Excuses.. Excuses..

Outside an old looking wooden door with not-so-exquisite carvings that was locked from inside, an anxious figure was seen pacing back and forth while occasionally stealing glances through the glass windows. The curtains were drawn hence there was no way to see the view inside, it was vexing.

Just as the figure was about to give in to his urges and raised his hand to knock on the door, a feathery smooth voice resounded. It was, however, laced with suspicion.

"What are you doing, brother?"

Scared, the man almost jumped out of his skin, his heart pounding violently against his chest while beads of cold sweat could be see trickling down his temples.

With his heart trembling in fright, the pale faced Xav slowly turned around only to find Maya glaring at him, with her hands on her waist. Her chocolate brown eyes were gleaming as she quirked her elegant brows with a ghostly smile on her face. She was dressed in a pair of sports wear in trendy neons perfectly complementing her slightly tanned skin.

"Oi! Pink panther.. You scared me!"

Seeing that it was only his sister, Xav heaved a sigh in relief.

"Really now? Just what are you doing here?"

Taking slow, leisurely strides towards Xav who had an almost guilty bearing, Maya tilted her head to the side investigatively. Her tone borderline stern.

"Nothing.. Nothing at all. I'm just looking around, yeah, looking around.."

Feeling intimidated by Maya's hawk like gaze that could easily see through him, Xav gulped a mouthful of his spit before shaking his head. He then nodded his head like a lunatic. His actions were enough to proliferate her scepticism regarding his appearance in the hallway, that too early in the morning.

"You think I'm stupid Xav?"

Given Maya's wild and violent exploits that were well known to Xav since she was his own biological sister, the man snapped trying to cover up. His eyes averted to his side, not daring to look into her sparkling pair of browns.

"Oh c'mon Maya!! You sound like a freaking mother nagging her child.."

Scoffing, Maya retorted in an accusing manner. It was enough to make him realize his wrongs.

"And you look like a freaking thief trying to break into a house!!"

Dropping his hands to his sides and clenching them into fists, Xav confessed albeit a little clumsily. He looked like a wronged child trying to please his parents for his favorite candy.

"I'm sorry.. I just wanted to see if Sera needed anything"

A breezy voice filled with life and zeal interrupted the brother-sister duo's conversation. They turned their heads to the side, there stood a gorgeously smiling Sera donning a sports wear in the color combination of black and white, her skin was glowing with few droplets of dewy sweat trickling down her neck and sides of the face. Her waist length hair were tied up neatly.

"Hey guys! Good morning.."

Scratching his neck, Xav was caught off guard by Sera's sudden appearance. His smile was a bit forced as he quizzed softly.

"Mor.. Morning, where are you coming from?"

Wiping her face with a small towel, Sera took a few sips from her water bottle and passed it to Maya who mimicked her actions. She glanced at the brother-sister duo as she spoke, her voice sugary sweet.

"We went jogging.. It's a nice place, right Maya?"

Without any change in her expressions, Maya curtly replied to Sera's question. She shot an impassive glance at Xav who had his mouth hanging open. He felt betrayed and she could tell it clearly.


Almost on the verge of tearing up, Xav asked with an incredulous expression on his fairly handsome face. Her eyes darting from Sera to Maya, evidently hurt. It was funny.

"You guys went jogging..? Without me?"

Chuckling awkwardly, Sera turned to open the door to her bedroom and slipped inside. All this just to escape from this unexpected situation. Within seconds the door was shut with a soft slamming sound.

"Heh.. Anyway, I'll see you at breakfast"

Glaring at the closed door in front of him, Xav closed his eyes and turned to his dear sister. She was still standing there, her gaze fixed on him was as though telling him that he was a fool. A dumb ass!

Swallowing the humiliation that he was feeling, Xav had a painful expression that could evoke anyone's sympathy but not Maya. She was completely nonchalant as she turned around to walk away.

"How could you.."

As Xav was about to chase after Maya, her blunt words resounded. Her tone casual with no hints of pity. It sounded like she was mocking her brother, which wasn't untrue.

"Chill.. You were sleeping like a pig!"

Streaks of crimson tinted Xav's ears a bright red, his voice soft, almost a whisper.

"That.. That's because I was tired after driving"

Maya's lips curled into an impertinent smile when she heard Xav. Her keen hearing ability never disappointed her, she clicked her tongue and shook her head while she ambled forward. Without a care for the world.

"Tch! Excuses..Excuses.."

Extremely crossed by Maya's behavior and rude words, that somehow seemed to reflect the reality, Xav shouted in a loud voice. Calling out her name as he chased after the unfeeling woman.

"Hey! Wait.. Wait, Maya!"

- - -

The mirror across reflected a striking figure attired in an enchanting black suit that added a mysterious element to the originally mystical personality of the man wearing it. It was paired with a pristine white shirt, the cufflinks were subtle black gems and the delicately crafted buttons had the same gleam as that of a rare onyx. The shiny black shoes were an artwork, they were handmade Italian shoes, the best of the best. The slightly unruly, grown jet black hair were styled to perfection, a couple of strands falling down the clean forehead with no signs of aging. The poreless skin was smoother than any freshly peeled egg. Enviable in every sense.

It was amazing how a man could look so refined, beautiful and regal, all at once.

The two sparkling gray orbs were flickering with light, one could easily get drowned in them.

After adding some finishing touches to his entire look, Lucifer glanced at Adrian who had his blue eyes transfixed on him, it was stifling to be stared by another man. That too his own brother.

"Ad! Why you.."

Turning to face the man with a lovestruck expression on his face, Lucifer started however he was interrupted by Adrian's gasp.


With a questioning look on his slightly dumbfounded face, Adrian stared wordlessly. As though he was expecting something to be said.

"Oh! So you were daydreaming? I thought.."

Realization dawned on Lucifer, his lips curled into a faint smile that only enhanced his charm. He shook his head almost abhorring his own strange thoughts. What was he thinking dammit?

Then again, the deep emotions swirling in those pair of beautiful sapphires were so moving.

No wonder Lucifer was scared witless.

"Day.. Daydreaming? Hell, no.."

Attempting to laugh it off, Adrian stammered in disbelief that was written all over his face. Well, it was true that he was thinking about Su Yin.

The utter look of disbelief on Adrian's face made him look pretentious, and comical. Stark contrast to his powerful dressing at the moment, he was donning a blue suit whose color shade was close to a deep black. It could be mistaken that he was matching with Lucifer. Although, his style of clothing was more on the casual side.

"Yeah right! C'mon let's get out.."

With a 'Been There, Done That' expression on his face, Lucifer sneered. He shot a disapproving glance at Adrian and walked out.

Confounded, Adrian shook his head and headed out, following the devil.