Make You Fall In Love

The moonlight splashed down its watery white-silver glow onto the city, bathing them, illuminating them. And in the distance the trees were silhouetted against the deep velvety sky.

"I'm so lucky to have survived through this and realize how important you are to me.. With you by my side I don't have to worry about anything because you're my safe haven!"

Sera thought leaning against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat made her feel safe and alive.

Slowly raising her head from his chest she looked at the man who was calmly speaking on the phone, his adam's apple bobbing slightly as he parted his lips to speak and sometimes licking in between to moisten them.

"I have fallen in love with you Lucifer! I love you..", thinking in her head she was excited and blushing like a tomato.

"I'll always love you and only you. I promise to strive harder to make you fall in love with me as much as I do!", she vowed silently in her heart, a sweet smile resting on her rosy lips devoid of any lipstick.

Lucifer was motionless as marble holding Sera in his firm embrace like a mountain, but never had she seen anything so beautiful, and so mysterious.

He was a mystery in himself, his gray eyes deep and dark with a story of his own, his pain, his identity. His brilliance that shone through those gray irises akin to rough diamonds made her heart skip a beat.

A slight pink crept up her cheeks making her face appear flushed.

After his call with Adrian, he looked at the tiny head peeking at him. His heart melted like dripping golden honey filled with nothing but sweetness.

"You okay?", he asked stroking her pink cheeks with his thumb.

"Uh-huh.. I'm fine!", she smiled prettily blinking her bright doe eyes with a slight nod of her head.

"Hmm, come let's go. Adrian will be here soon..", his magnetic voice, the hint of worry in his eyes made her heart tremble.

"Let's.. let's just stay like this for a while..", listening to her request him meekly with a faint blush on her cheeks made his breath hitch.

To Lucifer she was the most adorable person he has ever seen in the world

"Alright..", he sighed, coiling his hands around her slender waist he felt content. She sank in his arms like it was meant for her.

Surprised, he stared at her, but at the same time, he was genuinely happy as her fond sweetness wrapped around his heart just like the small hands wrapped around him.







Sera mumbled his name giddily realizing that how much she loved him.

Lucifer hummed with satisfaction in response to her calls, leaning his chin on her head with eyes closed.

*honk* *honk*

There was a honking sound across the street, the duo opened their eyes and turned. A blue Bentley was parked with it's window rolled down and Adrian's head poking out.

"Let's go..", he whispered before pressing a chaste kiss on her forehead with a smile. She closed her eyes in response and nodded before clasping their hands together.

Lucifer laughed softly, his eyes sweeping a glance at their entwined hands then at Adrian. He had a stupefied expression which was quite funny.

They trudged along the pavement at a sedate pace, mind focused on the gentle footsteps that seemed to echo throughout the desolate street as they crossed the road.

"Are you okay? You're not injured anywhere, are you?", Adrian's hurried voice resounded as soon as they reached his car.

He looked at them both with concern. Sera was feeling quite touched. She looked at Lucifer who had a blank expression but anyone who knew him well could see a faint smile lingering on his cold lips. He was happy and she could tell.

"Were fine..", she took the liberty of answering his question with a smile that was neither too bright nor too lax.

Adrian could see the tired look on her face, his eyes darted to the blood on her tattered dress and the concealed knife with engravings.

There was shock in his oceanic blue eyes filled with apprehension about her identity. This girl, she was surely suspicious.

Lucifer saw the look of distrust in Adrian's eyes, he understood what was going on in his head and met his gaze. Shaking his head, he assured him with a smile.

Adrian's eyes flickered, he could see the trust Lucifer had in her. He felt extremely conflicted about his decision to place his trust in a girl like her. Nevertheless, he still complied with a seed of doubt in him.

"Okay, get in now..", he said coldly, Sera felt odd by the sudden change in him and glanced at Lucifer who was unperturbed.

They entered the backseat and sat inside, Adrian at once started the car and drove away.