A Huge Misunderstanding

Letting go the uneasy feeling clutching his heart like a million year old shackle, rusty yet strong, Adrian slipped his hand into Su Yin's small palms. His grip was gentle yet firm, calling forth a strong sense of security that momentarily doused all the negative feelings in the latter's head, she sighed secretly.

'I hope Luke's words doesn't change anything between us..'

'I hope all of this is just a huge misunderstanding..'

The pair thought to themselves while stealing glances at their intertwined hands. A heavy feeling of hopelessness still lingered around them which was invisible to the naked eye.

"This is a toast to your good health, prosperity and neverending happiness.. Happy birthday Adrian"

With a glass of red wine in her fair hand complimenting the ruby softness of her lips, Su Yin proposed a simple toast to Adrian. The latter smiled gazing at her beaming face before gulping his drink. It wasn't his usual bright smile that made her heart skip a beat.

"Yinyin.. Thank you.."

Putting away the empty glass, Adrian inched closer as he pulled Su Yin to his chest and pecked her lips, it was a fleeting kiss. His tone low and husky, his unique masculine scent clouded her senses briefly before she snapped back gazing into his blue eyes and smiled subtly.

The unexpected lukewarm reaction from Su Yin crushed Adrian's already hurting heart into a bloodied mess of frenzied emotions.

In his state of desperation, Adrian had one too many drinks and was slurring his words with great difficulty.

Seeing the man drink like a fish, Su Yin at first stopped Adrian from drinking himself silly, coaxing him in a gentle manner. However, her words fell on deaf ears as he continued to gulp, without a care to the world.

Eventually, Su Yin let Adrian be since it was his birthday and she didn't wish to present herself as a naggy girlfriend.

Also, Su Yin was in a great dilemma herself. Thinking if Adrian was drinking in happiness to celebrate his day of birth or in remembrance of his first love, heartbroken.

Nevertheless, after a lot of coaxing and sweet, flowery words, Su Yin managed to drag the dunken mess, Adrian to the dancefloor in hopes of distracting the man lest he drinks himself to death. She heaved another sigh in her heart. It was harder to keep up the cheery facade than she originally thought.

While the pair were trying to hide their actual, deep felt emotions from each other in order to not spoil the night, Luke was watching a video on his cellphone, all smiles.

The video showed the happenings inside the nightclub. It was focused on the sexy figure of Su Yin grinding against the tipsy looking Adrian while he was seen smiling like a fool.

"This bastard.. Finally, I can attend a formal event dressed as a best man!"

With a contented smile on his face that screamed his jubilation, Luke deleted the video laughing to himself. He was clearly basking in joy because of his dear friend's happiness.

- - -

"Yinyin.. Yinyin, I'm sorry.. Sorry"

"I'm sorry for.. For hiding the.. The truth.."

"I'm.. I'm sorry.. I didn't, I didn't mean to.."

"Please, please.. Yinyin, please don't be mad at me.."

"That idiot.. Moron! Luke.. Don't.."

"Don't listen.. Listen to him.. Don't believe that, that.. Bastard.."

All the way from the full to bursting, lively nightclub to the spacious corridors leading to the presidential suites, Adrian slurred non-stop clinging onto Su Yin's slender arms like a stubborn, tantrum throwing child.

Frowning, Su Yin ignored his nonsensical words that somewhere made sense to her, aggravating her hidden wounds.

Sighing, Su Yin glanced at the black striped key card in her hand that was given by the manager of the hotel, her eyes hiding a multitude of complicated emotions as she gazed alternatively at the key card and the door in front of her with a placard no 1205.

To nobody's knowledge, the key card and the hotel room was all arranged by Luke. It was his surprise to the 'birthday boy', a little gift.

Clenching the card in her hands, Su Yin closed her eyes for a second before freeing them open. She swiped the card without any hesitations and opened the door, helping Adrian inside.

Obediently following Su Yin into the bedroom, Adrian had his blabbering mouth shut for a while. She helped him take off the navy blue jacket sticking to his well built body.

When Su Yin's fingers were close to Adrian's shirt, unbuttoning with practiced actions his low but hoarse voice reached her ears.

"I.. I'm sorry, that idiot's words did hurt you, right?"

It was obvious that Adrian's words - which were more like a statement rather than a question - shocked Su Yin. Her fingers halted, her body went tense within seconds.

Sensing the changes in Su Yin, Adrian grabbed her hand that was frozen near the third button from the top. She raised her head to meet his galvanizing gaze that was drawing her sanity away.

Instinctively, Su Yin pulled her hand back but the man tightened his grip making it impossible for her to retreat.


Holding back the hot tears threatening to fall down like a broken dam, Su Yin hissed in pain. In his inebriated state, Adrian was akin to a wounded tiger in the wild, he squeezed her hand tightly not letting her go.

"Yinyin, I and Zha.."

Before the words that Su Yin dreaded listening could leave Adrian's mouth, she crashed their lips in a desperate attempt to shut him up. Trying to force her moist, warm tongue into his mouth through his even teeth, Su Yin kissed the day lights out of Adrian.

It was a rushed kiss, very demanding, that blanked the man's senses out completely leaving him numb to the core.

In response Adrian loosened the grip on Su Yin's hands, his arm drew her closer to his body and he deepened their abrupt but wild kiss.