To Live, To Love..


The intense gaze directed at Sera was hair-raising, she felt her heart thump against her chest staring at the cold face of the man. She didn't dare avert her eyes, nor she had the courage to look into those gray orbs that were frostier than any glaciers in the world. His stretched out hand intended to stop her advances was a harsh blow on her fragile emotions.

Faced with such coldness from the only love of her life, that too for the first time ever, Sera had no idea what to do, how to react, what to say. She couldn't even let out a breathe in fear, the air around them was so stifling that, she felt as though she'd die.

For Lucifer, who was glaring down at the little face in front of him. He could see the fear in her eyes, like a naive deer caught in between headlights. Still, his expression didn't change, instead his expression hardened. His hands on the sides were clenched tightly, his non-existent, neatly trimmed nails digging the palm of his flesh painfully, yet he felt no pain.

After a full five minutes of dead silence that seemed like an eternity, Lucifer abruptly caught Sera's slender wrist and dragged her way from the hustle bustle. She didn't flinch, nor avoided his touch as she stared at his rigid back as cold as a block of ice.

Wordlessly, like a lifeless puppet controlled by it's master, Sera let Lucifer take her away as she followed after him with faltering steps. Her heart lurching in her chest, uncomfortably.

In her disoriented state, Sera couldn't even make a noise of protest, her senses were totally blanked out. Lowering her head she saw the vice like grip on her wrist that was turning a fade red, her voice didn't come out in horror that she didn't feel the pain, never once.

They were both now standing at the end of a tunnel, under the pitch black, starless night sky, maintaining their silence throughout.

Sera was no longer scared of Lucifer, who was standing couple of steps away like a statue of stone. Nevertheless, her heart was hurting, the pain so excruciating that she couldn't tear her eyes off Lucifer's face, that was icy cold.

All of a sudden Sera was reminded of the incident on the racetrack earlier, her beautiful pair of big eyes transfixed on Lucifer's unfeeling front, suddenly went wider.

As the shock of Lucifer's sudden appearance was finally absorbed by Sera, her brain eventually realized the most substantial part of their encounter today.

This.. Lucifer? He.. He was the person inside the Ferrari?!

Those men.. They wanted to kill.. Kill Lucifer??!

Lucifer! He, he was saved by me?!

I.. I saved Lucifer?!

A lone tear fell from Sera's left eye.

Slowly, slowly gliding down Sera's pale cheeks, the salty tear droplet dripped down her perfect jawline and disappeared. Oddly, even such a heartbreaking sight was pleasing to see, thanks to her unrivaled aesthetics.

Standing motionless under the starless night sky, Sera had no idea if she was happy or sad!

Nor she had any idea, if the tears that were rimmed in her eyes were of extreme jubilation or utter despair!

The desolate looking frail woman knew nothing.

But one thing was sure, Sera's heart was bleeding. It was bleeding profusely, a mind-numbing pain erupted in her chest as she thought of the dreadful.

The possibility of the sniper shooting the tires of Lucifer's Ferrari..

The insanely speeding Ferrari's tires would have burst, the car would have crashed or even flipped over, rolling multiple times before blasting into smithereens, and the man inside..


Inside, he.. He would've been injured really bad.


There would've been blood everywhere, on the racetrack, on the ground, the car, the seats.. Everywhere

There would've been lots of blood loss, his body, his face, his arms and legs, he'd have been awfully hurt and I.. I wouldn't have had the chance to see him, meet him, hug him, kiss him, touch him and spend my life with him.


This man, Lucifer!

I, Seraphina Lu wants to spend my entire life with this man called Lucifer.

In his arms, securely, every day I want to be engulfed by his intoxicating scent, his comforting warmth and his endless love.

For eternity and beyond!

As Sera's train of thoughts was speeding akin to a bullet train, her face had turned into a huge mess, and she'd cried buckets already, albeit silently. Her eyes red, her lips quivering soundlessly as she fought the urge to sob like a baby in front of Lucifer. Her face that was pale moments ago due to shock, was now a flushed crimson. She didn't even realize when her shoulders were held tightly by the man's freezing hands, trying to stop them from shaking.

On the flipside, Lucifer who was posing a stony expression frowned upon seeing a tear falling down Sera's left eye. His heart clenched, his fingers trembled as though wanting to wipe the existence of that precious droplet, before she could shed a few more. Still, he didn't move, rather his feet were frozen and his limbs turned to stone.

Peering at the petite figure, Lucifer was angry, he was furious and raging mad as he silently recalled how Sera had risked her life moments ago, to save him.

He was petrified, an unfamiliar feeling of intense fear surged through him and spreading to each and every corner of his consciousness. His body and mind, both were out of his control, acting on their own. He couldn't help but feel enraged.


Yes, the man was seeing red like a mad bull in blind rage.

But he wasn't mad at Sera for her recklessness.. rather he was mad at himself!

The man was mad at Lucifer!

He was mad at himself!

Mad, that he couldn't take care of himself. Mad, that he couldn't protect himself and mad, that Sera had to step in by risking her own life!

Mad, that he was just a mere human.. Helpless and Oblivious!

Mad, that he wasn't God!

That he was no good, not powerful enough to take down the people who are after him and his loved ones.

He was mad because his enemies were still lurking behind him, in the shadows and he couldn't weed them out like dry grass!

So mad, that the almighty devil.. The king of underworld was feeling powerless!

It was no secret that Lucifer low-key hated his life, he disliked leaving like this, fighting, killing, and shedding blood just for survival, yet he had no other choice. It was his responsibility, and he'd do everything to fulfill it, to protect his people, his loved ones.

Enraged, Angry, Furious, Raging Mad, Infuriated, Irated!

All these words were too few to describe Lucifer's plight, at the moment. Protruding veins could be seen on his arms and hands, it was taking all of his self-control to stop himself from losing it.

When Sera was on the verge of breaking down, all those raging emotions came crashing down, Lucifer's body reacted on it's own and the man found himself holding her quaking shoulders, forgetting all about his anguish.

Somewhere, deep inside, Lucifer was scared that he'd hurt her by saying something hurtful, or he'd fly off the handle like a madman.

Hence, Lucifer didn't embrace Sera when she started crying but only held her closer. It was strange how the powerful him was now behaving like a scaredy cat, unconsciously.

All for this tiny woman whose wormed her way into his unbeatable heart, giving it the perfect rhythm and life to beat. To live, to love.