You Can't Kiss Me

Last night

At around 10, as Liu Chenmin was leaving after a late night meeting with his business partners at a high-class club, his cellphone buzzed. Curious, he cast a lazy glance at the screen and a smile crept up his thin lips, it was perverted.


A timid and bashful female voice entered Liu Chenmin's ears, his face lit up akin to Christmas lights.

"Daddy Liu, I really miss you.. Aren't you going to come see me??"

Laughing lightly, Liu Chenmin then mimicked the girl's way of speaking as he quizzed with his brows raised.

"Little Xiu, you miss your daddy Liu?"

Nodding, the girl who appeared to be just 16-17 years old had an eager expression on her face. Her small face flushed red.

"Uh-huh.. I really, really miss you and want to see you.. Daddy Liu, won't you come see me?"

Another sharp voice interjected from the background, it wasn't sweet like the first one but still managed to entice Liu Chenmin.

"Let me talk to Daddy Liu too.."

Smirking, Liu Chenmin raised his brow in interest as he inquired softly.

"Is that little Fei?"

Snatching the cellphone, the blushing Fei squealed excitedly before softening her voice. It was really cute and tempting that Liu Chenmin throat immediately went parched.

"Ah~ Yes, it's me.. Daddy Liu, you remember me?"

Clearing his throat in an awkward manner, Liu Chenmin replied, his eyes shone with delight reminiscing little Fei's pretty face.

"Yes, I do.. You're the most beautiful girl"

With a happy grin plastered across her face, Little Fei chimed eagerly.

"Then, aren't you going to come and see me?"

Chuckling, Liu Chenmin nodded his head before ending the call.

"I will, wait for me.."

The secret that Liu Chenmin has been keeping buried in his heart for years now has been exposed to the whole world.

Shamed, embarrassed, Liu Chenmin's reputation was slinged with mud in public his picture perfect image shredded into smithereens.

It wasn't known to many but only those who are closely associated to the man knew about this secret of Liu Chenmin, after prying deeper into his matters. Still they kept their mouths shut to avoid unnecessary hassles. However, now the times were different.

The skeleton was out of the closet, in front of the whole wide world.

Liu Chenmin was infamous for his reputation as a 'Sugar Daddy' to minor girls that aren't merely his playthings but close kin. He's extremely generous and nicer to those girls under him, so good that he could be mistaken as their real daddy.

Coincidentally Liu Chenmin brought the girls, little Xiu and little Fei to the same hotel where Zhang Lili and Liu Li had schemed against Sera. Thus, the start of his nightmare begun when Lucifer was reported of the matters regarding the perverted man and his delusional daughter.

The guilty bartender was interrogated and killed by Lucifer's men along with the bespectacled short man who mislead Sera.

The reporters sent by Liu Li came knocking onto Liu Chenmin's door and the rest is history.

It's just as they say, 'what goes around, comes around'

All of this was done with just one snap of Lucifer's fingers while he spent a cozy evening with Sera under the stars. Easy peasy.

- - -

Lu Mansion

A flashy sports car was parked in front of the magnificent gates of Lu mansion, Sera and Lucifer were perched inside with an awkward silence between them. The pair were staring into each other's eyes, unblinkingly.

"Lucifer.. Let go of my hand"

Unable to keep her calm under Lucifer's burning gaze, Sera broke the stifling silence while tugging her hand that was held in a death grip. Her voice meek as she cooed softly.

"Say that again?"

Quirking his straight set of brows, Lucifer's gray irises shone threateningly as he enunciated each word for Sera to hear. She gulped audibly, still staring into his eyes.

"I said.. Let go of my hand"

Refusing to admit defeat so easily, Sera stubbornly repeated albeit the slight stuttering tone.

"You dare repeat those words, milady?"

Chuckling darkly, Lucifer closed the distance between them, a devilish grin graced his thin lips intimidating Sera.

"Alright! I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I said I don't love you.. I really didn't mean to hurt you, it was unintentional.."

Closing her eyes, Sera's small face turned red as she apologized, blabbering like a fool in a hurried manner.

Fast forward to a few minutes ago

As their car drove towards Lu mansion, Sera propped her head on her hand that was leaning against the window and shot Lucifer a glance. She thought out loud while gazing at the man's perfect side profile.

"I wonder what happened between Adrian and Yinyin.."

Without turning away from the road ahead, Lucifer mildly shook his head as he spoke reassuringly. He chuckled lightly then winked at Sera who had her wide eyes locked on his charming front.

"Don't worry, they're going to get together. After all, they're in love, just like us.."

Dazed by the dreamy smile and playful wink, Sera was at a loss for words. Recomposing herself, she hurriedly grumbled with her head lowered that was heard by the man.

"Uh? Who said that I'm in love with you?"

- - -

Faced with a flustered Sera as she apologized in an aggrieved manner, Lucifer's face softened and an imperceptible smile was seen dancing on his thin lips. His gray eyes still flickering with light.

"It's okay.."

Heaving a sigh internally, Sera felt her chest lighten, she was about to get out of the car when realization dawned on her. The man still had his firm grasp on her slender hand.

"Uh? Won't you let go of my hand now that everything's sorted?"

Leaning forward, Lucifer had a smug smile on his upturned lips that was everything provocative and devious. Sera's heart began racing wildly just looking at his languid stance and wolf like attitude.

"Who said anything about letting you go?"

Several question marks appeared on Sera's small face that was laced with confusion as she stammered weekly.

"Ehhh? Then.. then?"

As the smile on Lucifer's face deepened, he drew closer to Sera's blushing face much to her surprise. His minty breathe fell on her neck, her skin tingled and ears turned red.

"You guess.."

Terror instantly gripped Sera's senses, she vehemently shook her head trying to avoid the man, still stuttering like a broken record. Lucifer's eyes had a mirthful smile that went unnoticed by the frantic Sera.

"No.. No, we're, we're in front of my house.."

Breathing in her feminine scent mingled with the citrusy fruit smell of the body wash and her fear, Lucifer whispered in his low vibrato.


Gulping a mouthful of her spit, Sera mumbled weakly. It was completely in contrast with the stubborn self she was trying to exhibit moments ago.

"So.. So, we can't.."

Feigning an innocent expression on his striking face, Lucifer inquired with an amused smile in his glistening gray eyes.

"We can't? What?"

Shaking her head to get Lucifer's alluring image out of her head, Sera started shouting in a bid to maintain her sanity.

"You.. You, stay away, get back from me.."

Laughing in a lighthearted manner as though Sera's words were nothing but a joke to him, Lucifer continued to close in.

"You can't kiss me.. mmmm..."

With her eyes wide open, Sera forbid the man in a slightly stern tone but was interrupted by his forceful intrusion. Her lips were ruthlessly kissed and chomped on, her tongue was played with vigour while his grip on her hands didn't loosen one bit. She slowly closed her eyes immersed in his maneuvering albeit abrupt.

After what seemed like eternity, Lucifer leaned back from Sera leaving her breathless, her lips were swollen and bitten harshly while her eyes were teary. She had a cute pout appearing cute like a little kitten.


Glancing at Sera who was glowering at him, Lucifer licked his lips provocatively while remarking. She harrumphed loudly and exited the car, she kicked the car door while cursing the man inside.

"Ugh!! Hateful.."

Smiling, Lucifer drove away leaving Sera red faced in anger and embarrassment.