Greedy For Him

"Lucifer? Are you still there?", a timid Sera asked with a soft voice akin to lullaby, sweet and melodic.

Gobsmacked by her tickling words from earlier Lucifer snapped out of his daze, a heart fluttering smile on his strikingly gorgeous face.

Clearing his throat awkwardly he answered.

"Uh-huh.. You should be sleeping now, it's really late and I don't wish to see dark circles on your moonlit face!", his smooth vibrato entered her ears, unequivocally orgasmic.

A flush crept up her cheeks rendering her numb from his honey-dripped words, a smile thousand times brighter than the stars was seen shining on her rosy lips.

"Glib tongue!", she muttered under her breath, he chuckled mirthfully at her reaction.

He could picture her rose pink tinted plump cheeks albeit her gentle chiding impelling him to fly to her side right at this instant.

Her madly racing heart was on the verge of exploding when his throaty chuckle struck her beet red ears.

The vehement and deep-seated effect he has on her mind and body was strangely mesmerizing, still she loved every bit of it. Unbeknownst to her, his case was no less different than hers. Both had fallen in love with each other and had fallen hard.

Adrian sat on the driver's seat witnessing Lucifer being flirty with his sweetheart at 3 in the morning in dismay, his fingers hurriedly tapping on the steering wheel.

How great it would've been if his Yinyin was this benevolent to him! He sighed inwardly with a longing in his heart.

As though aware of Adrian's burning gaze on his silhouette in the dark Lucifer shot him a smile, for some reason it was creepy and the former turned away feeling goosebumps all over him. Lucifer slipped into the passenger seat without sparing the poor, neglected 'driver' a second glance.

"Lucifer?", she called out in a slow, humming tone which weirdly sounded like she was throwing a tantrum. It was completely different from her usual self intriguing him.

"Hmm.. Tell me, what's bothering you?", he felt embarrassed talking to her in front of his brother, his eyes darting between Adrian and the road ahead.

"Well, I wanted to know if you were already well informed that she was a fake? That girl, I know you wouldn't let just anyone touch you without any rhyme or reason", biting her lower lip hesitantly she posed forth a question that was bugging her nonstop.

A throaty laughter echoed in the silently zooming car. Adrian almost stepped on the breaks struck dumb by the sudden peal whereas Sera's nervously thumping heart skipped a beat before soaring high into the skies.

She would never get enough of him, his eyes, his smile, his face, his lips, his voice, his laughter, his touch. Everything about him, she wanted to posses him completely. She was greedy, greedy for him and only him.

"Hmm, we were all friends. Me, Adrian, Ethan, Mi.. Ahem! Xia, Xia Ruo Lan and Callista.. She was a transfer student from Y Country and spent few years here, not many know this and I believe that's why the perpetrators dared to do something like this", sensing her silence he started, his straight eyebrows knit together as he pondered deeply.

Adrian heard him, a complicated expression on his stoic face. He seemed to understand that the enemy wasn't close but still knowledgeable about everything regarding Lucifer and his business, both personal and official.

Still and all, this time fortunately there was a glitch from the other side resulting in Lucifer and Callista being safe. If this isn't Yang Deming's doing then who?

"Ooh! How is she now? I heard you say that she's at the safehouse..", she blurted out without giving any thought. Her words caught him off guard for a second, he blinked before recovering his calm composure.

"She's perfectly fine.. You don't have to worry about anything apart from yourself. Okay? Sleep tight!"

"Ah~ How can I not be concerned about the matters relating to you! Why don't you let me worry for you especially when I care for you so much and..", blabbering in one breath she came to an abrupt halt.

With the back of her hand covering her mouth and eyes bulged out she gulped heavily, scrunching her eyebrows she looked really adorable.

On the other side, the man was rendered speechless by her out of the blue, heavy outburst of emotions. His throat went dry while Adrian burst out laughing. Sera had raised her voice upto a few octaves which allowed him to hear every bit of her wordvomit.

She was at the brink of crying without tears. If she could, she'd definitely dig a hole and crawl into it.

While Lucifer was still in a daze and Adrian was experiencing a laughing fit Sera immediately pressed the end call button.

The next second her phone was switched off before she buried herself into the fluffy comforter in utter embarrassment.