It's The Dust

Time dragged itself as days flew by at a different pace for different individuals.

Lucifer was trying his best to avoid Sera while the latter was feeling perplexed by this sudden change in the lovable man.

He was trying to tirelessly engage himself in work at Chang Holdings including the matters of the underworld with Adrian's assistance. The latter was also preoccupied with Damien Gold, Dai Yu and Su Yin.

Thus the two men were rigorously working together to remain clearheaded in such trying times.

The increasing distance between them was getting on the innocent Sera's nerves as she tried to earnestly analyze the cause behind it. It was extremely difficult for her to remain unperturbed under such circumstances.

Sera's trust towards Lucifer was like a mountain, it only intensified with time unwaveringly. Her heart was feeling uneasy albeit the faith she had in him.

Since the time Lucifer left her room abruptly Sera incessantly hoped that he would appear before her out of nowhere or call her, meet her however it was just her wishful thinking.

The soft-hearted Sera could only console herself thinking about Lucifer's menacing identity and how dangerous it is for him to roam around carelessly.

Maya and Xav returned back to A Country after whatever transpired at the Lu mansion the other day. She was still upset about Lu Jinan's cold behavior towards her.

She even refused to see him in the future promising herself to avoid the stone-hearted man with all conviction. If at all they crossed paths she would simply turn around and walk away.

On the other hand Lu Jinan too wasn't doing well after whatever happened that day. His heart was tense as he thought about the possibility of Sera meeting with a mishap or Maya being hurt by him. He was torn between his sister and the love of his life.

Su Yin was still at F Country spending time with Yishen. Her days were frolicsome with the happy-go-lucky Yishen beside her who had a colorful personality albeit feeling lonely as his words had the constant mention of Adrian in them.

She was still quite happy seeing him living in such high spirits even though he lacked familial and fatherly love.

- - - - -

It was Wednesday morning, the day when Xia Ruo Lan had a meeting with Ethan and Sera regarding the art gallery.

Lounging at the waiting room beside Ethan's cabin with a cup of steaming coffee and a plate of strawberry macaroons on the table before her sat an impeccably stylish Xia Ruo Lan.

Attired in a professional yet striking purple pantsuit with her long black hair were loosely falling down her shoulders as she fixed her gaze on her Patek Nauitlus wristwatch studded with diamonds waiting.

She looked up when the door opened revealing a suave Ethan in a light gray suit, he nodded at her in acknowledgement. She stood stood up when he approached her with a faint smile, her heart throbbed. Clenching her fist in a furtive manner she hid her uneasiness under a fake professional smile.

"Miss Lu will be directly meeting us at the location, let's go..", he said while turning around to walk without sparing another glance at her. She wasn't affected though since that's how Ethan was.

Xia Ruo Lan stared at his tall stature in awe as he walked forward in long strides. She followed behind him wordlessly her heels clicking with a sound.

Unknowingly a faint smile crept up Xia Ruo Lan's soft pink lips as they entered the elevator together

Inside the elevator they stood maintaining a fair distance between them, waiting for the lift to descend without a word of exchange.

Xia Ruo Lan occasionally sneaked glances at him. Ethan coughed awkwardly when the elevator reached their destination and Xia Ruo Lan still didn't move her feet.

"Ah! I'm sorry..", she muttered appearing abashed.

Ethan looked at her blankly, a hint of embarrassment could be seen on her face. He tried to find words however in the end maintained the silence between them and marched forward.

Arriving at the underground carpark Ethan turned to unlock his car when Xia Ruo Lan spoke up fidgeting.

"Ah, I'll drive in my own car..", she looked at him with a tense expression.

"No need! It'll only be a hassle for you and if you get stuck the meeting will be delayed..", he cut off her sentence opening the door for her like the perfect gentleman.

"Okay..", she muttered in a meek voice slipping into the seat albeit reluctantly.

The car soon revved up cruising on the road effortlessly, the cold and aloof Ethan's eyes were on the road ahead while Xia Ruo Lan gazed out of the window.

"It's a long time since we spent time together..", Xia Ruo Lan's abrupt words tore the silence in the car.

"Uh? Yes..", Ethan looked at her in surprise, smiling he replied to her with a distant gaze reminiscing the past.

Xia Ruo Lan didn't speak anymore, she looked at his side profile where his lips were curled up and scoffed.

After a brief silence Ethan furrowed his eyebrows as he remembered something, he tried to find words before asking directly.

"I heard that you met Lucifer..", Ethan started with a casual manner, his words made her face turn ugly with dull eyes.

"Uh-huh..", she hummed hastily, Ethan stopped speaking after seeing how uncomfortable Xia Ruo Lan looked while attempting to interrupt his words.

"Don't worry.. I'm not disturbed at his mention anymore", Xia Ruo Lan hurriedly clarified after noticing Ethan's lips pressed in a straight line.

Ethan smiled at her words, he was glad that she didn't feel that way however he still felt a strange discomfort talking about it. He disliked her for that exact reason.

Xia Ruo Lan could see the mockery in his eyes as he smiled, her heart stinging with hurt

She turned her head to look out of the window in embarrassment, the hills and trees at the distance were beautiful, a tear rolled down her eyes inconspicuously as she tried to wipe it away.

"Here..", Ethan offered a tissue like the gentleman he was, Xia Ruo Lan was stunned by his observations and smiled awkwardly before accepting his kindness.

She tried to correct her smudged eye make and said in a soft voice.

"It's the dust..", saying that she rolled the glasses of the window.

Ethan stared at her flustered appearance, his eyes turning gentle before something occurred to him.

A thick coldness could be seen replacing the gentleness in his deep, black eyes. Especially after the conversation with Lucifer.

Ethan turned his eyes back on the road and once again silence engulfed in the air.