Good Choice!

[ a/n: This is bonus chapter no.2 featuring your favorite couple Lucifer - Sera ]

The car chase was going on relentlessly. Neither parties were interested in accepting defeat. The three cars were fairly damaged.

Lucifer's car's rear side was being hit a number of times and the other two car's front was almost unrecognizable.

Unexpectedly the lady in the car was sitting unbothered amidst all the mayhem, the speeding car didn't effect her nor the abrupt dashing and crashing.

"What's wrong with her? Is she too scared to even move her finger??", he thought in his head discombobulated.

Sera sat rock hard without moving a muscle much to Lucifer's surprise. Even in this situation his main focus her life and security.

Soon Lucifer felt tired of continuing this little cat and mouse chase which had become boring for him, he felt less entertained by it.

Especially when his main priority should be his love, Sera and not some impudent small-time goons.

"Let's end this little game!", he muttered audible enough for Sera to hear, she looked at the rear mirror and smiled.

Lucifer halted his car in the middle of the road, the two cars followed suit and immediately muscled men dressed in black jumped out of the car. They were around six to eight of them. Obviously no match for Lucifer.

All of them had guns, they didn't waste any second and reached Lucifer's car. The next second loud pounding was heard, they were knocking the door.

"Sera.. Don't be scared..", he whispered looking into her unruffled eyes and felt odd.

"Get out of the car!!", suddenly one of the men screamed pounding the car door, his voice deafening.

Sera's side of the door was open while Lucifer's was closed, seeing that she was opening the door he felt scared. Unlocking his side of the door he hurriedly opened it before her.

Before he could open the door and alight, a shrill scream entered his ears catching him by surprise.

His eyes bulged out, staring at the man with both his bloody eyes screaming his lungs out while plopped onto the ground.

- - - - -

Fast forward to a few minutes before

While a sweating Lucifer worried about Sera's safety and life was racing against time to reach the crowded city.

Sera looked at the two cars following them, she silently observed the number of men in it and their weapons.

"Eight of them.. With fully loaded guns of considerably smaller sizes..", she noted down darting her eyes looking nervous on the outside.

Lucifer too had already noticed them however his heart was unsettled with Sera beside him who he thought was feeling scared given her silence.

She slowly pulled open the lock, taking out the concealable military knife furtively out of her clutch she cut the flowy tulle skirt of her dress before hiding the knife in between the seat.

When the man forced her to open the door he was slightly bending. Sera slowly attempted opening the door and picked up the knife.

Taking a chance the instant his gaze dropped she stabbed his eyes at a lighting speed with the knife.

Without giving him a chance to react she stabbed his other eye as well, when he was in pain, screaming, she pushed the door open and he fell on the ground crying with bloody eyes.

"Aaaahhh...!", the other men were astonished, the speed of execution was so fast that they couldn't decide what happened in front of their eyes.

- - - - -


Lucifer looked astoundingly at the fair little hand holding a military knife with blood trickling down to her palm.

He glanced at her adorable face and starkly cold eyes and felt something rush inside him, a smile in his eyes.

"That's My Girl!!", he mumbled looking at her little face, it was unbothered by the uproar and indifferent with no fear at all.

He pulled out a gun under his car's seat along with a small knife. He presented them to Sera, she looked at the weapons laid out on his palm and picked up the shining gun without hesitation. He gaped at her, enchanted.

"Good choice!", he praised with a wink flirtatiously.

Pushing the door open he kicked the other man standing beside him. He was struck dumb and had lost the sense of timing due to Sera's deadly attack on his mate. Taking advantage of that Lucifer stabbed his vital points leaving him immobile on the cold ground.

Sera kicked the door open and flew towards the man who was waiting to pounce on her. The impact of the kick was so hard that her heel struck his neck and a shrill scream resounded. He was clutching his neck while trying to plunge forward to get back at Sera.

Lucifer was no longer shocked by her moves and was strictly concentrating on eliminating the other men. So that Sera wouldn't get tired by herself.

Before the man could grab her she fired a neat shot that pierced through his head coloring her already red dress with a bloody color.

Everything happened so fast that it felt unreal, the men felt as though they were in a sci-fi movie or novel fighting with aliens. Sera and Lucifer's presence of mind and timing was wonderful.