Never Let You Win!

Sera looked at their silent conversation wordlessly with a calm gaze like it was nothing unusual. She had put her trust in Lucifer and didn't feel threatened by Callista's icy glare.

"Why aren't you surprised!", Callista asked with an annoyed tone scowling at him.

She was feeling uncomfortable. Lucifer was unruffled, his eyes calm with no extreme changes in his expression was creepy. Her heart trembling with an unknown fear.

"Why should I be surprised, Miss Callista!", his magnetic vibrato with absolutely no hints of shock resounded.

Lucifer was leaning against the damaged car lazily, one hand in his pocket while the other was playing with his small knife lethargically. His shirt was messy with dried blotches of blood and hair tousled.

With his colossal presence Lucifer stood tall surrounded with dead bodies, the smell of blood permeating in the air. Yet the aura around him had an air of dominance. Like the king after his battle instead of a roadside thug.

Quirking his eyebrow inquiringly with a faint curl of his lips looking sexy as ever Lucifer stared unwaveringly.

The woman felt happy momentarily before her smile froze. She realized the way Lucifer enunciated the name, Callista. It gave her an ominous feeling.

Still, baring a fearless front she snickered, her expression that of mockery as she looked at Lucifer then Sera. She narrowed her eyes when she remembered that Sera was in the party with Xia Ruo Lan.

"I thought you're a heartless man for abandoning your ex-girlfriend and risking her life.. Looks like I was wrong! With such a capable woman beside him who wouldn't abandon a weak girl like her..", she spat with hostility.

Sera was somewhat pleased hearing her praise but the word 'ex-girlfriend' irked her highly. She realized that Callista was mocking her.

Clutching the hem of her dress in anger and deciding that she wasn't going to be manipulated by this crafty woman Sera maintained her calm. She was clearly trying to show discord between her and Lucifer.

Lucifer smiled wickedly, his indolent gaze laced with disinterest, as though asking her sardonically, 'Is that all you've got?'.

Callista ground her teeth in pique by his lax attitude. She felt utterly humiliated.

"Lucifer!", shrieking like a banshee out for blood she started laughing maliciously.

Her villainous laughter resonated in the dead quite of the night making ones hair raise on the back.

After laughing hysterically like a woman with a rotten head Callista did something unexpected.

Taking her hands to her face she tore away the human skin mask with her fingers, a sinister gleam in her greenish-blue eyes.

It was frightening to anyone who could witness this gruelling sight but Lucifer was unfazed as ever.

On the other hand Sera stood gaping, it was uncommon and terrifying to think that the woman called Callista standing before her was a fake. She turned to look at Lucifer.

His cold, impassive face had an amused smile with a glint in his gray eyes. The expression on his face made Sera feel jittery.

"What's going on..", she thought in her head.

This night was definitely a first for her, she felt morbid.

Sera had never experienced anything of this sort ever in her life even with Xav and Maya. With her skills she could spar for fun and fight when it calls for an emergency.

However the shocking turn in tonight's events was too overwhelming for her fragile heart. She's a normal girl with a very basic lifestyle that doesn't include guns, assassins, human masks etc, thus feeling the heebie jeebies.

"I wanted to see terror on your face.. Tch! Seems like you're far more capable than I thought, still trying to act high and mighty?"

'Callista' barked annoyingly, her haughty voice and disdainful smile displayed her hatred for Lucifer which took Sera aback.

Hours ago weren't they dancing and behaving so intimately, what in the world changed suddenly?

Lucifer smiled faintly, his gray eyes staring coldly at the woman who was peeling the mask of her face.

'Callista' clenched her fists trying to conceal the nervousness in her heart still glaring at him feigning an indestructible front.

"Let's go..", he beckoned Sera unenthusiastic about the out of the ordinary revelation. She nodded her head in accession and turned when a cold voice resounded.

"You're a heartless man Lucifer! Heartless..", her eyes were red, the makeup on her well made up face was crumbly and soiled.

"You know everything, don't you? You are doing this on purpose by bringing me an inglorious defeat!"

Lucifer didn't turn, continuing in his tracks nonchalantly and even she didn't dare to turn around.

"I, Celine.. Will never let you win!", she squealed like a pig.

Sera paused in her steps with a pale face, flabbergasted. She glanced at Lucifer beside her, he had an efficacious smile manifesting his victory.

"Where is he? Where's my dad? Answer me damn it..", she finally broke down and sat on the cold ground, her eyes glowering at Lucifer's receding back.

She picked up the gun lying beside the dead man near her, with a satisfied look on her she pointed the muzzle to his head. A smug smile on her messed-up face.