She Tastes Like.. Strawberries!

The atmosphere around Adrian and Su Yin had inadvertently turned ambiguous. Various intense emotions swirling through them were strangely overwhelming.

With the air turning denser and heavier, Adrian held his breath waiting for Su Yin to either move away or make a move against him. She flipped her hair to one side with her black orbs fixated on his face before placing her hand on his bare chest.

The soft sensation caused by this small contact between their bodies gave Adrian chills, his heartbeat quickened reasonably. Su Yin slowly leaned forward, her glossy lips stretched into a faint smile, captivating.

Soon, their lips crashed into what you call as a stimulating kiss, panting. Adrian squeezed his eyes shut the moment he felt the softness of Su Yin's lips, indulgingly. Still feeling a bit conflicted and reluctant internally in regards to this newly formed union.

'She.. She tastes like.. Strawberries!'

In their heated exchange Su Yin's trembling hand glided downwards, roaming about carelessly on Adrian's bare body. His rationale was getting clouded with each passing second.

With her knees weakened, Su Yin was wobbly. She was close to falling down on the hard, tiled floor.

Instinctively Adrian held Su Yin firmly, supporting her tiny waist as their slick tongues moved in sync. She moaned in a low voice when his fingers dug into her skin while his erect member poked her lower torso, her hands slipped down to move the 'hindrance' away.

As though a zap of electricity fluidly surged through Adrian's entire being, jolting his senses when he felt Su Yin's soft hand wrapped around his raging member, a low growl escaped his mouth. She was startled when his hand covered hers into an iron grip, her eyes flew open only to see his face flushed red and covered in sweat, enticing.

"I.. You.."

Stuttering, Su Yin was extremely nervous as the throbbing in her hands was getting rapid and the bulge increasing. She gulped heavily, her doe eyes were misty and wide with a hint of shock.


Tightening his grip, Adrian shushed Su Yin as he appeared dangerous yet attractive. She hissed in response.

For the first time ever, Adrian was compelled to think with his lower half.

Especially now, after feeling Su Yin's touch on his exclusive family jewels that left him wanting for more, Adrian was in discrepancy between his mind and body.

'Fuck it!'

Cursing inwardly, Adrian begun moving back and forth in a practiced rhythm for a while, he slowly picked up pace after capturing Su Yin's lips into a passionate kiss. He continued groaning in pure animalistic pleasure from her hands, against her breathless moans and swollen lips. She was dizzy and her hand sore.

"Uhm.. What.. What's your name?"

The first words that left Su Yin's mouth after their little dirty play was over were nothing ordinary, just like her.

Adrian's mouth twitched uncontrollably listening to her inquiry before he chuckled lightly and hugged her small frame.

"Adrian.. My name is Adrian"

Drawing a deep breath and smelling her fragrant hair, Adrian slowly patted her head as he mumbled.

"Oh! I'm Su Yin, you can call me Yinyin.."

Breaking into a wide grin Su Yin cuddled up to Adrian's chest feeling ecstatic, her face burning hot as she remembered their previous actions. Her voice meek, nothing like her earlier bold self.

"I know.."

He breathed beside her ears, they were small and tinted pink, a small white stud sparkling on her earlobe.

"Uh? How?"

Pulling back from his embrace Su Yin was confused, her straight brows knit together as she queried. Adrian didn't reply, he simply smiled at her while she blinked multiple times appearing dumbstruck.

It was the first time Su Yin was seeing Adrian smile.

"Uh? You can.. You can smile?"

Still a little dazed, Su Yin thought out loud. Adrian's eyes twitched and his smile disappeared.

Following this crazy incident that led to the start of their romantic relationship, Su Yin and Adrian kissed every day, they were addicted to each other's touch and warm, comforting lips that helped them escape this world, in bouts of pleasure. They were just like any other pair of real lovers.

Su Yin even went to the lengths of imposingly moving into Adrian's apartment the very next day. She started living with him with no inhibitions as though it was normal.

According to Su Yin, she was going to spend the entire three months of their dating with Adrian, sticking to him like glue. It was exasperating, still, the man was patient with her and gave into her demands. He was also guilty for using her for his own gains.

Soon days turned to weeks and weeks to months. Adrian's cold heart melted into a mushy marshmallow, gooey and sweet. He was gradually getting used to Su Yin's childish behavior and all of her quirks, also finding it adorable. He was undeniably in love with her out-of-the-world cooking skills as well as her equally tempting and delicious body.

While Adrian was a bit slow, Su Yin was already in love with Adrian for the person he was. She learned a lot from him these few days, he was patient with her and tried to indulge her like a perfect gentleman and doting boyfriend.

They pair would often workout together, eat, sleep, cook and even bathe sometimes.

Adrian benevolently taught Su Yin some nuances in fighting and shooting to perfect her already impressive skills.

After two whole months Su Yin and Adrian's topsy-turvy relationship had come to a very steady and harmonious stage, just like real couples in love.