A ROSE fanatic

Tight-lipped, Xia Ruo Lan dragged Sera all the way to the third floor. She didn't breathe a word the entire time, and had a mysterious smile plastered across her pink lips.

Soon, they reached the painting section of the gallery where the pristine white walls were adorned with artworks of famous artists.

All along, Sera was puzzled by Xia Ruo Lan's silence as she wordlessly followed after her.

Smiling sheepishly at the confounded Sera of expression, Xia Ruo Lan turned to pull the red curtain covering the wall across them.

In one swift motion, the red silk curtain dropped onto the floor revealing an antique looking large frame, in a dull gold color.

In a blink of an eye, the extremely confused expression on Sera's face was replaced by a bemused one. She stared at the painting with goggle-eyes, her mouth hung open in awe.

After a lot of difficulty, Sera finally gasped out loud. Her raspy voice didn't fail to contain the surprise and disbelief that she was feeling at the moment.


The painting hanging on the white wall was none other than ROSE's critically acclaimed artwork that had once won a national award.

The background was a distant field of yellow rapeseed with blue skies and fluffy clouds. A beautiful, slender but voluptuous beauty in a contrasting plain white sundress was lounging on a hammock tied to two large shady trees, her face covered with a large straw hat while long dark tresses hung loosely on the sides resembling a glistening river of ebony.

It was a very feminine, attractive and eye-catching painting. Also, one of the most sought after masterpiece's of ROSE, that reflected a completely different side of the artist.

Xia Ruo Lan's punctilious gaze regarded Sera who had a look of bewilderment plastered across her face. She was feeling quite embarrassed as she expounded hesitantly staring at the dumbstruck girl in front of her.

"It's a gift.. Actually, I heard that you're a ROSE fanatic, and I bought this a long time ago.."

The ecstatic Sera almost pounced on Xia Ruo Lan. She clung onto the latter with all her might, intervening her short speech with her own words of immense gratitude.

"Aww thank you.. I'm really touched!"

Overcome with a feeling of relief, Xia Ruo Lan was happy that her gift was liked by Sera. Her lips stretched into a small smile as she patted the petite koala clinging to her.

Slowly, the smile faded as Xia Ruo Lan's heart clenched tightly.

Somewhere, deep down Xia Ruo Lan felt a dull ache in her heart as hot tears formed in her foxy black eyes.

Once done with their meeting, Wang Fang left early while Sera invited Xia Ruo Lan to have lunch with her, and they chit chatted quite a bit. The atmosphere was refreshing as the pair of friends relaxed under the sun, all smiles.

The preparations for the launch were all done, the opening of the art gallery was sure to be a success and the afterparty was also planned carefully taking all considerations.

All in all, everything was planned quite meticulously. Every detail was carried out with utmost and under assiduous care.

Sadly, Xia Ruo Lan had to rush out due to an emergency situation that had cropped up at her office. She briefly apologized to Sera before leaving her alone.

The newly appointed employees of the gallery were supposed to start their duties a day before the launch.

*ring* *ring*

While Sera studied the painting with a starry-eyed expression, she was snapped her back to reality when her mobile started ringing. It was loud.

Frowning, the irritated Sera walked to the small table on the side where her phone was kept. She glanced at the caller id and her frown turned to a wide smile. It was Lucifer calling.


"Love, what are you doing?"

"I'm still at the gallery.. My meeting with Xia Ruo Lan was great, we also had lunch together. However, she had something going on, so she left early. What about you? Did you eat?"

"Not yet.. I have another meeting in five.."

"Oh no Lucifer, not again.. I've told you this before, do not skip your meals!!"

"Yup! I'm sorry, really.. I'll eat something quickly, like a sandwich or something, maybe.."

"You better not be bluffing.. I want you to send me a picture.."

"Roger that! Love, listen.. I have something important to say.."

"Oh! Okay, I'm listening.."

"Love.. Sera, I wanted to do something for you, for your gallery actually. And so, I have decided to present you those paintings at my parent's house.. They are basically rotting away, I know and I believe that you'd treasure them"

"What??! But Lucifer.."

"No buts! Look, I want you to succeed, I really, really do! In fact, I want you to have everything in this world that you really want to have.. Whether it's in my abilities or not! I'll give you everything.. Everything! And while I have something that you really want to have, this time.. Then I'll obviously give it to you, without any qualms!"

"I have no words.."

"Silly! I know you'd like it.. This is my gift to you! I have already sent movers, they'll be reaching White Meadows in another thirty minutes.."

"Thank you.. I really mean it Lucifer"

"I love you too.."

After hanging up, Sera was in a daze as a tender smile crept up her crimson lips. Her black gemstone like eyes, they were glistening with sparkles in a starry night sky.