Ready To Bear Responsibility

'Today, it's the 5th day.. I haven't seen your face! I still remember your shivering touch on my skin, you were so cute, so tempting'

'Your strong manly scent assailing my senses into a whirlwind when your thin, ice cold lips fell on my own, unannounced.. The goosebumps I felt back then are still vivid, your breath on mine..'

'So pleasantly warm yet cooling!'

'I was beyond exhilarated after finding out that it was your first kiss, just like me.. Are you my soulmate? I couldn't sleep all night thinking about it, it was agitating..'

'You've never been good to me.. Why would you? I behave like a lust driven maniac in front of you, just to see your cute reactions'

'Your men are just like you.. Easily flustered, I have tortured them these few days just to vent my frustration. I miss you'

'We might never meet again after I leave for B City.. I want to see you once, Mr Knight!'

Days after days, the disheartened Su Yin had witnessed a vacant sight before her woeful eyes.

There were no signs or traces of Adrian along the familiar paths of the majestic gates of the castle or his desolate apartment. Her dense eyelashes fluttered akin to baby butterflies, delicate and mystifying, whilst her heart ached in remembrance.

Standing across the metallic gray hued door with her heart jumping tumultuously inside her throbbing chest, Su Yin gulped heavily. She raised her hand after a few deep breaths to control her rising anxiety.

The fair and slender fingers adorning delicately crafted rings were itching to push the door open as they trembled lightly, afraid of being engulfed in the heavy feelings of disappointment yet again. Su Yin bit her lips that resembled freshly bloomed petals of pink Japanese roses.

'You can do this, Yinyin! If he's not here.. You'll not see him again but if he's inside..'

Taking another deep breath Su Yin clenched her fists tightly once, nodding her head before pushing the door open nervously. To her delight, it was unlocked, her eyes instantly lit up akin to 1000 watts bulbs lighting up a dark, gloomy hut on a moon less night.

Without any slightest hint of hesitation on her face Su Yin directly strode inside like it was her own house, proudly. The moment her feet stepped into the living space they were glued to the ground. She stood motionless looking like a lifeless statue made of stone.

There was absolutely no sound in the air except for the loud drumming of Su Yin's heart against her chest, that only she could hear.

Nothing could distract Su Yin in the whole wide world as she stared ahead in amazement, unblinkingly. She was definitely struck dumb by the sight before her widened eyes as large as saucers. She gasped in shock.

'Holy Moly Mother Of God!!..'

Few steps away from Su Yin stood Adrian, he was busy talking on the phone with his back facing the wide opened door.

The well-built man was in his birthday suit much to Su Yin's astonishment as well as embarrassment. She blinked her doe eyes numerous times trying to take in the situation.

It was real.


She wasn't hallucinating. No way.

Horrified with the odds that this could be a delusion, a pretty 'dreamboat' of a delusion, Su Yin shuddered inwardly as she had never seen something like this.

Not even in her weirdest dreams.

The mighty ice king's herculean, artwork of a body which had a healthy golden honey complexion was exposed in front of Su Yin. Glistening wet with beads of dewy, clear water drops streaming down in slow-mo, tantalizing.

The droplets kissing his muscular and ripped arms, broad shoulders, broad built back, well defined v shaped waist and finally down his full derrière and toned calves. It left Su Yin's plump cheeks reddened, her small face flushed hot.

Su Yin was redder than the brightly colored red sweater draped around her quivering body.

The guy was totally a hench. Adrian's chiseled face and blue eyes were bewitching already, more than anything his well-built physique was to die for, like an Adonis.

Like a monolithic rock in existence from the beginning of the earth's creation Su Yin stood unmoving while gaping at the statuesque sight appreciatively, with no shame at all.


Shaking off all the flustered feelings of a virgin girl, that left both her heart and body smouldering red akin to a volcano that was due for eruption any minute. Su Yin hurriedly schooled her expression and emotions before whistling like a true pervert.

'What the..'

The sleazy tune caught Adrian off guard who was totally oblivious to Su Yin's intrusion, thanks to his heavy drinking episode earlier. Even after taking a warm shower the man felt dizzy, still a bit inebriated and prone to making mistakes.

'Who the hell dares..'

Listening to the crude whistling Adrian's pupils dilated before he turned around to meet his doom, the phone dropped on the floor with a crash.

With a hand on her waist and other carelessly twirling her wavy black hair, a devilish smirk danced on Su Yin's glossy lips as she scanned his frontal view with interest.

Eyeing Adrian's drool worthy body with her starry eyes Su Yin unconsciously licked her cherry lips, tasty and juicy.

Heat surged through Su Yin's body rapidly while staring at Adrian's perfectly carved clavicles, mouthwatering pectorals, chiseled and toned set of abs and beefy, muscular thighs. She smiled subtly when her gaze landed on a particular 'thing' glaring back at her prominently, her smile wicked.

Deepening the smile grace her alluring lips, Su Yin's clear black eyes were glaring straight into Adrian's darting blue irises, mischievously.

Like a jolt of destructive lightning, Su Yin's presence hit Adrian really hard, his mouth hung open in surprise.

A very unpleasant and dreadful surprise.

In a matter of mere seconds Adrian's heart suddenly dropped to the pit of his stomach.


Adrian's poor heart dropped to his shaky feet as he watched Su Yin approach him with a predatory gaze.

"If I said you have a beautiful body will you hold it against me?"

Curving her pink lips that were plump and glossy, Su Yin's lightly husky and seductive voice reached Adrian. She was standing extremely close to him, her warm, fruity breath fanning his neck that was bright red.

"Don't worry.. I'm ready to bear responsibility for violating your 'beautiful body' with my pretty eyes today"

Extending her little palm to cup Adrian's rigid face that had zero emotions displayed on it, despite the intense emotions whirling in his blue eyes akin to a brewing thunderstorm, Su Yin smiled sweetly like a devil in disguise.

"From this moment onwards, you're my boyfriend and I.."