Defeated And Powerless

Glued onto the same spot, Sera had no consciousness of her surroundings, not even a bit. Her vision gradually blurred the sight of the painting in front of her.

The beautiful face was getting distant.

Still, a few images flashed past Sera's hazy eyes.

They lapsed with the images of Sera's past and present, creating a vicious circle of hypnotical spirals.

Sera's head was dizzy. An oddly throbbing pain enveloped her head, it was forcing her eyes to squeeze shut. Her eyelids getting heavier with each ragged breath she took.

And, finally Sera's eyes lost sight. The light in her eyes blurred into nothingness. Her surroundings turned pitch black, and her body lighter than feathers.

Sera fainted.

*thud* *crash*

The thick glass frame in Sera's hands fell as her body landed on the cold ground, a soft thudding sound followed by a loud crash reverberated in the thick silence.

The glass frame split into two large chunks, thankfully it didn't crumble into a number of small pieces. The painting inside was strangely undamaged and still smiling, as bright as the sun.

Fortunately, there were no major injuries as Sera fell on her side instead of face down. She was also slightly further than the broken painting. The minute remains of the glass tore through the skin of her palms and hand, resulting in her injuries. They were nothing but light scratches.

The fair flesh of Sera's hands, in contrast with the bright red blood oozing through the tears of her skin was a painful sight. It evoked pity.

On the other hand, the initially jovial mood of Ethan Lee was busted like a soap bubble.

The man was disappointed to find that Xia Ruo Lan was nowhere inside the gallery. Even Sera was missing. The silence was deafening to his ears.

In pique, Ethan ended up calling Xia Ruo Lan's assistant, Wang Fang who respectfully informed him that the meeting was already finished. And her boss had returned back to her office.

With a sulky face, the grown man dragged his feet as though they were bound by thousand tonnes heavy, iron shackles and proceeded to look for Sera.

To his surprise, a rather unpleasant one that too, Ethan couldn't find Sera. He searched every high and low. His fingers danced on his keypad screen as he dialed Sera's number.

Even after a few minutes, an anxious Ethan Lee was relentlessly calling Sera's phone after searching through each and every corner of the gallery. To his dismay, it was unreachable. Her car was still parked in the driveway.

The tense expression plastered across Ethan's face intensified with each passing second. He was beyond worried for Sera's safety.

The nervous man was shaking in his shoes awashed with a sea of disquieting.

Catching his breath, Ethan dashed towards the only room which he hadn't searched for - the storage room.

As soon as his feet touched the ground of the dimly lit room, Ethan's heart throbbed in his throat, threatening to fall out. His huge eyes bulged out as he cried out in agitation and leapt forward. His face whiter than a sheet, and hands trembling.


Rushing forward, Ethan's knees gave up halfway as he knelt on the ground and swooped Sera into his arms. Her lifeless pallid face was a fresh stab to his heart, it bled silently and his chest tightened in grief.

Eventually, Ethan's eyes were a watery black pools.

A chill ran through his spine as his back shuddered thinking about the unknown, his frightful eyes shaky.

"Sera? Seraa.. Open your eyes, Sera!"

Like a madman Ethan called out to her like crazy. His madly trembling heart was palpitating violently against his chest, like an untamed stallion left in the wilds.

At a loss, Ethan clumsily picked Sera into his arms, in haste. His jelly legs were heavy.

Once up and steady on his two feet, he sighed deeply.

Staring down, Ethan's trembling fingers tenderly grazed Sera's drained face, longingly.

Suddenly, Ethan's tender eyes turned gloomy. His gaze darkened like black clouds on an ominous stormy night.

From the corner of his eyes, Ethan caught sight of a face that he was conversant with, even in his dreams.

He could never forget her.

As though hit with lightning, the pale faced Ethan gasped in utter shock staring at the smiling face with red eyes.


Recomposing himself, Ethan first brought Sera out of the storage space taking each step with great care. He dashed out with no care to the world and straight towards his black Maybach standing in the driveway.

Like a precious treasure, Ethan gently lowered Sera onto the car's passenger seat, his face was laced with worry as he stared at her hand that was bleeding. Reaching out to hold her hand, he pressed a kiss on the back of her hand as tears fell onto her fair but skin.

God knows how scared he was.

Fishing out his phone with his other hand, Ethan immediately called his Assistant Chen.

With a plop, Ethan sat on the cramped space beside Sera's legs on the ground, his hands were on his face as he tiredly rubbed his face. He looked defeated and powerless.

After a beat, Ethan Lee raised his head and dialed a familiar number. Still kneeling. He held his breath waiting for the call to connect. His red eyes were rimmed with tears.

"Hello? Lucifer?"