Didn't Do Anything?

It was bright outside and the sunlight shining in seemed to pierce in through the curtains straight into Xia Ruo Lan's tightly shut eyes. Holding up one hand, she tried to block the glaring light however something was wrong.

She groggily sat up pulling a long face, pounding her messy haired head somewhat disoriented with her small fists.

Every time she got drunk, her memories would disintegrate resulting in a serious case nescience. Also she wasn't really good at holding her liquor, one glass and she's done.

She took her time to open her eyes and peruse around the room.

Shocked, she looked around her with a foreboding feeling in her palpitating heart. Her head was still buzzing but not due to her deadly hangover.

The place where she was sleeping soundly moments ago was unfamiliar to her. It was an exquisite hotel room, it's decorations and furniture was top class. Then why was it so dirty?

She felt a chill crawl upon her spine when she noticed her attire.

"Aaaaahhhh!!", she screamed like a banshee whose prey has been snatched away. Her eyes as large as globes.

She was in her black satin bra and panties with no proper clothes. She felt an invisible lump in her throat especially after the earth-shattering screaming. Her large black eyes darted everywhere with panic. Her soul left her virgin body when her dress was seen lying on the floor, completely marred in two pieces along with an intact men's shirt. She felt like dying at that instant.

"Oh! You're awake?", a peeved and disgruntled raspy voice resounded in the still room, her frail heart jolted in response. She hastily covered herself completely in the quilt with only her head poking out.

Ethan sluggishly strolled through the living room with a bare upper body and wet hair, a towel hanging on his lower torso that could fall off him any minute.

Still and all his handsomely gorgeous face was covered with a frosty expression appearing angry beyond words. He looked displeased as though someone had deliberately ruffled his feathers.

She gazed at his perfectly sculpted body, his shapely pectorals and chiseled abs were a feast to sore eyes. His face was weary, he looked tired with eye bags under his eyes. However her attention was grabbed by a large bite mark on his shoulder, below it was the terrifying bullet mark. But she was intrigued by the bite mark which was fresh and red. Her face turned ghastly pale.

"You..", she stuttered in disbelief, his dark eyes staring intimidatingly into her black eyes giving her chills.

"Dress up and come out! The breakfast will be here soon..", he remained unfazed by her reaction, he didn't even spare another glance at her and walked outside and slammed the door shut.

She jumped due to the ear-splitting sound, her eyes filled with hot tears ready to tumble down without hesitation. Scratching her head like a student writing his examination she lifted the comfortable quilt with a puzzled look on her small face.

Her fair body was as clean as a whistle, it was pristine with no blemishes or bites. She pondered with hands on her knees and her slender index finger tapping impatiently on her plump cheeks.

"I don't feel any pain or discomfort, my inner clothes are intact, my hands and legs are also perfectly fine, even there.. Ahem!! We didn't do anything of that sort! Then why is he in a such a dark mood so early in the morning?", she blurted out.

She looked at the small bag beside the couch on the coffee table, it was a luxury dress brand. Her eyes lit up before she remembered his unwelcoming face and exasperated words. She sighed dismally.

Sliding out of the bed she sauntered towards the bathroom. After showering and washing up she changed into the new set of clothes. They were an elegant pair of black slacks with a purple blouse. She looked classy and mature just as usual.

- - -

Outside the bedroom

Ethan was standing immobile beside the French windows in the living room, the curtains were drawn to the farthest sides and the bright sunlight entered inside.

The presidential suite was solely for Ethan, it was booked in his name and was available year round. This hotel was under the Chang's business and owned by Lucifer. Thus, he could always come here whenever he wanted with no questions asked.

Dressed in comfortable casuals he looked dashing. His hair were set neatly with a thin fringe falling on his forehead making him appear fresh.

His back was covered in cold sweat as he reminisced about the horrendous experience of yesterday night.

That girl, how can she toy with me like this!