I'm Not Mia

"La la la la..", humming a tune while waiting for the phone line to be connected a happy as a clam Callista tapped her red painted nail fingers on the table.

"Hello? Emi? It's me!", she squeaked sitting up straight with a bright smile on her face.

"Uh-huh.. I lost both my phones, so silly of me! This is the hotel's phone.. Yup.. I'll call Lucifer and inform him", she muttered with a smile, her face glowing under the golden hued bed lights in the hotel room.

"Okay, see you soon!", ending the phone call she stood up, dragging her slender legs to the floor to ceiling windows and staring at the bright city lights.

Faint rustling noises reverberated tearing the tranquil silence in the room, she scrunched her eyebrows in confusion and turned around.

Droplets of cold sweat gathered on her forehead, her face turning pale by the second as she looked into the darkness.

"Who is there? Show yourself, Who is it?", she called out loudly, her voice laced with an underlying fear in it. Her lips quivering just like her voice.

Soon two burly men, short guy and tall guy emerged from the dark and stood in front of her unaffected by her reaction.

"Who.. Who are you? Why are you here?", stuttering her words with wide eyes and racing heart, she asked them nervously.

Long ropes and tape in their hands gave her an ominous feeling, their stoic faces with a gleam in their eyes made her heart palpitate at an incredible speed.

Staggering backwards she looked at them with sheer fear, her eyes darting from the burly short guy to tall guy and then the equipments in their muscular hands.

Acting on instinct she ran towards the door in an attempt to escape from their hands. Her legs turning to jelly still she managed to reach the door.

Just as her shaking hand was about to come in contact with the door knob, short guy held her ankle tightly, harshly pulling her back from the door.

"Aah.. Aah, leave me! Lucifer! Save me! Aah.. Why are you doing this to me? Please.."

With a thud, she fell on the cold ground, her body shuddering as she tried to stand up and evade them from touching her.

When she successfully got up to her feet tall guy held her waist firmly, she started to wriggle in his hold.

"Leave me please, I beg you.. please, leave me..", she was bawling, trying to stop them. Her long nails scratching their hands and face.

Without any mercy she was pushed onto the bed, her body bounced twice before her hands and legs were held by them.

"Aah.. Let me go please. I can give you money, as much as you want. Please, I'll give you anything you want, please leave me.."

Hot tears welled up in her eyes blurring her eye sight, struggling, she tried to push them from her body. They were trying to tie her up with the ropes.

A loud, cold and harsh slap landed on her cheek and she fell face down on the bedside table. The sharp edge hit her forehead resulting in a long gash. The red and glaring imprint on her fair skin and the blood oozing from her forehead was rather standing out.

She started crying harder from the pain before eventually losing consciousness, her eyes fluttered shut.

"Lucifer.. Lucifer! Ah! Save me..", crying in her sleep with a white bandaid on her forehead Callista started shouting like a banshee. Her face white and covered in sweat.

Hearing her shrill screams the fine hair on Lucifer and Adrian's spine stood up. They hastily entered inside the safehouse.

Sprinting like a madman, Lucifer reached her bedroom. His heart clenching at the sight of her crying in sleep. He sat beside her and held one of her small hand into his large palm.

"I'm here, I'm here..", he sat by her bed, wiping the sweat on her forehead with a towel and tucking her stray hairs behind her ears.

"Lucifer?", she opened her eyes at his touch, her face pallid and frail with parched lips. She looked really fragile at the moment.

"Yes, I'm here..", he whispered with a subtle smile, her scrunched eyebrows gradually relaxing at his reassuring words and soothing actions.

Without any warning she lunged forward, her body hit his chest and she held him into a tight hug. Her frail body still shuddering from last night's events, the trauma etched deeply into her mind.

Lucifer's gray eyes darkened at her movements, his large hands reached to grab her small back. Returning her embrace he soothingly rubbed her back.

"Lucifer..", she cried gripping his shirt tightly, her fingers turning white with the intense force applied.

"I'm here Mia, I'm here..", his eyes closed, his voice strained yet strangely gentle and calming as he tried to pacify her.

Adrian who was standing and watching everything unfold with his emotionless blue eyes jerked slightly. His thin lips parted with the intention of saying something but no words came out as he refrained himself from acting recklessly.

Mia? Was boss having yet another episode of his psychological disorder? Is he triggered by Callista's current state of vulnerability? That's bad!

Callista's eyes turned wider, her heart tightened at his words as tears gushed out without a stop. She clenched him tighter and started crying like a child.

"Lucifer, I'm not Mia..", she whispered softly, still sobbing.

His eyes opened with a start, his hands around her loosening and his body turned stiff like a board.