Prepare Something Edible

Lucifer cautiously placed Sera on his bed, her heels were long gone and strewn somewhere on the floor in his living room.

He wiped her face and hands with a warm towel after taking a quick shower himself, his movements gentle and benign. She stirred in discomfort when his hands moved towards her neck. He froze, his hands trembling slightly in discomfiture.

"She won't misunderstand me, right?", he asked himself feeling jittery about getting misunderstood as a pervert.

Sera's eyes fluttered open still hazy from sleep, she looked at his shocked visage with a smile on her lips. Stepping back he threw the wet towel aside and stood still like a rock.

"You are awake?", his mechanical voice resounded waking her senses. It was weird how his tone sounded strained to her and she scrunched her eyebrows.

"Uh-huh", pushing back the thoughts she replied attempting to sit up straight.

"That's great.. Go have a quick warm shower and change into anything comfortable from my wardrobe! I'll go prepare something edible for you to eat.. You didn't eat anything right? And yes, don't stay too long inside or you'll catch a cold.."

Lucifer regained his composure, he smiled at her befuddled expression and started giving his long list of instructions before strolling out of the room.

Sera had no time to react or answer, the man was like a tornado. In a whizz he vanished completely from her sight and out of the door.

She chuckled softly remembering his caring words and looked at the direction of the door with affection filled gaze.

Lucifer heaved a heavy sigh after entering the kitchen, his eyes darted around to find ingredients and quickly got to work.

Within minutes he whipped up two piping hot bowls of noodles with tomatoes and egg. It looked beautiful and appetizing.

With a pleased smile on his face Lucifer hurried towards his bedroom to call Sera out for supper, it was over midnight and they hadn't eaten anything.

"Sera.. the supper is ready", he entered the room unannounced and without knocking. His words were eaten and eyes went dark as he stared at her.

Dressed in his oversized white shirt and boxers she looked adorably sexy and his heartbeat raced violently. The top two buttons of her shirt were unbuttoned and she was oblivious about it. She was drying her wet hair unaware of his presence in the room.

Lucifer felt his legs turn to jelly, this kind of provocation was too much for him to handle. His heart was fragile and weak when it came to Sera and her beauty. She was the woman he loved and wished to devour.

"Aah~ It's bad! It's bad!", mumbling in his head like a child reciting poems Lucifer entered the bedroom.

Sera was in a dreamland, a subtle smile on her rosy lips was enhancing the fair face with pink blush making Lucifer's heart thump against his ribcage attempting to fly out.

"Sera..", he called out her name in his low vibrato startling her.

"Ahh!", she jumped out of her skin evidently scared, the hairdryer in her hands slipped out of her hold.

Lucifer caught the hairdryer and placed it back on the table beside him, all while his gray eyes were fixed on her.

She looked at him in relief. She was really frightened earlier thinking that somebody else who had entered the room.

"Lucifer.. It's you", she smiled at him, her tense face relaxing and a pink hue replaced the paleness on her skin.

"Sshh", he placed his finger on her lips, the cold skin of her lips was in contrast with the scorching heat of his finger. She felt warmth seeping into her skin with his subtle touch.

Reaching his hands to her willowy waist he gripped her sides and pushed her gently against the wall. She was locked in his embrace, feeling embarrassed yet excited she looked up at him staring into his eyes fearlessly. His burning gaze made her feel hot and her face flushed red instantly.

Feeling nervous under his smouldering gaze she lowered her sight, he smiled at her reaction before pinching her chin to force her to face him.

She could clearly anticipate his next move, as expected his lips crashed on her soft petals and almost immediately she felt her breathing hitch. It was a gentle kiss full of warmth.

Closing her eyes she drowned herself in his passionate kiss, encircling her hands around his neck she leaned against his sturdy chest. He could feel her softness pressed against him which further added to his ardour.

It was warm and gentle kiss which slowly turned into hot, fiery and demanding as his snake like tongue found hers and started a familiar dance in perfect sync.

Her fingers caressing his neck while her nails scratching the skin with the increasing passion, as the kiss deepened their bodies molded into each other's.

"Sera..", he whispered against her lips, panting, their breathes mingling intimately just like their kiss.