The Sober Heart

Lost in her own world with a wide smile stretched on her face, Liu Li was gloating. Her spiteful words were harsh to one's ears.

"Zhang Lili, that wench, she'll definitely get it from Ethan Lee this time.."

"That Lee idiot has a soft spot for Lu bitch! There's no way for Zhang Lili to escape, she'll be ruined and wouldn't think about my Lucifer.. I won't let her off so easily!"

Laughing crazedly, Liu Li was completely out of her mind until tears formed on the edge of her eyes.

*buzz* *buzz*

Jolting awake from her deranged laughter resembling that of a devil's call, Liu Li sweeped a languid glance at her phone screen.

Mr Bai calling.

Trembling, Liu Li's face was drained of any color. She looked ghastly, her eyes were wide and lips pale. Clenching her fists tightly she threw her phone away, it's screen cracked into two.

"No..! Nooo.."

Mumbling to herself, Liu Li turned frantic as she hastily closed the doors and windows of her bedroom. She even drew the curtains after locking everything, her hands shaking.

This Liu Li was just like a scaredy and innocent bunny hiding from the hungry tiger out to hunt him.

It seemed as though the Liu Li who was glowing with a victorious smile on her face and had a prideful front, a vicious smirk and glimmering eyes prior was just an illusion.

With her fists covering both her ears Liu Li hid behind her bed, cowering in fear that was evident in her eyes. She squeezed them shut, shrinking against the cold walls in her bathrobe.

Liu Li's pink lips shaking as she continued muttering incoherently.

- - -

Closing the door behind him, Adrian took long strides inside the bedroom. The room was neat and clean, with no specks of dust. He prepared to lower the feverish Su Yin on the large king-size bed.

The latter clung onto him like a stubborn koala bear refusing to let go, her eyes squeezed shut.

The stoic faced Adrian couldn't help but smile as he stared down at Su Yin. It was clear as day that she was putting on an act and wasn't really asleep.

Adrian was long acquainted to such dramatic things, thus it no longer surprised him.

The twitching of Su Yin's dense eyelashes gave her out, even her lips trembled slightly in fear of blowing her own cover. Her slender fingers clutching onto his collar had tightened too.


Bending down, Adrian's deep but soothing voice gently caressed Su Yin's ears tinting them pink, in turn she squeezed her eyes with more strength. He shook his head watching her as she threw childish tantrums.

Adrian's blue eyes twinkling with a hint of nostalgia, his smile grew wider and brighter.


Nudging Su Yin's small forehead with his nose, Adrian mumbled again, this time softly.

Shivering, Su Yin still refused to let go. His breath teasing her. She was adamant and had internally decided to give in her all this time around to win Adrian.

Strange enough, Adrian wasn't enraged rather he was perplexed seeing her like this. It was euphoric, as though they had traveled back in time.

For Adrian, all of this wasn't anything less than a phantasmagoric experience. He started to get dubious, to the extent of believing that it's just a delusion on his part.

Taking a deep breath to calm his raging heartbeat Adrian once again attempted to push Su Yin back on the bed, he wasn't gentle this time and Su Yin bounced lightly on the bed.

Tears were threatening to flow out of Su Yin's tightly closed eyes. She had her left gripping onto Adrian's collar button like her life depended on it. It broke the man's fragile heart.


Covering Su Yin's shivering fingers on his collar, Adrian's large palm covered them completely. Easily releasing her grip, he gently squeezed her hand. It was his way of reassuring her.

Patiently waiting for Su Yin to open her eyes and acknowledge him, Adrian sat beside on the edge of the bed. Still holding onto her hand.

Minutes passed by and no one spoke a word.

"Don't go.."

Intertwining their hands together Su Yin's choked voice broke the deafening silence in the air.

The slight movement from Adrian had evoked a great sense of fear in Su Yin. Without thinking twice she blurted out, she shot her eyes open before the man could react. They were bloodshot.


Shocked by the sight before him Adrian couldn't manage to utter a word, he was in no state to decipher what was wrong and sat motionless. His calm breathing turned irregular within seconds.


Faced with Adrian's silence Su Yin's face turned ashen, her eyes were rimmed with tears while she pleaded weakly. Adrian's body shook, his aching head extremely befuddled.

"Please don't let me go.."

Pulling on the man's hand, Su Yin held it closer to her forehead. She cried leaning against the back of Adrian's hand. His hand damp with her salty tears.

"Adrian, I want you to hold onto me.. Tightly, please.."

Abruptly raising her tear-stricken face that was nothing like before where she had immaculate makeup on, Su Yin begged Adrian. She was choking on her words as she spoke, it showed how much hurt she was going through.

Adrian's blue eyes were glistening with unfallen tears too, a faint smile on his lips. It was sad.

Undoubtedly Su Yin was in the influence of alcohol. Or else she'd never say such things to Adrian with a sober mind, that too on his face.

'A drunken mind speaks the sober heart..'

That was the only thing that came into Adrian's muddled head as he perceived each and every thing that Su Yin did or said, till now.

It secretly elated Adrian.

"Yinyin, I'm here.. I won't let you go, I won't.. Not this time, certainly not!"

Crashing her petite, shaking body desperately into his sturdy self, Adrian hugged Su Yin as she cried. He pressed small kisses on her head, crushing her into his embrace and muttering unintelligible words.

After a long while Adrian and Su Yin calmed themselves. The air around them was harmonious and their hearts seemed to have reconciled.

"You.. You promise?"

Sniffing, Su Yin raised her head from Adrian's chest, her red lips curled faintly as she pressed on.

"Hmm.. Promise"

Brushing the messy, stray hairs from Su Yin's forehead Adrian hummed in reply, promising.