They're A Suspicious Lot


Pushing the door open, Sera was utterly flummoxed to find the space unoccupied.

It was empty.

The faint sound of rustling of the wind, cats meowing and cars honking could be heard on the balcony.

It was weird.

Weird, that Sera felt relieved listening to these random noises.

A consuming feeling of deep relief washed over Sera, she felt respite from the invisible hand that was stifling her insides moments ago.

"Maybe I was just overthinking.. I should go find Maya and Xav!"

Shrugging the thoughts that were soundlessly screaming inside her head, Sera turned around and disappeared in the dark.

When Sera arrived, Maya and Xav were hugging each other with blissfull smiles on their faces. Her eyes turned misty, she was reminded of her brother, Lu Jinan and her lips stretched into a small smile as she thought of their sweet time together. She missed Lu Jinan. Her brother really was the best.


From the corner of his eyes Xav caught Sera staring at them, he didn't think twice before calling out to her. She looked up at his face before ambling forward towards the duo.

"Looks like you guys made up.."

Nodding her head, Sera started with a satisfied expression. She liked these pair of quirky siblings when they're smiling like fools. They were her only true friends at A Country.

"Uh-huh.. Come here!"

Confirming, Maya pulled Sera into a group hug, interjecting the latter's words.


Yelping, Sera was engulfed in Maya and Xav's arms. She smiled subtly and rested her head against his chest.

"Ah! I love you both.."

Glaring down at the two lovely beauties snuggling close to him, a smug Xav had a stars twinkling in his eyes hazel eyes as he laughed.


Nudging Xav with her knuckles, Maya whispered irritably.


Raising his brow, Xav whispered back, so that only Maya could hear him.

"I love you guys too.."

Before Maya could tell her brother off, Sera's muffled voice resounded.

Xav and Maya's expressions changed, they couldn't help but grin in delectation as myriad of happy emotions surged through them.

"Okay, okay.. I have a surprise for you.. Let's get out of here first!"

Patting their backs, Xav pulled away as he sounded really pleased with himself. His eyes lit up with excitement. Sera and Maya exchanged glances before smiling, the way Xav was acting so mysteriously they were sure that it's a great surprise. Smiling, they followed after Xav.

- - -

A quick flashback.

Just as Sera heard Lucifer's heart-tickling and panty-dropping voice tinged with an ice cold tenor that she was unfamiliar with, Adrian emerged with a rigid face.

The devil brothers wordlessly communicated via their expressive pair of eyes.

And Lucifer with a single nod of his head exited the balcony through the other door. Without any delays Adrian briskly followed after the man.

In the limousine.

Peering out of the windows, staring at the dimly lit streetlights and starless night sky Lucifer's heart quivered uncomfortably. Averting his gaze, the wondrous steely gray orbs landed on Adrian.

"What's the report?"

After what seemed like a century but was in reality just a couple of quite minutes, Lucifer's heavy voice thickly laden with unknown emotions reverberated inside the car.

Straightening up, Adrian was on ultra alert mode as he reported with a solemn voice.

"As per our investigation.. Firstly, the mysterious ROSE didn't attend the auction tonight.."

A self-mocking smile crept up Lucifer's seductive lips, his face had no major changes as though the results were expected. Still, Adrian continued his report, there was no change in his tone, his face emotionless.

"The woman on table 4 bidding for the miniature easel, her name is Lisa Wu. She's a professional hired bidder.. We have no other clue cause she didn't recieve the easel and left empty handed.."

At this strange piece of information, Lucifer's brows shot up evidently in interest. His abrupt thirst to find out more amplified greatly.

Studying his boss's expression that was unreadable like a blank sheet of paper, Adrian didn't dare dawdle.

"The man in white at table 7, he's a very famous collector. So, we didn't find much on him.."

"However, the middle-aged couple at table 5.. They are a suspicious lot because they're frequently seen at Yang Deming's parties.."

At the mention of his arch nemesis, Lucifer's gray eyes darkened as a flicker of light burned incessantly like the fire in him for vengeance.

For blood, blood of his own kin.

His so-called biological father.

Yang Deming's blood.

"Hmm.. Find out more about their visit to X City"

Snapping out, Lucifer's cold instruction left his slightly pale lips. He was exhausted, mentally and physically, he needed a boost of energy.

As Lucifer thought that it was the end of Adrian's findings, the latter cleared his throat and his voice was heard, once again. His blue eyes fixed on his inexpressive front.

"One more thing.."

Returning Adrian's glance, Lucifer gave a nod indicating him to continue.

"Boss, our men backstage were able to find a clue.."

A faint ripple of emotion was seen in Lucifer's austere looking face, just for a second before he returned to himself. Seeing that Adrian continued to expound.

"While moving the easel.. Bao Zi saw something written in English at the back and clicked it's pictures.. Here"

Taking out his mobile phone, Adrian passed it to Lucifer who accepted it, in no time his brows furrowed as he stared at the mobile screen.
