Tch! How Petty..

The following days were never peaceful for Adrian, for Su Yin would drop by every day, even multiple times a day and flirt with him shamelessly. She'd go as far as to tease him, touch him inappropriately and steal kisses every now and then.

Su Yin was like a female version of an infinitely perverted hooligan in the eyes of the victimized Adrian, who was trying hard to protect his chastity as well as stop himself from strangling her fair neck.

The guards in the castle who had previously thrown her out, even Adrian's most trusted men were miraculously 'befriended' by Su Yin.

Though it was more like being 'threatened' by Su Yin, they'd diligently inform her about their boss's location including his temper.

As though Su Yin was their real boss and not the mighty ice king.

It was scary how capable this little woman was when she bared her sharp claws resembling a kitten in rage that made them subconsciously submit to Su Yin and betray Adrian.

They were so traumatized that each night they'd convince their poor, trembling hearts saying that - they weren't betraying Adrian but helping him to get a beautiful wife and life.

Whether Adrian was strolling in the castle's garden or going home after closing a dangerous deal, Su Yin's small head would pop out of nowhere giving him a great scare. She'd pester him all day and night.

One day while an absentminded Adrian was seen standing under a huge tree in the castle's garden when Su Yin appeared behind him in light steps. She threw a half-eaten apple at the man's back shocking him.

Enraged, Adrian turned around to identify the culprit. In a flash Su Yin leapt into his arms catching him off guard and wound her arms around his neck in a death lock. Literally hanging around his neck.

"What are you doing! Let go of me this instant.."

Glaring at the smiling Su Yin in front of his face Adrian warned, gritting his teeth. His blue eyes were raging mad displaying his displeasure clearly.

"Aww, don't be mad.. I missed you so much. Let me give you a kiss.."

Stretching a sweet smile across her lips Su Yin's soft voice caressed Adrian's ears, tickling the bottom most chords of his heart. Her black orbs eyes shining brightly akin to gemstones. She puckered her glossy lips bringing it terrifyingly closer to his mouth.

"I'm warning you, stop with your brazen acts and let go!!"

Turning away his face that was breaking out in cold sweat due to Su Yin's warm breath and wayward actions, Adrian bellowed.

"Tch! How petty.. It's just a kiss, it's not like we haven't kissed before"

Clicking her tongue in a dissatisfying manner, Su Yin retracted her arms away and jumped down. She still stood sticking closer to him and smiled slyly, almost smirking like a succubus out to devour him completely.

Already accustomed to Su Yin's antics these past few days Adrian was able to maintain a calm facade, even if his heart was on the verge of exploding. He heaved a sigh inwardly and opened his mouth to speak ignoring her embarrassing statements.

"What are you doing here again? How many times have I told you to not follow me around like this.."

Trying to sound as rational as possible, Adrian rubbed his forehead lightly with his fingers to hide his expression as he inquired somewhat helplessly.

Both of them hadn't noticed but Adrian's tone nowadays was no longer cold when talking to Su Yin.

"If I don't follow you around would you be benevolent enough to come find me?"

With her gaze lowered and voice softer than any mellow song Su Yin questioned gently. Adrian felt his heart tug at her words, his hands instinctively reaching to hold her face.

"I know you don't like me, you don't have to, just agree to my proposal and be my boyfriend.."

Before Adrian could lift his hand to caress Su Yin's smooth skin and refute, she raised her head to meet his gaze. She even shot a million dollar smile at the end. He clenched his fists and stared at her in silence, his blue eyes icy cold.

"It's just 3 months and we've already wasted a week.."

To add insult to the injury Su Yin continued in a casual manner, she blew a long sigh as she shook her head appearing disappointed.

Incensed by Su Yin's frivolous talks Adrian felt his anger bubbling and walked away, not sparing her another glance.

Already used to this treatment from Adrian, Su Yin didn't bother running after him in hopes of appeasing the ice king. Instead she went back home whistling a tune merrily, uncaring.

Another day Su Yin emerged again, after receiving a message from one of Adrian's men.

A sunshiny, bright smile on Su Yin's face as she trudged behind Adrian, following him like a loyal dog. She was donning a cute pink and white striped tshirt and denim shorts in white, her hair pulled into a ponytail.

As Su Yin's gentle gaze followed Adrian, who was holding a small water bottle in his hand as he jogged enjoying the enthralling sunset view. His head was in a disarray, he was preoccupied with several thoughts including Lucifer's safety, Zhang Lili and also Su Yin.

Wiping the sweat accumulated on his forehead with a small towel, Adrian opened the water bottle to drink before pouring it on his head to cool himself. His handsome face dripping wet while his white shirt was soaked, he looked cool and manly.

Gulping her spit, the dazed Su Yin's eyes were locked on Adrian's breathtaking figure, her plump cheeks heating up with a distinct pink blush gracing her small but exquisite face.

Gazing at the setting sun in the orange hued sky akin to extinguishing ambers, Adrian sighed in his heart.

A gust of wind blew past Adrian and the towel resting in his hands fell down, he slowly bent down to pick it up. Surprisingly, he felt a soft weight akin to cotton sack on his back before he could get back on his feet.

"Ah~ I missed you so much. Did you miss me too?"

Leaning on Adrian's broad back, Su Yin rubbed her face like a kitten as she purred in a gentle voice. Her slender arms tightly snaked around his neck.

"Why is it you again?"

Adrian's eyes twitched at her words, his forehead creased as black lines formed onto it. His tone was cold and detached.

"Huh? Were you expecting some other woman?"

Widening her black orbs for a larger effect Su Yin cockles her head as she feigned anger.

"What are you saying? Get off me now.."

Flustered, Adrian felt quite guilty for thinking about Zhang Lili few seconds ago, his heart bursting with fear of the unknown.

"Nah-uh.. My legs hurt!"

Shaking her head with a prominent pout resting on her pink, glossy lips Su Yin refused. Fluttering her eyelashes pitifully she whined meekly as though in intense pain.

"Fine!! Don't try anything funny or else I'll drop you into the fountain!"

Averting his gaze, Adrian stared straight ahead, the tips of his ears were tinted pink as he warned Su Yin. His hands slowly reached to hold her. She nodded earnestly and he rose to his feet, carrying her on his back.

"Have you ever piggybacked a girl? Or a boy?"

As they were advancing towards the exit of the garden Su Yin had a sweet smile on her face. She pondered for a moment before asking Adrian curiously.


Adrian, who was by now used to interactions with Su Yin blurted out. His tone was light.

"Wa~ Then, I'm your first?"

Adrian's reply left Su Yin baffled, her eyes lit up in joy and she couldn't help but squeal out loud. His ears were close to bleeding thanks to her screams. Moving closer to his face she even wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Embarrassed, Adrian let out a bout of awkward coughs, his face flushed in deep red.

*ahem* *ahem*

"Well, you look quite hot drenched like this.."

Looking at the fresh streak of blush spread across Adrian's striking face and ears, Su Yin teased him. She even licked her lips with a loud smack that made the grown man stumble in sheer astonishment and shame.

"Can't you keep your mouth shut?"

After steadying his footing Adrian hissed at Su Yin, she giggled softly that made his head throb in pain.

"About that fountain thing.. Were you serious?"

Inching closer to Adrian's ears, Su Yin asked in hushed tones as though he'd kill her if she dares to raise her voice. He didn't reply but frowned in response to her query.

"I just want to know if you'll join me in there.."

When there was no sound from the other side Su Yin continued, this time however, her voice was loud and crisp. Agitated by her constant blabbering Adrian's hands around her legs loosened as he prepared to drop her on the ground, with not an ounce of mercy.

"Ah~ I'm sorry.. I'm sorry, please don't drop me!"

Petrified, Su Yin clung harder to Adrian, her fingers tightly clutching the front of his tshirt as she screamed in horror. Her eyes squeezed shut. His lips twitched, a faint smile crept up his thin lips as he restrained himself from laughing out loud.