If Not For You..

Happy as a clam Lucifer stretched his long limbs smothering the petite Sera in his embrace, a mesmerizing smile was lit on his face. Lifting her off the ground in his state of jubilation before plastering her to his body.

She was startled and shrieked, her eyes wide.

It was a crushing hug that made her small face squidge on his sturdy shoulders resulting in a numbing pain on the side of her face, hands hanging on either side she stood unmoving.

The elated man was mumbling incoherently as he crushed her in his arms. She couldn't exactly make out what he was saying and pressed her ear closer to listen.

There was a 'thank you' and an 'I love you' somewhere in between followed by some more unintelligible words that brought a smile to her face.

Finally he slid her back on the ground his hands still snaked around her dainty waist not wanting to let her go yet.

She could feel his felicity through his actions and violently drumming heartbeat. It secretly delighted her as well.

"I love you too.."

Whispering softly she reached to hug his waist and return his embrace, closing her eyes in absolute bliss she leaned her face on his chest. He kissed her hair bowing his head with a contented smile on his face.

"I'll definitely make you mine.. I promise to love you, cherish you, worship you till my last breath! You'll always be the one I'll ever love wholeheartedly and from my soul.. I'm fortunate to meet you who melted my ice-cold heart that was long dead if not for you.."

"I feel the same.. I feel really lucky to have met you Lucifer!"

They stayed still savoring the moment in each other's embrace, it was quiet and filled with love.

Suddenly a loud burst resounded breaking their trance.

Fireworks exploded above, vivid colours igniting the otherwise black sky.

Sera broke away from Lucifer when the latter loosened his hold around her. She hurriedly raised her head to look at the sky in utter amazement after the loud sound caught her attention.

All the lanterns had already flown away leaving a clear sky embellished with glittering stars behind, now painted by the sparkling fireworks, magical.

"Lucifer.. Aw, I have no words to describe what I'm feeling right now"

A soft sob could be heard as Sera chokes in between her sentence that was no less than a whisper, her eyes glued to the brilliant sky above.

Lucifer intently gazed at her bright face etched with nothing but unbridled happiness, something he was striving to achieve from the point he planned all these surprises.

His gray eyes may look calm but there are a million emotions brewing in them.

Fireworks burst above, searing their brilliant light and vivacious colour onto her starry eyes.

Each one drew a pattern into the sky, something unique and breathtaking, never to be repeated exactly no matter how many were ignited and sent to their sky-bound destiny.

Fireworks burst through the dark night, fiery blooms amongst the sparse stars. However Lucifer wasn't interested in the vibrant display instead he was watching Sera's expressions, how they light up her face just as she smiles, like a perfect real life photograph.

"You are the firework in the velvet dark, the blaze that dares to light up my night, my life"

Those were the heart tugging words from Lucifer's mouth, like a symphony entrancing Sera.

Overwhelmed she pulled the towering man with a strong tug and covered his smiling mouth with hers like it was the most natural thing to do. Her soft pink lips crashed onto his thin lips.

The silken touch grazed his restless heart like a kitten's claw unleashing a beast.

Lucifer swiftly held her nape, teasing as he angled it better so that the impulsive kiss turns deeper and more meaningful.

Invitingly opening her mouth she accepted him, his slick and warm tongue moved like a snake inside her while she tried to keep up with him. Grunting and moaning they kissed fervently standing in the middle of the pool with passion and desire for each other.

"Breathe, my love..", he stroked her plump cheeks and chin with his calloused thumb.

Pulling back he let her breath, she was woozy with a blushing red face, swollen red lips and teary eyes. He pressed open mouth kisses on her exposed, slender neck while she breathlessly wriggled in his arms like a fish out of water.

Licking a trail to her red tinted ears, he kissed her slowly sucking onto the flesh before tugging her ear lobe with his teeth.

A breathless moan escaped her half-opened mouth as she dug her nails on the sides of his arms, he sucked on it to soothe the sting. She closed her eyes in pleasure.

Pulling her braided hair in his delirious state he continued licking and sucking her supple skin occasionally biting her cheeks, the braid came undone setting her lustrous hair free.

Grabbing a handful of her hair he yanked her face backwards, teasing and kissing her neck, from throat to the full cleavage. She bit her swollen lips holding back her voice.

His hot palm skimmed her creamy skin as he hooked one of her legs around his waist while she grabbed his shoulders afraid of falling. Almost wet, their bodies clinging in the most intimate manner inciting their lust.

The next moment Sera was pushed to the wall in the swimming pool with both her legs hooked around him, they kissed hungrily.

"Lucifer..", she bit her lip seductively staring into his gray eyes that were ablaze with pure desire.