Why Aren't You Bidding?

The second item up for auction was a pair of gold earrings encrusted with many semi-precious jewels. It was won for a whopping $9.5 million. Another item was a glossy black and silver gun, it looked antique yet in a great shape. It reached the bid of nearly $7 million. Just like that a few items were auctioned off pretty well, and the bids were all record breaking.

One could see that the auction was a huge hit this time around. Money was being thrown recklessly by the rich to acquire the rarest of the rare and priced items up for the auction. It was crazy.

After some cheering, the young auctioneer smiled in delight.

"Woah..! It looks like the auction this time is getting more fired up than the last one. Next up, let's have our fifth, and the most intriguing item of the day! I hope this will be the biggest hit of tonight's auction..!"

Under a blue spotlight, an exquisitely hand crafted miniature painting easel along with a canvas in gold was presented on the stage. The canvas had jewels embedded on its edges and the middle part had the legendary signature of ROSE. A red rose encrusted with rubies and emeralds in the tiniest form, like sprinkled stardust that's undergone a transformation to become a pretty rainbow. The whole structure wasn't gaudy or too shiny. It was easy on the eye, and looked very fascinating.

As though, straight out of a fairytale. One could even envision the fairies painting on the golden canvas. It was mesmerizing.

Sera was shocked because she had never seen such a thing as this before!

"That's.. That's so.."

Covering her mouth with her palms, Sera gasped. Her clear eyes that were widened reflected the golden marvel before her, it was enthralling. Her surprised face was dangerously attractive, it could take down cities and countries.

"Beautiful? Isn't it?"

Turning to his side, Xav had a gentle smile on his face as he finished Sera's sentence. His heart thumping against his chest. It was loud and clear, his face was glowing, overflowing with tender emotions that were unsaid.

"I find it so similar to the paintbrush you gave me.."

As though hit by lightning, Sera abruptly turned to Maya as she said in a low voice. The latter glanced at her brother who shook his head and laughed awkwardly, shrugging.

The miniature painting easel and canvas was a collectors item, a showpiece. It was a very valuable collector's item. A collector would definitely buy it at a whopping price of $10 million.

"Boss.. This.."

On the balcony, Adrian's blue eyes went wide as he recognized this item that Lucifer was after. This was ROSE's.

"That's the item.."

Tapping his finger on his knee that was folded, Lucifer nodded his head once as his voice reached Adrian.

"Hmm.. I'll keep an eye on them.."

The auctioneer finished the introduction, announcing the starting bid at $7 million as well. Adrian and his men were watching everyone who placed their bids carefully.

"$7.7 million..", a strong male voice was heard. It was a man in a white suit on the 7th table, very eye-catching.

"$7.7 million! Anyone offering higher than this?", the auctioneer smiled staring at the crowd.

"$8 million!"

It was a female voice this time.

Adrian looked over at the source of the voice, Lucifer too sharply gazed at the crowd and saw that it was a young woman in a black long dress on the 4th table. Long black hair covered half of her face, her tone echoed sharply.

In the crowd, the woman furtively glanced at Xav, who simply nodded his head in response.

Sitting on the same table, Maya noticed this tiny gesture of her brother and narrowed her chocolate brown eyes. Her inquisitive gaze almost cornered the man who was sweating profusely. He instantly averted his gaze back to the stage.

Dubious, it was definitely dubious.

"$8.1 million!"

There was a short silence afterward as someone else then yelled, it was the middle-aged man sitting with the woman who won the 'mother of pearl' necklace.

The couple were sitting on the 5th table, Sera and gang were just behind them. Xav furrowed his brows.

"$9.5 million!"

It was the woman in black from the 4th table, she sounded determined.

The devil's gaze turned sharp as he glanced over at each and every corner from where the voices placing the bids came from. His gray eyes swirling with a myriad of emotions. Unreadable. Impenetrable.

It was a chaotic moment, everyone who knew the damned artist were all fans of his work, die hard one's at that. So, it wasn't something new to see such enthusiasm.

"$9.6 million!"

The man in white suit who placed the earlier bid before continued. This time louder.

"$10 million!"

The woman in black seemed desperately determined as she gunned her bids aggressively.

Adrian had his stomach in knots as he stared at Lucifer who was intently looking down at the chaos, the voices ringing in his ears.

The middle-aged man on the 5th table just now offered $10.2 million after the woman in black placed a bid of $10 million. The man in white then offered $10.5 million and the whole venue went silent.

It was a war between these three bidders, it was suspicious. Lucifer silently watched the entire thing unfolding in front of his eyes.

"$10.5 million! Great! This gentleman over here has placed a bid of $10.5 million. Is there anyone with a higher price? $10.5 million, once!"

"$10.5 million, twice!"

"$10.5 million"

"$12 million"

As the auctioneer was about to slam his hammer, another offer was made.

Both, Lucifer and Adrian both noticed the bidder who had not made any offer just now. It was the middle-aged man on the 5th table. Something flashed past Lucifer's gray orbs that had frighteningly turned dark, darker than obsidian.

"My God! It's getting intense.."

Excited, Sera almost squealed out loud, earning a glare and few laughs from her companions.

"Sera? Why aren't you bidding? Don't you want this at your gallery?"

Raising her brow, Maya asked in a concerned manner. Xav shot a glance at her, it was intimidating. Yet she still remained nonchalant, ignoring her brother.

"Ah! I'd love to, but.."

Smiling, Sera's eyes turned dim as she struggled to speak. It was difficult for her since her family was so dead against her idea of connecting with ROSE. Miserable!

All of a sudden, Sera felt miserable.

"It's okay.. Don't push yourself!"

Grasping Sera's hand into her own, Maya squeezed it lightly as she smiled at her, it was a sweet gesture. It reached Sera's heart, warming it.