Don't You Think It's Weird?

Closing her eyes, Su Yin forced herself to sleep so that she could savor this rare moment of exaltation and spend some more time with Adrian, in the guise of her inebriation.

Within seconds - in the comfort of the man holding her in his arms like she was some precious jewel - Su Yin was soon in a dreamland with a sweet smile on her happily glowing face, sleeping soundly.

However, Su Yin was flooded with the memories of the past as well as the previous night of passion that was spent with Adrian rolling between the sheets, wild and intensely fiery.

Su Yin quivered in her sleep like a child experiencing frightening nightmares of witches and ghosts. Her small forehead layered with beads of perspiration was enough proof that she was scared silly.

The delicate pair of straight brows were knit together, Su Yin's petal like pink lips that were tinted red due to bite marks trembled as she was mumbled unintelligibly.

'Zhang Lili.. Zhang Lili..'

The one name in a low, husky voice that haunted Su Yin even to this day echoed constantly in her ears, she dreaded this feeling, this name, the pain that it brought to her - It was harrowing.

Spooked, Su Yin's eyes shot open, her breathing erratic and she was short of breath.

As a certain someone's unique scent closed in from behind Su Yin - unconsciously consoling her frantic self with no unnecessary words of comfort.

Su Yin's slender body was engulfed in Adrian's embrace, and his warm hands held her cold ones that were shivering uncontrollably. Her heart jolting against her chest loudly.

"I love you.. Yinyin!"

As soon as Su Yin heard those 'forbidden' words her whole body went stiff and she felt her breathing hitch. Laying motionless in Adrian's arms she was tenser than a bow.

At the same time Adrian snuggled closer, his nose buried at the back Su Yin's fair neck, he pecked softly below her nape before silence once again ensued in the air.

Adrian's slightly husky voice, especially those long awaited words from his mouth, like a fuel ignited the longing in Su Yin's heart while dousing the flames of all the past grievances in her aching heart.

Adrian's confession was ringing nonstop in Su Yin's ears. It was the first time she'd heard him say 'I Love You'. She was happy, her face lit up excitedly as she rejoiced in the unbridled joy that came along with the simple words declaring his love.

But again, apprehension soon shrouded Su Yin's mind, her bright set of black eyes went dim, lifeless.

No matter how much Su Yin denied to acknowledge or turn a blind eye.

This situation.

This conversation which was long due with Adrian was inevitable, and Su Yin knew that.

It was necessary to clear the air, Su Yin could no longer go on avoiding it because of her cowardice.

In her heart Su Yin heaved a sigh before turning around to face the man. His eyes were closed, he looked like he was in a deep sleep. Yet he easily found a cozy spot and buried his face in her neck while pulling her closer to his bare body like a cat drawing warmth.

"Don't you think it's weird?"

Staring blankly at the shining sun above in the sky, Su Yin rasped, her voice a little hoarse from all the screaming from last night's intimate tug-of-war.


Not able to understand, Adrian raised his head from the dip of her neck to listen attentively, his blue eyes gawking at her in anticipation.

Just like Adrian had promised himself and Su Yin that he'd never let her go, this time, his hand wrapped around her waist in a tender grip afraid that she'll slip out of his hold any minute. His paranoid heart beating furiously in his chest, it was nerve-wracking to wait for her next words patiently.

"Every time we spend a night together, one of us is always either dead drunk or knocked out of consciousness.."

With Su Yin's tone that was slightly mocking that made Adrian feel uncomfortable, it was clear as a day that She was poking mullock at him for his previous actions.

Embarrassed Adrian gulped heavily unable to retort, he couldn't deny nor accept her averment with guilt. He still remembered how badly he had drunk himself on their first night together, it was his first birthday with Su Yin for god's sake and he had ruined it completely.

Adrian's face flushed deep red in shame.

Frightened to the bones that Su Yin would push him again or rather kick him out of her life ruthlessly, Adrian's head began to buzz with all sorts of ideas to win her heart.

"I love you, I love you Yinyin.."

Without further ado, Adrian hastily grabbed the opportunity to enter into Su Yin's life again and decided to be honest with his feelings this time. His tongue relentlessly rolled the words he was dying to say to her all this time.


Without a second thought Adrian caught Su Yin's cherry lips, plunging deeper he muttered her name continuously before she could react. Her mind blanked out, she forgot all about reprimanding him and was drowning in an endless sea of pure pleasure.

Under Adrian's forcefull intrusion Su Yin was breathless, but the man didn't her let go. Instead his grip tightened on her waist pulling her closer as though vehement on merging their bodies into one, his kisses brutal.