Forget This Night

The moonlight above the pair of lovers lessened the inky blackness of the night, myriad of stars speckled and glittered in the sky above them.

Still a pensive sadness lingered in the air as Sera clung onto Lucifer's arm, her eyes dimmed while she processed his words before speaking.

Sensing the change in Sera's mood Lucifer's couldn't help but feel slightly regretful. His deep gaze landed at her head resting on his shoulders sighing secretly in his heart.

"This is too sad! Although Su Yin is willful and childish I never thought.."

Sera's voice faintly echoed, soft and distant causing Lucifer to furrow his straight eyebrows.

"It's not really her fault. My brother, he was a fool in love.."

Interjecting Sera in an unhurried manner Lucifer's lips curved lightly, his tone had a tinge of mirth as he chuckled.


Reaching his hands to ruffle Sera's hair Lucifer pulled her up, she had a look of confusion in her bright eyes staring at his face. Looking like a clueless little kitten compelling him to squeeze her pink cheeks.

"It's like this.."

Lucifer beckoned Sera closer as he whispered into her ears, he held her face before kissing her earlobe earning a bell like giggle.

"Oh! No wonder.."

Shaking her head in amusement, Sera laughed softly while she hugged Lucifer's waist tightly.

Heaving a sigh in relief, Sera was now free from worries regarding Su Yin and Adrian's relationship. She had a wide smile on her face.

After finding out about the problems in their love life had initially left Sera in low spirits. But now, she wasn't feeling that bad.


Running his fingers gently through Sera's dark hair Lucifer called out in a low voice.


Pulling onto Lucifer's white coat that was draped around her tightly, Sera hummed in reply.

"Do you remember what happened tonight.."

Trying to sound as casual as possible Lucifer cautiously queried, his gray eyes flickered with light. His fist clenched tightly.

"Yeah, why.."

Caught off guard by Lucifer's sudden question Sera was blank. She mumbled after a while and looked up at his calm expression.

"You found yourself inside the private room, that too drunk. I don't think it's that simple.."

Not wanting to put any pressure on Sera, Lucifer schooled his expression and his tone.

"As you know, Su Yin was the one who invited me and Ruo Lan tonight, she was weird all day long! That aside, Ruo Lan was busy so we didn't force her.."

Nodding her head in understanding Sera started, her face had a soft glow under the moonlight that was mesmerizing. Lucifer's heart softened immediately, he slowly loosened his grip.

"I didn't drink anything alcoholic.. Now that you mentioned, I remember that I was feeling slightly tipsy.."

Sitting up straight as though she had an epiphany Sera's eyes twinkled, scrunching her small face appearing confused she gazed at Lucifer. His gaze darkened at her words.

"Don't think about all this and relax. I'll look into it.."

Cupping Sera's small face in his large palm Lucifer shot her a small smile and kissed her forehead.

- - -

Heated, sweaty entangled bodies writhing in pure carnal pleasure, moved rhythmically in the quietude of the beautiful moonlit night.

Panting, moaning and growling as their wayward hands groped and hungry mouths madly kissed the daylights out of each other.

Away from the hustle bustle of the world that was full of chaos, Adrian and Su Yin made love all night long completely isolated, until she finally passed out due to exhaustion.

Being the ever loving boyfriend and a perfect gentleman, Adrian covered Su Yin's naked self before bringing warm water and wet towel to clean her up.

The grown man gingerly wiped Su Yin, his face burning hot as he saw the marks left by him, red and glaring. Adrian was stunned speechless. His throat was parched while his trembling hands roamed around her body.

"I hope you don't hate me after waking up.. It's fine if you hate me.. Just, just don't forget this night Su Yin.."

Leaning against Adrian's warm hands as he stroked her plump cheeks, Su Yin purred in her sleep resembling a cute fast asleep cat. As though reacting to his low, gruff voice that was slightly melancholic to the ears.

A sheer white shirt was draped around her, it further enhanced her fair skin tainted with crimson marks as she lay peacefully on the bed beside him.

After a quick shower, Adrian was again shocked standing across the mirror with a white towel hanging loosely around his lower waist. His eyes widened, his chest, shoulders and back were covered in scratches and bites.

"What the hell..!"

Looking at himself like this Adrian was reminded of the night spent with Su Yin one year ago, his lips faintly curved into a small smile.

"I'm glad that we're together again, in each other's embrace.. Just like that night, a year ago.."

"This time I won't let you sneak out on me Yinyin, I promise.. I won't let you go!"

Donning a pair of shorts in dark blue Adrian slipped under the covers stealthily. His body longing for Su Yin's warmth as he pulled her towards him and snuggled.

Gazing at the petite woman in his arms Adrian hugs her closer. He plants a soft kiss on her hair, breathing her scent he closes his eyes, reminiscing the first time he had met Su Yin.