Take Him Down To The Depths Of Hell

A cold gleam loomed Lucifer's gray eyes. It was frightening to see how his entire demeanor changed in the blink of an eye. His expression icy cold.


Even Emile, who was sitting at the other side of the world, could feel the coldness emanating from Lucifer. He shuddered visibly before parting his lips to speak without stuttering.

"There's an auction nearby B City.."

Emile was having an internal conflict as he tried to explain himself to Lucifer, he sighed inwardly and carefully chose his words.

Sensing the silence from Lucifer's side as the latter listened attentively, Emile braced himself and expounded a little confidently, without any fears.

"It's an underground auction and a very priceless possession of ROSE is going to be auctioned there.. If you're right about this ROSE.."

"Then ROSE might attend the auction or at least try to procure his possession.."

After listening to Emile, Lucifer had a clear idea of the whole situation, his eyes darkened. After a while his low tone resounded as he interjected the farmer's words.

"Hmm.. I understand, mail me the details. I'll look into it myself"

Feeling an intense pressure building on his shoulders, Emile blurted out his assent without thinking. Although he was already going to mail all the details to Lucifer, he felt that it was oddly uncomfortable to face this 'close friend' of his fiance.


With a playful smile completely different from his previous oppressive aura, Lucifer cracked a joke to alleviate the heavy atmosphere and ease Emile's emotions.

"What about your wedding? I hope it doesn't get delayed because of the collaboration, eh?"

"Uh? Yeah, I hope so.."

Stupefied, Emile was at a loss for a moment before grasping the meaning of Lucifer's words. He simply muttered a reply while nodding his head.

Only one thing was ringing in Emile's head as he laughed awkwardly.

This man was dangerous.

After hanging up, the originally smiling face of Lucifer was shrouded with an almost unreadable emotion. His slender fingers clenched the pen in his hands breaking it into two pieces. He clenched his jaw, gritting his words full of hatred through his teeth.

"If this ROSE is really related to Mia's death, then.. I swear, I'll take him down to the depths of hell.."

- - -

Lu mansion

Humming a rather cheery song, Sera was busy packing her bags to leave for the neighboring city in the evening. She had a tender glow on her face that resembled a million freshly bloomed roses.

"Sera, my precious? What are you doing, dear?"

Sera's mother, Lu Shanshan, entered the bedroom after finding out from Aunt Zhou that her daughter's back home. She cast a suspicious look at the clothes and bags on the bed.

"Mom? I'm packing.. Didn't I tell you about the trip with my university friends?"

Startled by the sudden intrusion, Sera turned around wide her eyes bulged out and hands on her chest. She then returned back to pick her outfits and fold them nearly.

"Oh! Right, your dad was worried about you.. You didn't come home last night, even Su Yin's phone was unreachable.."

Nodding her head, Lu Shanshan tried to recall, alas, she couldn't remember anything related to the trip. She shook those thoughts away and probed a little carefully.

"Mom!! I told you that we were going to spend the night together.. You didn't have to call Yinyin.."

Shocked, Sera sat on her bed looking a little disappointed. Her face was mildly glum.

"Yes mom.. Sera is a grown up now and she's always been hopping around with Yinyin and her other friends, so you don't have to get unnecessarily worried about her safety.."

With a hint of smile in his dark eyes, Lu Jinan entered with a languid stance with his hands stuffed into the pockets of his blue suit jacket. Sera's eyes lit up at his words, she smiled subtly at his easygoing front and expressed her gratitude.

"Thanks brother.."

With a warm smile on her face, Lu Shanshan turned to glance at her son who was rubbing Sera's head affectionately, while she hugged his waist.

"Jinan, when did you come back?"

Stepping away, Lu Jinan replied in a gentle manner.

"Just now, I don't have anything to do tonight.."

Seeing that her son was rarely free and tonight was one such occasion, Lu Shanshan was in a good mood. She hastily instructed before hurrying out to prepare dinner.

"That's good, wash up quickly and come down for dinner.."

Nodding his head like a good boy, Lu Jinan chuckled lightly and expressed his assent.


Staring at her mother's disappearing back, Sera blew a long sigh and glared at her brother, Lu Jinan with grateful eyes.

"Brother! Thank you for saving me earlier.. Mom was really worrying too much about me"

Setting beside Sera, Lu Jinan had a faint smile on his lips. His tone gentle, like the concerned brother that he was.

"It's okay.. But you ought to be careful and not let our parents worry about you, understand?"

Blushing, Sera had a feeble smile on her face as she nodded her head like a naughty little child. It amused Lu Jinan.

"Uh-huh.. I do"

Laughing, Lu Jinan reached out to pat Sera's head gently.

"Good girl!"