consequences if he hadn't appeared there on time.

Without warning, his handsome and perfect face leaned towards her, shadowing her completely while Maya still did not know what he was trying to do.

The next second, his forceful lips were pressed against her wine red ones in an overbearing manner making her gasp in surprise, shock and disbelief.

Maya's long eyelashes trembled in uncertainty and awe.

Her brain seemed to have short-circuited from his kiss and she did not have any other reaction apart from having complete blankness in her mind.

It was almost as though his overbearing kiss had sucked away her soul from her body, rendering her completely senseless.

The force of him pressing against her was somewhat strong as he forced himself tightly on her lips.

It was clearly a kiss, yet it did not seem like one at the same time as though he was punishing her for something.

His gaze was deep and dark boring a hole into her willowy frame.

It was a type of intense black that was so dark that it seemed like it could absorb everything in the world.

Maya finally realized what he was doing after a few seconds. Her small hands fell on his shoulders and pushed him, hard.

"This man! How shameless..", she cursed him in her head hitting his chest in protest.

At the same time, her face became completely red from holding in her breath. "What are you doing? They are watching."

The man's well-defined handsome face was very close to her's. He raised his brows slightly displeased by her words however he felt happy that she didn't refuse to acknowledge their kiss.

"What are you afraid of?", he asked as if it didn't matter anything to him, still gloating inside.

Nodding her head and somewhat agreeing to his statement, she smiled mischievously and lowered him by tugging on his collar forcefully, just like him and kissed pressing her already swollen lips on his.

He stared at her, but at the same time, he was genuinely happy as her fond sweetness wrapped around his heart.

As his heart soared, he accepted the passionate kiss from her and elevated it to another level by delving deep into her, completely forgetting about the crowd watching them with bulging eyes.

"What? What is this!", they murmured among themselves.

The men in the room stood rooted to the ground witnessing the unexpected scenario unfolding before them, their bodies trembling in fear and excitement, it was weird, very weird.

Jinan pulled back from their heated kiss, he stroked her swollen lips and then shot a glance at the pale men on the verge of death.

"Take out your guns and shoot yourselves.. all of you!", his single command and everyone felt a pit in their stomach, glancing at each other they gulped.

"Now!", he ordered in a grave voice, the next second, loud bangs echoed the room and Jinan strolled out with Maya without sparing them a second glance.

Outside the private room, faraway from the corridors Lu Jinan was walking with red ears and face.

"I'm Lu Jinan..", walking ahead he was somewhat embarrassed to introduce himself after their kiss, turning his back at her Jinan softly spat his words.

"And you're?", sensing her silence he turned around to check, he was dumbfounded to see that Maya had ran away.

"Damn it! Not again..", Lu Jinan mumbled annoyed, kicking the large potted plant placed, it fell with a shattering sound causing a huge mess.