That Was My First Kiss!!

Closing her eyes as she chanted prayers in her head, Su Yin kicked the man with all her might heeding to Adrian's words.


Grimacing, the man's hold on Su Yin's shoulders loosened lightly. She rushed to pull his hair like a hysteric mad shrew on the streets. Horrified, he cried in pain struggling out of her deadly tight grasp.

"Aaahh..! Ungh.. Ah.."

After mercilessly kicking the man under him from the rooftop, Adrian hauled the man being tortured by Su Yin and packed a punch. A couple of his teeth fell on the ground as he spat blood making her gasp in surprise.


'So cool..'

Faced with Adrian's strength and cool avatar Su Yin's black irises glowed radiantly. She stared at him in pure admiration like a fangirl around her dream idol.

Also according to Su Yin's memory of Adrian, the man had saved her life twice in these two days. So, he naturally deserved her respect, love, adoration as well as a chance to date her. But for three months only.

"Let's get out from here.."

Pulling onto Su Yin's hand, who was currently in a state of trance, Adrian brought her out with him. His tone was nowhere gentle, it was gruff and deep yet it managed to tickle the chords of her maiden heart.

The pair entered the quiet lobby without gathering attention from prying eyes, it was almost empty.

A couple of men with guns were on the other side of the lobby. Suddenly Adrian's blue eyes flashed with a faint light as his ears perked up in interest. His hand imperceptibly reached for the concealed gun in his jacket.

Snaking his ripped arms around Su Yin's tiny waist Adrian leaned against the wall. His other hand reached her nape under the blanket of her silky black hair, her skin burning with each diminutive brush of his calloused fingers.

Flabbergasted by his actions, Su Yin raised her widened eyes to stare at his insouciant front with no traces of guilt, lust or love. Her palpitating heart stopped beating when his face drop-dead gorgeous face magnified.

Their lips touched for a split second before two consecutive gunshots brought Su Yin back to earth.

Unbeknownst to the chaotic state of Su Yin's heart and mind, Adrian's freezing glare was directed at the lifeless men lying on the floor. He chuckled mirthlessly, she gulped heavily and felt her heart jumping unrestrained inside her chest.

Raising his long set of legs Adrian strolled away leaving a frazzled Su Yin behind, she snapped out after his heavy footsteps faded into nothingness.

Shaking her head vigorously with a look of horror on her small face, Su Yin ran after Adrian. Her high heels clacking audibly on the tiled floor.

Thanks to her hurried steps as well as the empty pathway, Su Yin caught up with Adrian who had apparently sneaked out of the nightclub's backdoor. His face was blank.

"Hey!! That was my first kiss!"

A little red with anger, Su Yin bellowed harshly in frustration as she yanked at Adrian's arm. He turned around to find her lips pouting, her cheeks flushed in a deep red and eyes glaring at him in displeasure.

"So what?"

Avoiding Su Yin's hands, Adrian had a I-dont-care look on his godly handsome face with a light stubble. It further aggravated her awful mood, she scowled at his answer.


Just when Su Yin was in a dilemma to either walk away or slap him, Adrian opened his mouth rendering her speechless.

"Mine too.."

The straightforward reasoning given by Adrian unintentionally stopped Su Yin's wild train of thoughts, bringing it into a complete state of non-existence and she blanked out.


Stroking his left eyebrow that was thick and straight, Adrian had a helpless expression on his face, even the tips of his ears were slightly pink. He looked exceptionally cuter and Su Yin couldn't take her eyes off him.

Adrian was definitely cuter like this, how Su Yin wished to pinch his cheeks and pull his red nose. The sickly sweet but perverted, wide smile on her face was spine-chilling.

"It was my first kiss too.."

With her starry eyes fixated on Adrian's slightly flustered self, Su Yin had a naughty glint in her eyes as she stuck her tongue out. Her fingers playing with the flimsy material of her dress's skirt seeing his shy expression, she felt oddly excited.

"Oh! If you put it like that, then I'm glad.."

On the flipside, Adrian had no idea what Su Yin was talking about. His face contorted into a confused expression, his eyebrows knit together as he waited for her response.


Shooting an innocent smile that would beguile any sane man in the world, Su Yin fluttered her long eyelashes flirtatiously. Her actions once again left Adrian extremely frazzled.

"Never mind.."

Quirking his eyebrow with an uninterested gaze Adrian didn't bother to waste his time and strode away. Su Yin hastily caught up with him, pestering him to drop her to her hotel since she was an alone girl on the road at the dead of night. Typical drama queen.

With Su Yin's incessant pleading and constant badgering Adrian reluctantly agreed, grinding his teeth in annoyance. This was the first time in his life to be hassled by a woman, a frail and powerless woman with no brains. His eyes twitched uncontrollably as he led the way to where his car was parked.

With absolutely no qualms Su Yin smilingly sauntered towards Adrian's red sports car, she perched herself on the copilot seat and shot him a heartwarming smile. Pink hearts could be seen flying out of her eyes.

Paying no attention to the succubus like woman beside him, who was a big threat to his virgin heart and body, Adrian revved up the engine and sped away.