She's In Love

Two days later

Looking dapper in a custom fit suit jacket Adrian stood across the large desk piled with files and documents.

"Boss, we've found a lead.."

His unhurried voice with a hint of smile resonated in the quiet cabin, his face calm yet a storm in his blue eyes.

"Go on.."

Engrossed in a file, with his slender fingers tapping the desk impatiently Lucifer's low but commanding tone of voice encouraged Adrian to spill everything, a bit enthusiastically.

Donning a clear white shirt with first two buttons undone and sleek black trousers Lucifer was the epitome of effortlessly good-looking men.

Like an eager child Adrian sat down on the chair opposite and gulped the water in the crystal glass on the desk across the busy Lucifer. A goofy smile on his face with drops of water trickling down the sides of his sexy lips.

Unperturbed by his actions Lucifer still had his attention on the papers in his hands, a slight frown on his gorgeous face that made him appear attractive.

"You were right.. It's that Liu bastard! He's the one who is been sending Miss Lu's photographs since that night at the manor"

Adrian exclaimed, his face bright with a smile that could describe his emotions better than his hasty, excited words.

He was giddy after fulfilling the task and finding the culprit in just two days along with other dangerous missions. He had sleepless nights for the past two days, it was excruciating.

From the past two days Adrian has been receiving a bunch of pictures, each one had Sera in them.

They were clearly trying to target Lucifer through the reverend devil's weakness, like cheap cowards.

Though Lucifer had an idea who is behind all this mess. He didn't take any rash decisions and continued their investigation at a calm pace to catch the mastermind.

Adrian's words piqued Lucifer's attention, raising his gaze he saw the subtle smile on the stoic Adrian, it amused him. He scoffed before averting his eyes back to the documents.

"We found the culprit at Diamond City, his name is Sam. He was hired by Mr Bai, Liu's assistant to follow Miss Lu.. Also, I've found something interesting"

"The Zhang's young missy, Zhang Lili was seen living with Liu Li and Liu Chenmin at Jade Manor after her scandal. I don't think it's that simple, so, my people are still investigating them! And coming back to Sam.."

Not at all offended by the lack of attention from Lucifer, Adrian continued. His voice gruff, laced with venom thinking about Liu Chenmin and his assistant Mr Bai. They were the lowest scums he'd ever come across.

The fingers tapping on the desk stopped soundlessly, the fore finger was now leisurely circling the surface of the glass table.

Lucifer was in deep thought, fabricating a delicate but complex web of deception in his brain for the doomed Liu Chenmin and Mr Bai.

"That dumb ass, Sam blurted out everything in front of one of our girls in Diamond City while having fun. He was dead drunk to even recognize his own mother!"

Darting a glance at the blabbering man Lucifer nodded his mildly, his head working overtime with a dangerous glint in his gray eyes. The side of his lips curled very little, a ghostly smile on his face.

"The camera was with him, the girl checked it, they were all Miss Lu's pictures. She then called my men.. He's currently under our care, don't worry. Everything is under control"

Enough with the dawdling Adrian gave a brief account of the happenings at Diamond City after glancing at the time. It was noon, time for a hearty lunch as a treat to himself.

"Hmm.. Good! Make sure to give her a handsome reward.. And yes, I don't want him to ever follow anyone in his life!"

Humming softly, he praised the speed of execution even though Adrian was busy with Luke, Patrick Wilson and few other things at hand.

The last sentence sent a creepy chill down Adrian's straight spine, he had a foreboding feeling for the life of the idiot who was trailing after Sera. He was now sure to have a painful experience of death.

"Break his legs, clip out his nails along with his fingers and gorge out his eye balls.. Throw him to the dogs, feed him to the Tibetan Mastiffs or better the crocs!"

The words from Lucifer's mouth sounded like a slow, soothing symphony completely in contrast with their darkness.

He was giving orders to torture a man yet he was calm like the sea before a throttling storm, his cello like voice was low.

After spitting his words casually Lucifer got back to his work. Adrian gave a curt nod acceding to his orders and left closing the door behind him.

- - -

Inside the grand lobby of Jade Manor, a pair of bodyguards in black were following a medium built, bespectacled man in a black suit. He seemed to be in his late thirties.

His brown eyes sharp, an eye-catching mole under his left eye made him appear evilly smart, rapier-like. His short hair were clean-cut and slightly curly.

Mr Bai approached the large wooden engraved door, the bodyguards instinctively backed off to give him space. He raised his hand to knock on the door before entering inside.

*knock* *knock*

"Mr Liu, sorry I'm late.."

Humbly bowing his head Mr Bai apologized politely after entering the meeting room, it was their secret meeting place aside from their office.

"Quit the formalities.. Where's that fool you hired?"

Agitatedly waving his hand, Liu Chenmin beckoned the man with his inquisitive words.

"I'm afraid he's already been captured by Mr Lucifer's men, he's untraceable since yesterday night.."

His polite, monotone voice was low-pitched, his words further aggravating Liu Chenmin. He smashed the glass on the ground.

"It's done, all's done!! Everything is finished..", his eyes bloodshot as he screamed, a terror in his eyes that was chilling.

"That bastard Lucifer, he's rejected my daughter and is now having fun with a cheap slut, I'll kill him along with that dirty little imp.."

Bellowing like an enraged mad dog Liu Chenmin grabbed another glass and threw it near Mr Bai's polished leather shoes. He didn't even flinch.

"Don't let Liu Li know about any of this, she's in love with that bastard son! And I don't want her to get hurt.."

Like a helpless father his tone turned soft, his gaze piercing the broken shards of glass on the floor.

Mr Bai smirked disdainfully looking at Liu Chenmin's powerless figure.